Recommend me a new preworkout Veeky Forums. I've heard good things about pic related.
Recommend me a new preworkout Veeky Forums. I've heard good things about pic related
Mr. Hyde
8-9 hours of sleep, a glass of cold water, and music if you like to listen to music while you lift.
>NEET Veeky Forums: the post
I use this, I love it. So far, this is the only pre-workout that doesn't lead to a crash or fogginess. A solid, clean energy and focus that I am comfortable with taking any time of day.
this is what I use, I like it a lot. very tasty. no jitters. gives me a great boost, makes me feel like I just railed a few lines of coke but lasts much longer
Is this stuff as insane as everyone says? I really wanna try it as my first pre.
This stuff is amazing but not worth the high price would rather buy a cheaper option and just take more of it
>he takes preworkout
The only reason to take it is the caffeine, and it’s not even an optimal source of caffeine.
Just take a caffine pill
gets you bretty wired i wouldnt reccomend as ur first pre
the most memey, meme-pre in the history of memes.
ProSource Karbolic. Zero caffeine, zero maltodextrin, 100% good.
>not a Jew shill
I just ordered some of pic related because I don't like ones with too much caffeine, they make me tired after my workout but unable to sleep. Can someone tell me about their experience with it?
does it give you the itches i really love the itches it makes me feel like a methhead for 2 whole minutes. Beta aniline so good
Fuck off, shill. This type of marketing tactic is done to death now, you’re just lucky Amerifats are so dense they have a thirty second memory.
I know no one who is succesful who actually uses this waste of money
do you even espresso cuckboi?
10 grams of instant coffee , 150ml of coke drink that about 5 minutes before heading to the gym and youre good to go
Picrelated with extra green tea extract, beta alanine, citruline malate and taurine. I can rip out a horse's tail after drinking that.
why don't you just go all the way bitchboys?
God of Rage XXX, if you arent a faggot.
real Veeky Forumsizens consume 1,3 DMAA
Tea/Coffee + Creatine, everything else is a meme.