What kind of steroids do I need to look like this?
What kind of steroids do I need to look like this?
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god damn it why is david laid so sexy
>tren maybe
Baltic genes
why the fuck are dudes still getting half chubs and posting the pictures to their instagrams
shits fucking gay
you mad davids half chub is your full chub?
>Tfw you'll never bend him over and fuck him within an inch of his life.
no I’m mad because it’s fucking gay as shit
I’ll send this shit to my girlfriend but I wouldn’t post it to my god damn Instagram
nice dick
work chest more though
Nice jawline quagmire
all natty bro just lighting and angles works really hard
>Spending my Sunday afternoon Inspecting a picture of a half naked guy for his penile outline
I need to leave this place.
I'd like to stick your penis in my mouth, if you know what I mean
I could believe natty. He has god-tier insertions and has been lifting for most of his young life without ever really going full-bulk.
I think it'd be more obvious if he was roiding.
Anyone else think his dick looks really thin?
Could you explain I don't get it
>hurr durr he looks good so he must be roiding
everyone who posts this shit in laid threads accuses him or roiding with no proof to back it up. He has like maybe 1 of 20 roiding symptoms.
Have you cycled before?
you're so retarded, probably barely been lifting a year
Ok show me the proof then. Show me his signs or roiding besides looking better than you.
I want to pound his asshole so badly
everybody that follows mr laid knows he is angle god, but on videos he looks natty as fuckkkkkkk
This pic is me with him at an expo
You dont need steroids to look like him :)
him and dom mazatie weight the exact same bu laid is leaner and bigger
david should weight less if he was natty
hes cut and it's pointing up
hes at least 7"+ though
>him and dom mazatie weight the exact same bu laid is leaner and bigger
>david should weight less if he was natty
don't post on this board if you haven't been lifting for at least 1.5 years
nah mate he's gotta be in the 5.5-6 range
his balls might throw it off though
>he's bigger so he can't be natty! No one can be bigger than me!!
haha skinny fat faggot with a gay face
nah bro I've sucked a few dicks (no homo, just for size comparison) in my days and laid is hiding some long-dong in those kleins. I'm thinking 8.5-9.5 inches with a 5.5 softie. Probably cums between 2-3 oz if my guess is right.
there's actually studies that Caucasian dicks are terribly tiny when flaccid
>skinny fat faggot with a gay face
grower master race here
it does look like a soft erection so it could be missing half an inch
looks like a 5.6 so full mast is probably 6.1
wassa matter faggot? Never sucked a bros dick to compare sizes?
How do you all have girlfriends? Post pics no face
but also you can tell from the pic he isn't flaccid
he probably got hard, took a pic as it was failing and then fucked some gym thot
>pointing up
What? His dick is obviously pointing down?
This is the outline
have you ever seen an erection before? Assuming that you're a faggot I bet you have.
When you guys take selfies do you always pre-rub to ensure proper hard on?
i've only seen my own
David is definitely natty, anyone can look insane with angles, a massive pump, and perfect lighting. Just look at footage of him normally, he sometimes still even looks skinny
Can you imgur link to an erect pic, I'm curious.
Your forearms are bigger than his, your head also. His tiny head makes him look bigger in pictures.