Did Veeky Forums get their eggs in today?
Did Veeky Forums get their eggs in today?
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jesus CHRIST post a fucking warning I almost threw up
fucking how does he do it. that la beast guy couldn't even come close
No thx, i'm vegen.
Yes, how much does Veeky Forums consume for the test boosting effects?
Got any recipes or ways to spice up the eggs?
Sometimes I make regular scrambled eggs with 4-6 eggs. Lately I been making soups with beans and chicken in it then stirring eggs into the hot soup.
A couple weeks ago I was eating my eggs on an egg salad sandwich.
use this one easy trick to kill yourself with salmonela poisioning
>tfw eat 31 eggs to get all the protein for 224lbs bodyweight
Nah I ran out yesterday
>spice up the eggs
butter, salt, pepper, a little bit of garlic powder.
i like them on toast.
Yeah I use those when making scrambled.
>16 oz oj
>3 raw eggs
>200-800mg caffeine
>50-200mg L the anime
>Capsaicin or simply raw dried ghost peppers
Stir and serve the best pwo money can buy
4 whole organic pasture raised eggs with my organic bacon and my not-so-organic steak
Good feel getting what used to be an average amount of daily choline back before FDA kikes told us it was bad to make us stupid and get heart disease
now to /fast/ for the next 40 hours
>200mg of anime
You're going to fuck up your liver.
is this the same chink that eats a live mouse?
i'd ask if you're okay but you're clearly not
very small chance of that, almost 0. do research
you can not fully digest a raw egg so you get about 60% of the boiled or fried macros
thats about 3600 calories
about 500 a glass at maximum thats more like 2500 friend. no more than 10 eggs a mug, 50 calories each, see this post
1 large raw egg has about 70 calories in it though.
4 eggs on toast with hollandaise, was fucking good.
Well according to my sources that would be the calories of a boiled egg. Im not going to debate this further since I just got my information off the google nutrition thing and your probably not too far from that
>5g of fat per 1 egg
>6g of protein
>Dat shitty ratio of protein to fat
lol no
American version:
Why are americans such pussies compared to based chinese?
Guys from Veeky Forums try to Gaston challenge
forgot the multivitamin
I just ate some french toast
24g protein
Veeky Forums wasn't a balding buzzfeed test asian today, sry.
>200mg anime
mix, 4 eggs, salt, pepper, 50g of parmesan cheese, sriracha, greeo onions and 1tbsp of crunchy peanut butter
>peanut butter
Reconsider your life.
I drink 3 every morning so thats 21 a week. Sometimes I have two or three more on other meals.