Why do gym thots think this is acceptable?
Why do gym thots think this is acceptable?
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Because they get endless amounts of attention from cuck beta orbiters when they do this. Thank the betas for the thot crisis we're having.
they're petty hot desu
>go to gym in baggy cloths
>guys dont even notice me, can never get any of the equipment I want to use timely, no one helps me with anything
>go to gym in basically my underwear
>equipment suddenly is always free for me, guys rerack my weights for me, basically become queen bee of gym
gee I dunno why, its almost like guys dont give a shit about you unless you are half naked
why do people think the term thot is acceptable?
Do you think it's cultural appropriation or something? Because niggers started saying it first? Or do you think there's something wrong with niggers?
Post tits and ass
post bank account and access info
and then I will
>being a prostitute
> Give up equipment for hot girls
Who on earth does this? I admit i check out girls in tight gym clothes but if there's a girl who clearly has a great body with big breasts and ass but in a t-shirt and tracksuits or shorts she's the one i'll help out and talk to. Gym sluts are nasty but eye candy.
>expects to get my goods for free
lmao do you even free market?
all the time. there's an oly pad and rack that I prefer over the others. if I'm in my skimpy cloths, all I have to do is ask to work in and guys always say yes with a big old smile on there face. theres been times where guys will takes off 3 plates each side just so I can do my sets
>ask little twink boy if I can use the pullup stand
>he nods yes and walks off to the side
>take 30 minutes to do my pullups, leg raises, bar hangs
>he just stands there tapping his foot, never saying anything
It takes you 30 minutes to do all those workouts? Are you snapchatting?
>5 sets each
>2 minute rests between each set
so yea it does take that long
and yes I did browse my phone. mainly taking stealth photos of the twink and snapping them to my friend to make fun of him
he was wearing gloves for chinups lol
Oh of course people will let you work in, i'll let anyone work in regardless of gender or looks unless i'm just about to finish anyway. I highly doubt there's a difference based on what you wear.
However beyond that i dont imagine dress impacts behaviour massively. As said there's one girl at my gym who i get on great with who is always dressed down - she just has really big tits and a big ass but i love that she isn't there for attention. I talk to her but i would let anyone work in.
Thot detected
It would be Instagramming, duh.
Went too far, made the LARP obvious. Well done though.
>I highly doubt there's a difference based on what you wear.
read my first post
>wearing baggy cloths
>hey can I work in with you?
>"sorry but I'm really pressed for time so unless you can do 3 plate also or want to rerack this each time, can't do it"
>ask same guy next week if I can work in, this time wearing near skin tone yoga pants and what is basically just a slightly big sports bra
>"yea sure, lemma just stripe 2 plates each side for you sweetie"
men are a joke
That's never happened. Fucking attention whores
>don’t give a shit
Situation A is treated like a normal person, situation B is special treatment because beta cucks holy shit women are so fucking stupid
>my goods
el oh el
>it's a "weird Veeky Forums posters LARP as gym thotts" episode
these ones always make me cringe
because they receives nothing but positive feedback from it.
lol nerd virgin XDD not bait btw white fuck bois
I like it, it's nice to look at
>men are a joke
Why, because we like eye candy?
Why do fags think wearing stringers is acceptable?
I'll admit, I fell for your bait post
next time instead of 2 min rest, say 20 secs to make it less obvious that you dont know what you're doing.
>Its almost like guys dont give a shit about you unless you are half naked
Funny, reminds me of sometime I was on a dating website [spoiler]with a fake profile[/spoiler] talking to some bitch with huge tits. Because the picture I'm using is aesthetic as fuark I can get away with talking about my balls all the time (no seriously, I've had entire conversations about just my balls) and telling them they have nice tits. Some broad complained that because she has big tits that's all men see in her. I decided to play along and not talk about her tits or my balls for a change. Surprise surprise, she was boring as fuck and had nothing of value to say.
This is why men only care about women's asses and tits and sometimes their faces. What else are we supposed to like you for, your fucking personalities? I dare you to find me ONE woman who wouldn't be absolutely fucking hated if she were turned into a man overnight. All of you are vapid, arrogant, narcisistic whores who can only get away with it because you're living life on easy mode and we can't help what our dicks do when we look at you.
Kindly go fuck yourself with a burning cactus.
honestly i treat gym sluts worse than i treat the dyels
ironically everytime they're using equipment i want to use they're like
>haha ok user 1 more set;)
i then i have to stand there and watch their unimpressive lat pull downs with 18kg or something like that
Because they go for attention and get it. This is of course them avoiding the fact that everyone else is there for proper reasons and not fucking paying attention + not dressing and acting for goddamn cam show.
>little twink boy
Ungrateful big breasted meanie. Take that back, now!
> LARPing male never even said he had big breasts, incredibly thirsty user makes up a world in his head and hits on it.
>I dress like a whore so betas will treat me better
Female and/or beta male genocide when?
>take 30 minutes to do my pullups, leg raises, bar hangs
>he just stands there tapping his foot, never saying anything
Congratulations you are bitch
i am a girl and i wear yoga pants to every workout and none of this happens
am i just hopelessly ugly?
God damn, dude.
I just wandered in here and I'm not a bodybuilder kind of guy or anything (climber reporting in), but if I may say so... you should find some other women to talk to outside of, uh, "gym culture". I promise not all of them are vapid retards.
You probably have a flat chest and ass.
i am flat-chested but i have a big butt and i'm not fat either
Why do roasties want all this attention? Just focus on yourself, you probably look fine.
why do you guys complain about chad getting all the girls? we all want attention and we all want to be treated well by the opposite sex
bitches love approval
>Men have to watch their calories and go on cycles of bulking and cutting
>Need to bust their ass every day, constantly pushing their limits
>Need to be at it for months before a girl would consider you hot
>Even then, you have to be charming and a good conversationalist too
>Girls just have to exist and maybe do some light cardio to be considered hot
That's not what makes me mad. What makes me mad is
>Feminists claim that men have life easy and women have it hard.
Why would you want guys walking up to you and interrupting your workout all the time? I sometimes have guys come talk to me about my form or the weight I live even though I wear big ass headphones and I try to be polite but end the conversation ASAP because I’m there to lift not to chitchat. If you’re that unfulfilled just post on Instagram/fb like all other sluts
Feminists aren't referring to fitness when they say men have it easier though
Okay but this whole thread is just as delusional and pathetic as “tfw no gf :(“ ones.
Yep, I once had some fucking hambeast claim she was just as healthy as me wanted to cunt punch that tube of lard
A Women’s life is life on easy mode
Thank you, gym thots, for giving me that extra test boost. Couldn't have done it without you
Maybe they're referring to...
>Work, where horny men will hire you just to have a female ass around the office, even if you're not as qualified as male applicants.
>Emotional strength, where they can break down and cry whenever they want but if you shed a single manly tear at your father's funeral, everyone will think you're weak.
>Life expectations, where you can work at fast food for a few years and find a guy to take care of you then retire at 25; while guys spend their entire lives in an office while their wives run around cheating because they're bored.
Women live a lives with no expectations or challenge. They are the most pampered group in all society, and yet they can't appreciate it because of an inborn sense of entitlement to everything they see.
Married man here btw.
it's a meme, most guys don't give a shit
>he cries at funerals
What a fag lmao
>just to have a female ass around the office
You mean fulfill Federal quotas.
This is too funny
If you're suprised about that post you're definatly new. This site isn't a real forum, it's a gathering place for delusional, poisounous, insecure people to shit on eachoter using various topics. You're saying he has to talk to women outside of gym culture, I bet he even hasn't talked to women anywhere.
do female not their ass and genitalia like men do?
if i wore these it look like id gone and piss myself after my second set.
nah is definitely lying. no self respecting guy would ever rerack weights for some bitch or stop lifting to let her work out and there is no way every single person in that gym is that beta
Post more gym thots.
srry bby u gon get lott a rude commnts but yis u not qt if no boobie :-(
>people should do things for me while I do nothing for them.
You can't get something for nothing. Stop being an irrational idiot.
Why guys do it all the time.
Not her, but it's really not her problem if he's too ßeta to ask to work in.
>Cant do shit for yourself
>Helpless weak shit
>Wanting guys to notice you for sexuality and think that's the only way to get them to notice you
Protip. You're just fucking ugly as fuck and the only thing worth noting is your ass and tits.
Jfc, I got out of my wanting my self esteem raised by guys stage when I was 16 and instead developed self reliance, self confidence and stopped thinking that much about myself. I have plenty of male friends and some who would like to date me. Not because I'm flirty or use my sexuality but because I don't see men as a way to boost my ego you fucking emotional whore. Jfc I hope you never have kids she's going to end up fucking 50 different guys before she even ends up in highschool.
>Or do you think there's something wrong with niggers?
.....Do you not?
Just be yourself :D
Easy there lads, r/incel is that way ---->
you are part of the problem and should hang yourself
Because it is.
It's only unacceptable if you're a faggot, a jelly chick, or she's a massive cunt.
T. Penis envy psycho whore
Why are women so hostile towards each other?
Like, most of the dudes in this thread are just throwing out some "hurr durr ur a thot" shit, and here you are trying to go full Dr. Phil on her for...... reasons..?
Nobody gives any more of a fuck about your lived experience than they do about hers, but you could really do yourself a solid by chilling the fuck out with regards to your fellow woman, Femanon.
This stupid slut with the tightest pants on was talking to some other Chad for a good 30 minutes on the only cage and when I asked her when she would finish she told me she was about to start. People ask why I hate gym slags so much
Just fucking post more gym thots, jesus.
kill yourself you insufferable disgusting lifelong fleshwound
I have a question, lads. When the fuck did you faggots start calling women "femanons" and all that shit? They're cumdumpsters. Always have been.
Get back to your containment board.
Redd t invasion buddy, its been heading here since 2008
Begone thot
i don't think this woman exists anymore. at least not in the cities. and if they do, who the fuck is marrying them?
>TIL I'm a he-thot
>interrogation marks
I'm pretty sure that sample image is of a question mark as an interrogation mark would likely involve torture...
No, that's why we hired Jose despite the fact he isn't qualified for the job.
Acceptable in what way? Society as a whole doesn't seem to be that bothered by it, I certainly don't mind the eye candy and frankly I doubt the average fitness thot gives a damn about what you think or find acceptable.
If your a guy then your a faggot whose projecting muh Reddit. Fucking loser who can't see that incels have greater understanding than people credit them for. They just can't be bothered to walk the right steps to correct themselves and find women. Jesus Christ you fugging nigger why are you trying to protect a woman on a Mongolian fly fishing forum? Especially when that woman is a man that is larping. Faggots like you should be put down.
This thread has made me decide to join a biker club where women are property. I've seen it many times where beta fags kiss so much ass and go so far out of their way for chicks that half the time aren't even hot. Of coarse they never get anything at all in return but to be used.
>knowing individual subreddits
You redditfags so easy to spot. Kill yourself, roastie.
Your so much better than him
>pt kttle blck
Not that anonette, but why is it that guys are allowed to be shit to each other, but then when we want women to wake the fuck up, you call them nasty?
There's subtle differences between the insults you see males throw around at eachother here and the one he responded to.
Men are infinitely better at bants while women only know how to be mean.
are you just stringing buzzwords together
Not that dude but he basically said the same as
but better.
>gee I dunno why, its almost like guys dont give a shit about you unless you are half naked
because women are good for literally nothing else
>she comes to you and says she'll only fuck you if you threesum with her mother
What do you do?
i'd just rape her and then see her in court.
nothing a lot of money and a lawyer can't do. of which she doesn't have desu