/fraud/ - No Crusader Edition

/fraud/ - No Crusader Edition

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


Previously on Placebo General:

Other urls found in this thread:


roiding for this

first in for crippling depression of

>tfw no gf
>tfw no tinder matches

i did do some wheelies today on my bike tho that was alright.

>No Crusader Edition
Now that's something I can get behind

Hit a vein or some shit during an injection and my god was it a blood bath once I pulled that needle out

Where were you injecting?

Quad like I usually do. You can still see the discoloration from the blood. I just hope no oil came out

You look fiiiiine. Just use that mark as an indicator to not hit there again.

Sometimes I'm standing there with a used needle in my hand and blood running out of my ass cheek and I wonder how I've reached this point in life.

I'm only running test from now on and the occasional sarm or a light oral like var. Tren broke my dick, Deca was good, but too much water retention, dbol pretty much the same. Test is best brahs.

yeah i am not worried about it. it was the smoothest and most painless injection ive ever done. the whole thing just starts to feel kinda surreal when your office looks like a horror movie

Had the same thing pinning my quad a few years back. I pulled out the needle and blood squirted out so fast it hit the wall..

Anyone got experience packing caps for raw orals? I bought a machine but it has no tamper and I have no idea if listed capacity of capsules is based on loose or compressed powder.

What's wrong with roiding for that?

4+ years and I've still never had this happen. Do you guys not aspirate or am I just missing out on the action?

Do you know how many compounds hes on for just that

I'd imagine just test e

Fuck knows m8, it hasn't happened to me since. It was like pressure firing the blood out of my leg.

I think it's possible to hit a vein on the way in, aspirate and get nothing, then when you pull out the pierced vein gushes. It's happened to me and I always aspirate.

Test e and tren ace

Hahahaha nope

Does aspirating feel weird? I've only done glutes since first cycle but I've never aspirated

You should always aspirate

Nah, i dont feel anything, I assume that's the norm. Even if it did though, I'd rather it feel weird than accidentally Inject a cc of test into a vein.

>dxa scan shows 28% body fat
fuck this it's clen time

Bost body? Trying to see if we can estimate what the fuck i am.

i dont feel anything aspirating. even if blood comes back.

anybody else also just ram the needle in their quad or vg? i've come so numb to the needles. accidentally injected with a 22g last week too and didnt notice until i pulled out the 1.25 inch needle that wasnt my usual half inch 25 gauge.

kek user

It's a tremendous pain in the ass (literally) to aspirate glutes once you're bulky enough, especially if you're doing it with your non-dominant hand. I quit aspirating glutes because all it did was give me terrible PIP after essentially moving a razor around in the muscle owing to lack of mobility/dexterity.

Chances are you will never give yourself an oil embolism by glute injection.

if that was surreal for you then let me show you the horrors of opening an ampulle

always always weigh your powder. do you want horrible hormone fluctuations? get a gempro $20 mg scale or use volumetric dosing.

anyone heard about Tribulus terrestris? its supposed to boost test up to 30% and you can get it easy.anyone got some info on it?

I've gone through veins and only ever have a few drops come out at most. I have hit nerves though and spazz kicked my desk over.

if you are that fat you shouldnt abuse stimulants it will only lower your metabolism

clen is for eeking out those last % of body fat when youve already made it


srsly come on its a scam. quoted from wikipedia;

n humans[edit]
A recent study found that T. terrestris caused no increase in testosterone or LH in young men,[24] and another found that a commercial supplement containing androstenedione and herbal extracts including T. terrestris, was no more effective at raising testosterone levels than androstenedione alone.[25]

The effect of a hydroalcoholic extract of Tribulus terrestris on serum glucose and lipid profile of women with diabetes mellitus was investigated in another human study.[26]

T. terrestris has long been used empirically to propel urinary stones. T.terrestris had also evoked a contractile activity on Guinea pig ileum. The diuretic and contractile effects of T. terrestris indicate that it has the potential of propelling urinary stones.[27]

huge waste of money just roid faggot

You can wrap it in an alcohol wipe while breaking or just buy bac water with a pierceable septum instead of coming as an ampule.

thanks famalams

Did you all start as twinks who bulked up and eventually roided, or are there any fat fucks here?

Roiding as a fat fuck carries a lot of additional risks, namely the fact that your heart is already doing overtime and that more adipose tissue = more aromatization. Any sane cycle includes test so the latter is unavoidable. The conventional wisdom is that you'll get the best returns if you start a cycle at lower bf% (single digits; mid teens is starting to push it)

I was the twinkiest trap around.

Nah bro...I was your typical chubby powerlifter type before I went on roids. My pecs, delts, arms, etc... were already huge but I just had a huge gut that went along with it so aesthetically it wasn't very appealing. I will say this though...the whole roids recomp thing is mostly a meme. They did nothing to help my body composition. I still have to diet my ass off. I still lose strength. The only difference is I look like less of a twink than I would as a natural

you should never aspirate*

welcome to 2017 grandpa

Be honest. Drunk, 2am, you know no one would ever find out...you goin for it or what?

I look almost the exact same before and after frauding.

Pic related.

Pinned for over 2 years, never aspirated, and never had any problems.

Were you not eating or something? I blew up on my first cycle.

No that's fucking disgusting, not even passable at a glance

this kinda stuff has its appeal when you are looking at pictures.

Now try imagining undressing "her" and "she" suddenly starts talking in a man voice.

Depends on how much of a slave they are and how bare and feminine the penis is

ur a funny guy. I think we could get along quite well irl.
Would love to snort coke with you and fuck trannies.

Probably not enough, honestly. And what I did eat was probably garbage. Remember kids, higher test does a lot, but it can't fix a terrible diet.

When is /fraud/ going to take the Leg Lengthening Surgery pill?

You're in Germany right? That sounds like fun desu. Maybe let me finish my social autism first though.

You actually look alright

I like the randy savage shirt. A girl gave me a sweet shirt with a giant 666 I can’t wear anymore because now I run my gym :(

While I am overjoyed that we finally have a No Crusader thread, I have to give that cuck one bit of credit: his example of what not to do taught me that I need to go back to basics and get completely past my noob gains before I start roiding, or I'll just waste my time (and money) like he did.

and smells like a man. the body may look ok from angles but when you see them in person its clear that its a man.

their hands all rough and big on your cock

ok now ive got a boner

LPN going through RN certification RightNow, almost no facilities aspirate anymore. Clinical trials have shown There's almost no reason to

Tfw so low test you have to roid to look natty

Up the tren you pussies

I mean look at the skelly pic. his genes are not geared towards building muscle. i bet he's happy with how he looks now, I would be. thats what matters.

Make sure your mind is sorted too. Tgat fucking faggot has an excuse for everything.

He wasn't extremely skinny to begin with like some people though. He just probably had to eat more

germany isnt fun. Its depressing piss weather and and depressing robotic-like work life.

Oh you are 1 minute too late for work? You are a disgrace to the company. Let me give you a 10 minute lecture as to why you are a shitty worker.
You are working your ass of 10 hours a day for me for a shitty pay? I dont care about that. I only care about the fact you were 1 min too late for work like 2 months ago.

Oh you are ill and have to stay at home for the next 4 days? Let me gather 10 co-workers and talk behind your back and how you are just pretending.

ill come to florida next year. Do you live there?

u have a gym?

Fat but not obese. Most of my stretch marks are from when I gained a shit load of weight after highschool. I lost a bunch of weight in the gym before I started fraudin though

>You actually look alright
Yeah but I could have also looked alright naturally. I probably hopped on too soon, but oh well. I'm here now.
>letting your dick hang lower than your balls for this

Also just wear it anyway, it's your gym. You're the big man in charge (literally).

Did he get banned again or what?

I know right? Fucking embarrassing honestly.

I'm not sure, I recall eating like a monster freshman year of college and it not doing much. It wasn't until end of freshman year when I started half ass lifting that I noticed any changes.

Mississippi m8. Not too far out of the way, I go there for family vacation quite often. Lemme know when you're thinking and we can hang out or whatever. Please excuse my autism.

Hi guys, I'd like some advice/opinions/suggestions, for my second cycle it will be 15weeks long.

1-13: Test-E 500mg/w, EQ 400mg/w both compounds divided in two shots, taken simultaneously.
14-15 Test-P 100mg/EOD

To support my HPTA , I’ll take 500iu of HCG weekly, divided on 2 shots of 250iu, from day 1, until last shot, or 250iu EOD, however I'm still not convinced aboud EOD, because of the total weekly intake of 1000iu, I'm too afraid of desensitization.
For estrogens, I’ll take .25mg anastrozole also starting on day 1.

PCT will start on week 16, and it will be:
16-19 Tamoxifen 29mg/ED, Anastrozole .25mg/EOD

Once PCT is finished, I’ll cruise on Anastrozole .25/EOD for about 2 weeks.

>EQ over deca because of increased appetite.
>Also, I don't wanna get progesterone issues, or cabergoline sides.
>Still not sure about taking D-bol for the first 5 weeks, if so, I would take also 500mg Ursodiol ED.
>Propionate for the last 2 weeks so my body can clear up Enanthate and EQ, while still roiding on a short ester, so I can smoothly go into PCT after last shot, without leaving Estrogens freely for 2 weeks without PCT.

I know that y'all might say that it is too much time on AI, however, I've read a couple of threads from T-Nation where it is highly advised to star on day 1 and cruise on it even after PCT, to avoid any possible estrogen rebound issues.

What a terrible thread

Pls go

what? he was fucking skinny as shit. you are obviously a coping skelly.

My mind is pretty much in order, but seeing as I have to hold down a job, pay bills and do my own taxes while not being a cuck who freeloads off my parents it's not that hard.

My current goal is to get to 1/2/3/4 before I roid, or at least stop making linear gains. I don't want to roid just to make noob gains, I want to roid to exceed what I'd be able to do natty style. Plus I'm pretty sure I've never actually sat down and really pushed myself to make gains instead of fucking around with retarded brosplits that did little to nothing to build muscle or strength.

So often I wish I could go back in time, sit myself down and teach myself all the things I know currently just because I'd be so much better off.

I was stationed in Schweinfurt when I was in the Army, it was pretty good, but then again I wasn't living/working on the German economy. Some of what you got there sounds a bit like the complaints I've heard about Japan's working conditions, so it seems that while both cultures can cut pretty loose off the clock they have some serious issues while actually at work.

You’ll be fine the AI department...most of the AI advice is written by retarded redditors anyways

No idea on if he's banned or not, but frankly I'm just done with his shit. He's basically the Sweden of Veeky Forums: a joke that we all wish wasn't a real thing.

I am the general manager, unfortunately it is a large commercial gym and I don’t own any of it :(

They ran my background three times in my hiring and promotion process and never spoke a word about to me, I assume they only checked this state or something

I love my job and my salary is beast so I try and be professional. Can’t even wear tanks sometimes because new girl scratches and bites a lot which leaves fucked up marks.

Hope y’alls lives are trending upwards too. 6 months clean yesterday!

What did he get banned for the first time?

He might if you people would stop replying to him. Y'all hate him because he's a attention whore but y'all keep giving him attention. How does that make sense?

clean from what?

He'd just probably shitpost for attention until someone acknowledges him

What ai did you use in your first cycle? Did you have any sides?

Actually I got kinda scared on reddit because someone told me that so much AI could lead to a Estrogen crash, and that's worse than the rebound, however, somebody else said that my dosing doesn't look risky for a crash.
The compounds look good?

>6 months clean
Congratulations Kahuna!

>Can’t even wear tanks sometimes because new girl scratches and bites a lot which leaves fucked up marks.
>Hope y’alls lives are trending upwards too.
My mom said my arms were looking okay the other day, so I guess you could say things are looking up.

I don't even know, he got banned for avatar fagging. Which he really wasn't but I assume it could appear that way, due to all the anime girls he posts.

Also anastrozole and HCG. The first cycle was just Test-E.
The only side I got from the whole cycle was a terrible outbreak of acne on all of my back, shoulders and chest, I'm still afraid of getting that again, it started more or less on week 6, and took like 4 months to clear up. That time I was on .5mg of Anastro, EOD if I remember correctly.

bro E2 crash is the biggest meme going....shit is hard to do...and you just feel a little shitty and then you wait a day or two and it goes away lmao. it's not that big of a deal. TRT doctors literally prescribe 1mg arimidex EOD for fairly low TRT dosages of test.....reddit is just full of idiot liberals that dont know their left from right

yea ur compounds look fine. i would add some tren if i were you and maybe use aromasin instead. the test-p at the end is a bit overkill but if you've got the heart to do it then go for it, it's not a bad idea

>I don't even know, he got banned for avatar fagging.
Thanks for the idea on what to report him for

Narcotics primarily heroin

Thanks duder. Been an emotional rollercoaster so far but things overall haven’t been this good in a while. Live in the middle of nowhere next to Canada instead of near the beach but it’s all good.

Mom compliments are the best. Treasure them she won’t be around forever.

EQ @ 400/wk isnt going to do much. If your going to run it, go higher(think 800/wk+). Or even better try a low dose of tren( 200-350/wk). You'll see even better results then you would on EQ, even on a bulk.
Also If you decided for EQ, it can cause extremely bad anxiety in some people. For me I get mildy paranoid on tren, but on EQ it was full blow panic attacks bad. I had to take propanolol to prevent it.
Also why are you swapping to prop at the end of your cycle?
Save your HCG for the tail end of your cycle, unless your balls really shrivel up and it bothers you.

Mississipi to orlando is hell alot for me considering how small germany is.

I dont know if this is something specific to germany but people here are so fucking autistic over work.
>hey you are holding that drill the wrong way. I dont care if it works that way too. It triggers my autism because it is not done my way.

I started working only 1 year ago and im so baffled by the amount of back stabbing and behind the back talking faggotry. I work with adult men but everyone is a fucking bitch.

It does, but let's be honest, it's kind of like kicking a retarded baby seal: you just can't help it.

Congrats man, I'm 8 years sober for the needle. It gets better, just don't ever forget how bad it was.

On the other hand, Germany does have the world's best work safety video: youtube.com/watch?v=oPpwLCvPAME

But yes, WWII probably made Germany (even more) autistic.

nice man. if you can do 6 months you can do longer. did you go cold turkey or get on subs or what?

What does someone do in the gym that grinds your gears the most fraud? for me it's the retarded shit at my uni gym. I triggered at least once a day

>lifting on third floor of uni gym in the free weight section
> I have my music really loud when im in the gym so i dont hear anything but i start to see everyone in the mirrors around me chuckling
>inner autism thinks they're laughing at me
>get nervous and immediately check myself to see if there's something wrong or i spilled something
>go back to working out but turn music down just in case
>get scared by sound of someone yelling
> 2 benches over from me is a hungry skeleton pale dude weighing at most 120lbs
> he has an ezbar 40pounds
>doing skullcrushers
>he is screaming forcefully after each rep. he's yelling so impractically loud he's making a scene and people from across the track are looking over at him
>dude finishes his set and goes to his phone with a complete serious face
>repeats the process for 4-5 sets screaming after about the second rep and doesn't stop until he reaches failure, around 4 reps

idk if he caught on but i felt sorry for him at the end everyone was laughing at him and he just seemed so disconnected he didn't notice.

>Every night I spend 60-90minutes cleaning the gym putting all the weights away because people are savages
>mexican guy that hoards barbells in the squat rack spits on the floor between reps
>closeted faggot waves knife in my face

Such is life.

Oral only retarded

I saw a roughly 300' lbs ball of a human being "teaching" and overweight Hispanic guy how to lift.

I'm not trying to shit on people for trying to improve themselves but the fatter of the two never took off his zippered hoodie, nor did he once do any of the lifts to show correct form.

And then there are all the kids who come in on the weekend to do who knows fucking what. Almost had some of those gains goblins steal the weights off my bar while I was between sets instead of walking four more feet to get some off the squat rack.

kill yourself

Lol! Iv never done it this bad!!! I have hit veins and accidentally flexed on the needle before. I don't understand how you could produce this amount of blood from an injection. Iv accidently inj to shallow and too deep, the deep inj just resulted in intense knee and joint pain for about 45 mins, like rolling on the ground and blacked out vision, the weird part was it took about 5 minutes before the pain set in. What gauge are you using?

his post specifically said "opening an ampoule" you mouthbreather

Don't you think I want too?

then do it? you are obviously retarded do you need some help?