Is caffeine a meme?
Is caffeine a meme?
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It's good in moderation. It can really spike you up when you want to postpone eating, or before a workout, or anything like that. You just don't want to drink so much of it you become dependent.
Grossly exaggerated. It is a sitmulant.
Caffeine makes me crash bad. I was depressive for a years and finally fixed it by replacing coffee with one cup of green tea in the morning.
Yeah green tea is great
for years*
I think setting limits to your use is more important than what you use.
Coffee fucks with my sleeping schedule, but it's so damn good
Coffee, yeah. It's a numale generator : chlorogenic acid is anti-androgenic, it also contains metalloestrogens (aluminium, lead, nickel). Pure caffeine is legit though, increases dopamine leading to higher testosterone, also decreases inflammation markers at 200mg.
you sound like a faggot
I can relate, friend :D
Can't get my day started without a hot cup of mokka
so just take caffine pills?
is coffee really a numale generator?
Get pure caffeine from purebulk unless you can find pills that don't have a bunch of additives.
You can get different opinions on wether it is a numale generator but I can assure you everything I wrote can be verified on pubmed, just google pubmed chlorogenic acid androgen receptor, google pubmed coffee lead or aluminium. Then look up metalloestrogens in general.
what kind of green tea do you drink? i want some recommendations. burnt out on coffee
>green tea
Wasn't there something about green tea fucking with your testosterone or something?
yeah it increases it
no proof
>drinking the watery nigger
disgusting cuckoldry
Fuck, now I understand the starbucks phenomena.
does just the opposite, boyo
Yes, it decreases your test levels. Happy bitchtits
And opiates makes me feel euphoric but that doesn’t mean I have them every day
What about nicotine? I replaced my caffeine addiction with vaping.
Are you retarded? Coffee didn't make your ancestors into cucks. Unless coffee drinking correlated with women's suffrage?
see The watery nigger is an arab beverage that's ruining western civilization.
Which ones? Because everyone has more ancestors that didn't drink coffee, than ancestors who did.
Caffeine and ephedra are pretty much the only fat burners that will actually work.
That giant sugar bomb coffee with whip cream does not count as a fat burning supplement.
Why not do both
I FUKING KNEW IT. I stayed away from coffee for years, but it was a slippery slope from my green tea obsession, to the slight kick Mate gave me, to occassional coffee meetings with the gf, to a phenibut binge that cause me to drink it every day. Gainz are shit since.
Is tea okay?
Plus they add sugar and soy to many of their drinks.
It did actually. It just took many generations for it to become apparent.
cliffs for non-english faggots
>replaced caffeine with weaker caffeine
brainlets leave
Not really, green tea is especially anti-androgenic. Tea in general is high in fluoride. Black/green also contains chlorogenic acid.
I take caffiene pills that have less than a cup of coffee's worth of caffiene plus ltheanine, seems to help with the crashing part.
not it's something coffee is based on
Its a meme if you add anything to your coffee
It's not weaker. The molecule is just bigger so it takes more time to break down in the liver. It means the release curve is much smoother and the high itself is weaker. Wich is how I avoid crashing.
>tea molecules are bigger than coffee molecules
It's not a numale generator. Real men have been drinking coffee for hundreds of years. It may not be 100% healthy, but it's not going to turn you into a faggot.
I've had an issue with how my body handles caffeine, and other stimulants(Adderall,Ritalin, and Cocaine)all throughout my life, also for reference only did the cocaine once at a party, and was prescribed the ritalin, and adderall when younger.
I didn't feel any feel anything really, sure they usually made me not want to eat or made me feel hotter but there was never any sense of feeling more alert/focused or being energized what's up with this?
are some people just not able to feel stimulants as others do?
I'd like to find something that gives me some get up and go occasionally, but it seems like it's a distant hope.
i always /sip/ before lifting
Using >200 mg/d (or >100 mg/d if you’re sensitive to stims) is a meme. Just make sure you don’t use it more than a handful of times per week and save it for when you really need extra focus/energy. If you need to be stimulated by chemicals on a daily basis to fulfil life obligations then you have issues that should be confronted and addressed instead of bandaiding them via babbys first stimulant.
With that said coffee is delicious.
Sounds like you fried your brain with those drugs.
America's drug addiction is just sad. None of those prescribed drugs should be legal.
Different people different effects. Shit takes me to the fucking moon. I can double the duration of my workouts with a decent amount of it.
this is why you just reload mother fucker 5%
If you need the shit then you're not sleeping right, and if you're not sleeping right then you aren't maximizing your gains.
That’s not how it works at all.
It sounds psychological to me. Stop complaining. Coffee does make you feel more alert and you're just lying to sound cool.
No, it's great. You can get dependent on it but most people drink caffeine-containing beverages multiple times daily, so it's not like you're going to run out.
It's basically the only stimulant that won't fuck your shit up. In fact, most caffeine-containing drinks seem to make you healthier.
I try not to have it in the afternoon or I'll have trouble getting to sleep. Some people it doesn't matter.
He's wrong about theobromine being "bigger" but there may be some pharmacokinetic differences. I don't think there are, though. It's probably just placebo effect.
He might have burnt out his dopamine dopamine/norepinephrine circuit being given adderal as a kid. He's probably permanently broken.
No but hating on caffeine is.
Heard caffeine via coffee is bretty good for your long term brain health, prevents some cancers, reduces risks of heart disease, suicide, diabetes, and death, so no more talky until you have your coffee
shit man i was a little tweaker in school am I doomed??
Yeah, permanently fucked.
you all sound like truly intelligent people who understand the brain's structure and function as completely homogeneous among all human beings.
oh wait