I need fitness unrelated advice; shit that I can’t discuss with any of my friends or family. I’ve convoluted things for them in order to uphold my reputation. For the past year I’ve been sort of building multiple relationships with different girls, but there’s one girl I’ve been spending more time with, mostly because she literally lives across the corner. I’ll call her red. As a side note all the girls are vaguely aware that they’re not the only ones I’m seeing, including red. However, I have lied to red about the amount of girls I’ve been seeing. Anyway, red and I have been on and off since January, but recently she confessed her love which immediately complicated things. She gave me an ultimatum. My question is really quite simple: do I go exclusive with red at the expense of losing all the other girls I’m seeing? This girl is probably the closest I’ll even come to unconditional love, so I’m afraid of losing her, but she’s neither the most attractive nor the most charming of the girls. Do I go exclusive for love or maintain a lifestyle of semi-meaningless sex with hot chicks? Pic related, one of the chicks I’m seeing- not red.
Love Vs Fuckboy lifestyle
Just Chad problems
>she’s neither the most attractive nor the most charming of the girls
Perfect reason to.
In order to give good advice we are going to need to see more pics of girls you are fucking
go exclusive
Also checked
You just have to ask yourself: Is she attractive enough and charming enough for you to feel content. Otherwise keep fishing and don't string her along.
If you're in it for the long haul, best to go with the girl you can stand the most, rather than the hottest. Womens' looks fall off a cliff beginning in the late 20s, man. It's not some meme that /r9k/ tells themselves, it's the truth. If you really want to be happy down the line, you should think about locking down the one you can see yourself with 20 years down the line without wanting to kill yourself. I'm not saying you should marry her, but going exclusive seems like an acceptable price to pay imo.
As someone who played the field a lot before setting down with one loyal ride or die type chick, I recommend trying it out with red. The emotional and physical rewards of a long term relationship are worth the struggle and only fucking one woman, in my opinion. Plus, if it doesn't work out, you can always go back to the hookup thing.
If you did decide to try the monogamy with Red though it's important that you don't resent her for keeping you from fucking other girls- remember you chose this. It's like anything in life- to get the full rewards you've gotta be all-in. You're ok to think "Fucking Red, acting like such a bitch tonight I could be fucking some slut from a bar right now and she wouldn't be giving me shit." I think stuff like that all the time. It's a natural response for men. but then you've got to be like "But I'm committed at this point, and we're going to work to make this happen until it doesn't."
Basically go forward with earnestness either way and you'll be fine OP- remember whatever you chose is what you chose. You live with consequences and you reap benefits either way. Recommend monogamy if you've not tried it before though.
>person capable of unconditional love
Pick one
Go exclusive mate.
The way you speak it shouldn't be too hard to get a new circle of sloots if things don't work out.
Am I the only one that has a small voice inside telling them not to be a degenerate when I think about fucking multiple girls?
Look back at what you wrote and then pick.
yes. Go take your outdated sexual morals elsewhere.
It's not degenerate to fuck multiple girls as long as you're not lying to yourself.
The degeneracy comes into play when you say things like "This is what makes me happy, this is what is healthiest for me as a young man, this is good for me emotionally, I'm not doing any harm to myself or others."
If someone's priority to get layed a lot outweighs any of the above and they're real about it it's not degenerate, it's a man making a judgment call.
>some poor beta will marry the one on the left
How do I avoid being him??
If you want unconditional love, get a dog.
if she's not perfect for you, dont go exclusive.
How do i get a harem of bitches user?
tell me your secrets?
and really, the important thing is do what you feel you can do consistently, if you ant commit to red, don't string her along.
It's degenerate, you fucking degenerate.
>neither the most attractive nor the most charming of the girls.
nah fuck that bruh
I'm the "I fucked 100 sloots" user. Only make her the only one IF YOU LOVE HER TOO. Doesn't matter if she loves you unconditionally. It's important that YOU love her.
How old are you? Will she be enough for you or will you shortly become bored and resentful? You said she's not the prettiest or most charming, and that you spend the most time with her because of convenience. It doesn't sound like she's special to you.
Go exclusive because YOU love her not because she loves you.
Sluts are in my experience way better at sex than other girls.
But you're a virgin -- so you wouldn't know that.
If you don't fuck them, someone else will.
No this is literally me. I have cockblocked my self on many ocasasions. Just this week I told a girl who kept trying to dance with me that i was gay dos he'd leave me alone
You were speaking the truth.
I do, but that's because I'm engaged already.
There is nothing degenerate about having multiple women, your retard bible is full of polygamists.
>know a guy who was a literal football playing chad
>pictures of 100s of girls he fucked by claiming to work for playboy
>just marries some random bitch when he knocks her up
>turns out she's crazy af
>like OCD bipolar crazy
>can't divorce her because he's now a poor ass lawfag
>me, an individual who posts on Veeky Forums's Veeky Forums, dates his daughter
Make sure she isn't crazy and that you actually like her OP.
Not him, but have a (you)
That's all well and good, yeah. But buck-o here is asking how to not end up being the sad sack that marries one.
Sounds like you don't love her the way she loves you. Be a decent human being and stop leading her on.
But i only date one guy at a time so it's not gay
Not OP, but
>how do i get a harem of bitches user?
You collect them over time from being social and outgoing and juuuuuuuust aloof enough to seem more confident than arrogant
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS pick love. Trust me on this user. Shagging sloots is a valid and empty venture after a while.