Wow, what a quack
Wow, what a quack
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He's like a millionaire now, I'm sure he cares about your opinion
Why would he be a millionaire?
Because he runs a cult.
Of course he's a quack. Narcissist who pretends to be enlightened yet cares what people think about his "grounding" camps. Notice how with all of his promos he disables likes and comments.
Sure sounds like an "enlightened" fella.
actually watch his recent videos
he was a bum 80k in debt or some shit then opened up a gym business and went from there
>actually watch his recent videos
no thanks man
alright dude, just don't ask retarded questions
he's wealthier than your entire family so whatever works for him
I'll ask whatever I want faggot, this is america.
>Let the bodies hit the floor
Did he take his class into a church or something?
What's wrong, dude? Did you shell out money on him?
haha dancing and screaming
if I can live in a mansion, have a growing business, and be able to afford my children anything in their dreams at the expense of being called a "quack" by some losers i'll take it 100 times out of 100
life is not a game, if something works for you keep doing it. It's laughable to me how somebody thinks a viable business strategy is "quack" you must legitimately be 16, or live with your parents
Can someone please explain what happened to this guy? Used to watch his vids when I first started lifting and they were pretty good.
dude has gone mental
>money before all else
I'll take that as a yes to the shelling out. Sorry, brah.
This user is right.
And there is absolutely true about training your spiritual side.
And something very real about brotherhood and empowering other men. Being a teacher and a student always.
Life is about balance
All must be trained. all must be respected to get the most out of the human experience.
No this shit is real.
Your soul choose to this life and these challenges to grow.
Woah, hes woke as fuck. And you fail at this life when you run from your problems and bury them with distractions.
This is real shit
Training your spiritual side is worthwhile, indeed. But anyone who has been on the path for sometime should be able to see that Elliott is a bit disingenuous.
As I said, all of his promo videos have likes and comments disabled. A truly enlightened guy wouldn't care so much about the potential negative opinions of some strangers. He clearly does if those are the videos he chooses to disable comments and likes on.
And being spiritual isn't about forcing respect out of anyone; it's about being honest with who you truly are.
Why are you defending him? Are you one of his monkeys ?
>mf when I see your name
holy shit
Indeed. My body is the last out of that trinity that I have yet to train. My spirit is strong, and my mind just as strong.
I'm on week 2 of lifting. I used to have pretty decent stats but I fell into drug addiction and let my body go. I kept some of the muscle mass but lost my fitness. I'm just now trying to get it back. At least I can still deadlift 185 and bench 1 plate. Squats I was never good at.
I'll be back there in no time. Just gotta keep working at it.
Check out daily undulating periodization (DUP). You'll make gains like crazy.
In terms of lifts. Keep it simple.
1. Jefferson deads
2. incline press
3. weighted chins (when you can do at least 12 unweighted in a row)
I must disagree to an extent. It's a double edged sword. Disabling likes and comments not only filters out bad opinions, but also positive ones. You don't know the guy. What if he did that in order to just send a pure message out, not caring about positive OR negative opinions?
I just don't see how that makes sense. If he didn't care at all, he wouldn't have bothered disabling.
I use a hex bar to deadlift. It's safer IMO, less risk of bad form. There are varying opinions, but I can substitute other things for squats (which I could never do, for some reason my bench got higher than my squats, tried changing my form, took advice, still no luck) and deadlifts I could do, but ended up with back pain. Everyone I asked said my form was fine. When I switched to hex bar deads the pain went away and progress continued.
I'm back to the same routine as I was on 4 years ago, albeit with substitutions for squats, and solely using hex bar deads. I still can't do a single pullup, when I used to be able to do 10 at a time.
But I'll get there. In time, I'll get there.
Possible, but we don't have any info on that side of it. We're not mind readers.
Hex bar deads and Jefferson are great proxies for both squat and deadlift. I personally don't see anything wrong with doing just hex bar deads in place of conventional deads and squats. Obviously, if you're a powerlifter, you'd want to train a conventional style of squat for competition purposes. But not everyone is a powerlifter.
>He’s an idiot and idiots like him
>>ye but he got more money than u
It's so the negative comments and dislikes don't discourage his viewers/potential customers.
That said, he's always been kinda full of shit. I used the watch him for lifting and posture advice but then he started giving out random life advice, even on picking up chicks (have you seen his wife?) And his latest video which I came upon by chance started as a vlog/documentary and ended like an infomercial lol.
All those miserable starving almost dead babys with no future really did this to them self I see.
>dignity from retarded internet spergs over money