/plg/ -powerlifting general
>tfw no high test gf edition
>Google docs
/plg/ -powerlifting general
>tfw no high test gf edition
>Google docs
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How do I lift heavy weights
just bee you'reself
we can't all be stock millionaires with mansions.
we can earn GBP and spend mommie's bux
I'd like to ask this on fit but honestly fit is filled with noobs.
Q: Have you noticed a difference between meats and recovery after heavy sessions? E.g Every time I feel as though i'm getting over-training symptoms I consume some red meat and that shit has me recovered better than if I ate fish or chicken.
I think it's just placebo but then again loadsa strong guys swear by the holy cow meat.
Fuck off frog. This general needs less virgin faggots.
Is frog really a virgin?
No, he had digital sodomy with raffy and sean. Got spitroasted by grown men when he was 17.
its probally the difference in calories, you might consume moree without knowing due red meat being more fatty
I'm a virgin and proud
Ur mom might give you more allowance money if you cleaned up the basement for her
Is the answer to stalling on a lift pretty much always, simply, do more in some way. Another assistance lift, more volume on the lift, more frequency on the lift etc.
Don't bully frogs parents please
Pretty much this is obviously excluding sub par conditions I.e twinkdom, lack of sleep, shit diet, shit program etc...
Next time you say something horrible to me, just fucking remember that I am a person and that words hurt.
I can't count the endless times I've hit my head, cut myself or punched my wall when reading hateful comments about me on plg.
Just remember what you're doing and think twice in the future. Or else
I cannot understand where that squat rack was placed. What's all that garbage?
Post amount of meat and then you'll have the answer if it's a placebo or not.
Nice blog
What do you Jews think of athleneX?
Good waifu
Why does everyone ask about that faggot?
kys dumb shit
Poles need to die
wtf never even heard of it
Good for general health and fitness.
Mebbe blues???
OK here's the whitest song I know
this one is more white
Here's my favourite blog
Somebody tell me what a GDE is.
It’s in his grandparents’ basement
300kg when
I hate youuuuuuu
It means I can never be happy
>tieing your converse like that
hahaha autism
I give you permission to pull 300kg on Wednesday
Lol Nice blog
What does GDE stand for though?
I can't think of anything funny sorry
the laces are too long
If you are asking you already are one
So what does it stand for?
Genetic dead end
ded thred
ded sport
ded will to live
Brits are asleep
im not Tbh
Neither Tbh lads
I'm gonna start doing boxing, primarly sparring and learning technique. If I go 2-3 times a week with 4 gym sessions would that kill me? Taking into account that food (surplus) and rest (8hs) is on point.
join the /plg/ suicide pact
accepting applications for young, talentless GDEs atm
See this post
Depends how intensive we're talking but yeah, it'll definitely impact your weights. If it's not savage you might just adapt and get conditioning out of it, but riding two horses at once is always a compromise.
no just some retard
D-don't kill yourselves, friends. There's a lot to live for.
haha ok normie
Said the chad
But you have friends that care about you.
you just missed the age limit
>tfw suicidal tendencies
I love that band
It's not like I'll actually do anything. It's jokes, mostly
I love being a cuck
>those laces
Change them, bro. Safety reasons.
>accepting applications for young, talentless GDEs atm
Fine. I'll start my own suicide pact. With hookers. And blackjack.
isnt the rolling tricep extension the same as the good ol' lying tricep extension shown by rippletits?
are there any examples of trips or powerlifters with short arms deadlifting? prefer long torso too, imagine a russian build with short arms and thats me lmao i cant pull off the ground for shit and was wondering if anyone has any advice for specific training for that weakness?
i really want to pull 500 at some point
>tricep extension
useless dog shit
I did these for so long only to find out cgbp worked 10x better lol
panzer pls go
genetic dead end (AKA you)
Who here power lifts out of an absolute hatred of normie society? Fucking people disgust me.’
I lift out of self loathing desu
Don’t self loathe.. it’s not you, you hate. But those fucking zombies around you. That’s who you hate.
Is it true if you got a big ohp your bench will also be big? But if you bench big your ohp will not be as good?
not sure what tricep extensions are good for, i can't load them heavy because they fuck my elbows into oblivion
More or less. Focusing on your OHP won't give you as big a bench as focusing on your bench would, but it'll usually be respectable. Pure raw benchers often don't have a very good OHP.
Form, proportions and all that still matter though. Some versions just carry over better than others.
Any of you do ohp specific work to bring up your bench press?
I have a sleeping disorder that I do nothing about AMA.
If i sing you a lullaby and kiss you goodnight, will you sleep?
yes do you need my address
T.good jaw
I made this image with someone else in mind, who would have thought it would end up being about Filip...
I miss him... Glad he's finally >tfwgf though
I'm about to ask my doctor for antidepressants, does any of you know whether they will impact my lifts negatively.