How was your week, Veeky Forums?
We are in November, so that mean in a few months it will be a brand new year. Are you close to making it or are you the same person you were last year?
Do you think next year will be your year?
How was your week, Veeky Forums?
We are in November, so that mean in a few months it will be a brand new year. Are you close to making it or are you the same person you were last year?
Do you think next year will be your year?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its finally getting cold, I love the cold weather
>Do you think next year will be your year?
I've actually had an amazing year.
>Lost over 40lbs
>Gained muscle
>Got a new job with 45k pay raise which brought me up to over six figure.....
>Still struggling with being alone but that;s why I have Veeky Forums
looks comfy af, user.
In Seattle freezing. Heading back to University on the Greyhound. I think I might hate the snow, it's desolate and painful. I lost my keys back to my dorm somewhere so I'll have to shill out like $90+ for a replacement set. I didn't get enough time with my boyfriend while visiting and he never mentions my fat loss or subsequent gains. My family is as depressing as usual. Hope my mom doesn't give in to her depression, poor woman. I'm excited to be able to start lifting again tomorrow. Worst part about visiting for the weekends. I think my depression from highschool might be returning but I've just been ignoring it. I'm scared that if I recognize its existence it might become a genuine issue.
Oh yeah, the actual question. I really want this year to be mine. I just started becoming fit a bit over a month ago. It's working and I really enjoy lifting. Thinking about changing to that greyskull lifting program thing, but I want to go more than three times a week. I don't know honestly. I just want everything to be okay.
>Still struggling with being alone
It doesn't end, does it?
>I've lost almost 50 lbs
>wearing nicer clothing
>cut my damn hair
>things are coming together
>the one girl I've had any interest in since the Ex told me she just landed a job in California
>still alone
>gonna think about her when I draw or lift now
Pretty decent week. I've been lurking fit and dieting for a majority of the year, not really working out. I lost 45 lbs and hit my goal weight. This week I went to a gym for the first time. Feels good
ohhhhh, it only gets worse the longer you stay alone
I choose a life of solitary though, this is on me and I am the problem. Being alone when you don't have to be is a problem, I'm just not willing to take the step to get out of my comfort zone anymore. I've given up on life and I'm quite weak
I've had a brutal life since I was a kid. How do push through all the BS and go full stoic mode so that I can focus on improving my life?
I'm terrified I'm going to have a really bad week
>Company meetings all week
>Scheduled for normie activities
>Going to lunch with corporate officials
>Feel like I may be fired this week since corporate wants a meeting
>Feel like I'm going to sperg out and just feel like hell all day
>Not sure how to deal with this situation
>I'm going to have to talk to a bunch of new people I've never met before
>Slightly freaking our this Sunday night
>Will forget about everything in the morning and just go to work with my normie hat
>I'm scared, but I'm also a fucking idiot for being worried about shit like this
>Act like an alpha they said
>beeee yourselff
I realize how ridiclous I may sound, I'm just not that social and panic. on occasion.....
>I'm sure I'll be here friday night shitting up the feels thread
It's been a good year so far with gym and my mental/physical health
Come July, I'm getting a tattoo to celebrate one year in the gym. It will be my first tat
my only feel is loneliness as all the boards i once lurked have now because samey and full of newfaggotry. i cant relate to anybody anymore because its all rehashed memes and off-topic shitposting
>struggling with being alone
Fuuuuuck im 23, got any advice?
How do you regain trust after it's been broken
you dont
Find a new person to gain trust with
Trust is earned, user. Depending on who you are, it could take months or years to trust someone again.
desu I would just not even try and go for it. Snakes will always be snakes. Just leave them alone and move on with your life.
It is really hard when your girlfriend is really negative and always sad
constant negative thinking, body image problems despite having everyone wanting to fuck her and I making some threats from time to time to the most stubborn, always scared of me leaving her and stuff like that
she sounds like a vapid attention whore. dump her before she drags you with her on her downward spiral into self pity and stagnant depression
I've had a pretty good year
>Gained 20 lbs away from skele town
>Lost my virginity
>Actively dated girls for the first time
>Started actually going out at night on weekends
>Transferred to a better University and now 2 years away from my bachelor's
I would've liked to get a gf out of it as well but progress is progress.
Quit gaming. Started browsing this place and others. Still don't know entirely what to fill my time with
Started a home routine, but I'm being recommended starting strength at a gym. There's one near my work and I know one of my supervisors goes there, so I can ask him about it tomorrow
It's weird. Before the thought of asking him wouldn't even cross my mind, or if it did, I'd be dissuaded because I'd fear being judged. Now I can't find a shit to give, and just have a fuck it what's to lose attitude. It's an unfamiliar feeling
Your mom is probably depressed because you’re a tripfag
Seriously this. My sister fits a similar description and all of her relationships have ended in torment for the guy, always being caused by her self-pitying bullshit.
Try to get it broken again and fail. Find someone to put it in and hope they prove your ideas that they'll hurt you wrong. I don't know, my last ex really fucked me up. My current boyfriend started the relationship with me finding out the was kissing another guy, but I kept him anyway because he really seemed to realize how fucked up what he did was, and we're incredibly compatible besides that one blip. He hasn't done anything seven months later, despite joking about it a lot. I'm just hoping he keeps proving my suspicions wrong. Either way, it's a long and scary process.
fuck off roastie whore
I'm actually a gay man. Not a filthy roast pig.
>With another man
Learn to read.
I had to take a trip to see them. You think it'd be better if I told them to fuck off and stayed up north at uni?
Did you sketch that?
Yeah, took a few weeks back in September.
It's actually really good man.
>Do you think next year will be your year?
Yes. Well it has to be.
Last year was hell. Broken relationships, several suicides (this fucked me most), and deep depression which lead to rampant drug abuse.
This year was okay. No deaths, no broken relationships and my drug abuse is gone. I might even find myself an apartment soon.
I still have a plethora of issues to work on and figure out but I'm ready to tackle everything head on.
We'll all make it my dear brethren
>25 years old
>referee soccer games like i do all day saturday in fall to get out of the house
>end at 7 PM, decide to go to a fast food place to get dinner instead of back home alone
>get food the eat there to be around some people
>a bunch of high school aged kids there with a ton of high school girls
>most of the girls are cute blondes, all wearing leggings, a few wearing leggings with those crop top things
>literally feel myself getting upset seeing all these people having fun on a saturday night that i never experienced
>25 years old eating an in n out burger along at 8 PM on a saturday night
>think about how even high school girls would reject me, and the fact i even look at them shows what a creep iam
>ask for a bag and take my food home
Here we go
>At a small party with this girl i have been crushing on for two years
>been hanging out with her a lot after she broke up with her bf 8 months ago
>we're both drinking having a fun time playing pong
>decide im gonna confess my love to her
>were close as i tell her that i have been stuck on her for so long
>she says she is so sorry that she put me through that, thought her ex was the right choice and all that
>we kiss
>hey things are looking up in life for once
>eventually make it to bed and just talk as she falls asleep in my arms
>wake up next morning and shes gone
>still feeling good
>get a text later about how she blacked out and regrets everything, only did anything with me because she was drunk
>asks me about what we did, was really concerned that we had sex, but we didnt
>freaking out thinking that shes accusing me of rape
>she calms down and were still going to hang out
>keep on inviting her to hang out
>she always is busy or just straight up doesn't respond
>decide ill call her after some liquid courage to tell her how i feel
>she doesnt pick up and my buddy tells me he needs to tell me something
>says that she never blacked
>says that she's been talking to her ex and they're going to start hanging out again
Feeling kinda lost and suicidal again.
Fuck feelings
Brother, if you go into every social interaction immediately thinking the worst, then it will always go wrong. It seems like you have some issues regarding your self esteem that need working on, just think about all the things you've accomplished in your life. Haven't accomplished enough? Well then there is reason right there to get out there and do what needs to be done.
women are thots, don't be surprised this one turned out the same. be surprised when you find one that doesn't.
So i talked to my roommate drunk about some shit iv'e been going through
I'm feeling alot better now, of course, might be the alcohol
prob not tho
Guys, don't despair. Watch and read stuff by Jordan B Peterson. He's a guest on a few podcasts, (h3h3, joe rogan ++) watch it. Read his new book (not sure if it got released yet)
>Are you close to making it or are you the same person you were last year?
No No No NO! I've improved but not nearly as much. I've let mistakes take so much time from me this year. AAA
>Constantly exhausted
>tfw no gf
>Eating unhealthy, skipping workouts
>Scared that my hair is thinning rapidly at the ripe age of 24
>Unironically considering suicide
Some people were just meant to be alone, some were just not meant to make it.
Thanks man, I'm hoping to get into comics or something in the next year.
i dont go into every interaction expecting the worst. my life has shown that the worst just happens
but thats not even related to this situation. this situation is that even when i try to put myself out there, even in the most mundane of social situation, im just surrounded by people who are more successful and more normal than i am and it just makes me really sad
So this year I have suffered the following maladies:
>perineum pain that carried over from last year
>two urinary tract infections
>ear tube dysfunction in left ear (plus tinnitus)
I turn 26 in two months. Why am I getting these mystery problems at this young an age?
Find friends and never give up on your hobbies
Never stop hustling
Sounds like my ex. She would constantly talk about being afraid of me leaving and how she is afraid of being too close because then I ?might leave?. She also had this body image thing going, apparently she was a chubster when she was a kid, but there'd be no way to tell that if she hadn't told me, no stretch marks, cellulite or any of that. Her body was pretty vanilla but she had wide hips, decent sized tits and milk white skin which all drove me crazy for her, and no matter how much I told her that I found her attractive she was still very self conscious and not eager about getting naked (even wanted to keep bra on during sex sometimes).
Anyway you need to leave her now man, in the end my girl just ghosted me, and I confronted her about it and she basically dumped me but wanted me around still (how's that supposed to work). I told her I didn't want to be friends and she started bawling her eyes out.
These crazy bitches are not worth the trouble and heartache friend.
Also giving props for the sketch. Quality stuff man
Shit food and lifestyle most likely
Do a 72h water fast. Trust me
I'm better than I was last year.
as for feels. I had this girl bail on running plans. I think were still cool though cause she made it sound like she would still want to run with me in the future. I think I was a little over eager texting her to run with me though so I'm not going to text her for a few days while I swipe on the tinder and bumble girls and then so if she wants to run next sunday. If she doesn't and I blew it oh well, oh to the next girl
Best of luck man
>Last semester lived in dorms
>some girl was one door and across the hall from me
>Saw her every once in a while
>Brown curly hair, kinda plain jane, pretty cute
>She smiles at me and says hi whenever she sees me
>Politely respond everytime, but thought comes across my mind that she might like me
>"LOL yeah right" says low self esteem
>eventually stop looking at her whenever I walk by her and dont respond because I where earbuds whenever i go
>Later during the year, she her with guy, obviously dating
>Joking think "shit that dude looks like me but worse lol"
>Still make awkward eye contact with girl
>Fast foward a full year, gotten a bit fitter, grades gone up, and lifts have gone up
>Don't socialize a lot but happy because I'm meeting my goals
>Decide one day to re-activate tindr after deleting it due to non-matches bingin' me down
>couple swipes in see her
>Say fuck it and swipe right
>Two days later
"You matched with *Girl*!"
Should I invite her for some coffee or something? She's cute and all, but I've been rejected for so long that I don't want to embarrass myself anymore. I fear that if I try I'll just make a fool out of myself and feel horrible.
What do?
my advice is to never get too dependent on a girl. they can sense when a guy is into them for good and begin to lose attraction for that guy. I'm not saying you shouldn't love your girl, but my dad always told me that your girl should love you more than you love her.
Rare "fury" pepe
Hi Veeky Forums had a disappointing weekend. Here's my story
>be me
>be studying Japanese because I'm garbage
>been trying to find a gf
>start lifting to attract girls
>want a Jap qt to help me practice
>live in San Francisco so asians aren't hard to find
>one day after gym decide to hang out with my best friend
>he knows I want a gf
>be at the mall
>he spots a 9/10
>pushes me to talk to her
>I'm nervous as hell
>try to keep my shitty spaghetti in my pocket as I approach her
>I greet her
>she's surprisingly cool
>"so where are you from?"
>holy shit
>we start talking to eachother in Japanese
>I think I found the one
>finally ask her for her number
>later that night I find out it's a Japanese number
>my messages can't get through to her
>tfw you'll never have a Jap qt 3.14
I'm gonna use these bad feels to make my gains for next week. I refuse to let these bad feels consume me. I will make it through this lads
You can use an online source to reach out to international numbers.
Am a fag, not a girl.
Don't say that brother. I don't know your situation, but don't give up hope. It may not be this year, maybe not next year, but if you keep improving yourself you will find someone who has been on a similar journey.
I can't really find an answer to my situation
>22 years old
>have perfect innocent introvert gf
>got enough hoes to ride my dick at any given time (yes, i'm a cheating cunt)
>getting women for me is just a matter of showing up
>6'4" 100kg Veeky Forums
>money is not an issue for me, can easily make over 20k/month
>feel empty inside
I feel fucking empty, I feel like a fucking loser and I do not know why. I am constantly seeking for new thrills, sometimes it's alcohol, sometimes it's drugs. I'm at a state where I'm trying to find new "highs". Not particularly in drugs, but in behavioural patterns. It's never good enough. My gf right now, she's perfect, I'm not even joking. Yet I am cheating on her and have +- 3 girls who are willing to suck my dick within minutes. Why am I like this? Why can't I just be a normal dude who stays loyal and who's happy with his underpaying 9-5 job? I'm empty, I act like I have feelings but I don't. In reality I don't really give a fuck about myself or about anyone. I can't value anything. Not money, not love, not sex.
How the fuck do I solve this?
>water fast
Or, you know, he could just stop eating fast food
Fitness wise? I'm slightly better than when I started the year. I was working a full time restaurant job as a cool up until August. I got a comfy desk job in a music environment which is my area of interest. I'm getting great grades at uni. My life is going foward and for the first time I feel successful.
And me and my girlfriend are still going. We can all make it bros.
Find a passion in your life, something that gives you meaning, and use every fibre of your being to accomplish goals in line with that passion.
You're falling into a pit of hedonism even Aurelius couldn't pull you out. Read meditations, understand that true beauty comes from a man that has morals congruent with his actions. Dump your gf, you're actions are going to end up causing someone to kill themselves or worse, cause you to kill yourself soon enough.
>there are people who will believe this
Just invite her for something simple like coffee and see how it goes. A lot of this kind of thing is rolling with the punches. So, get rolling, user.
I just feel like I was born to be miserable. I have so many flaws I can't fix that its really breaking me down. I'm trying to improve myself but whenever I feel like I'm getting closer to making it, something happens that just pushes me down and I end up starting from the beginning again.
I fucking hate my job, I hate college, I've never had sex or a gf in the 25 years of being alive. I just fucking hate my life. I think about ending everyday now. The reason I don't is because I don't want to hurt my mom and sister.
I'm trying really to push through the pain, but damn I don't think I'll make it.
I am . I know I am an empty fuck but I do know how to get laid.
She's interested in you, she greeted you before out of fucking nowhere. Was it just being polite? Well, your Tinder match shows it's not. You should escalate things from the beginning. Be a little cocky, the guy who said "shit that dude looks like me but worse lol" was a cocky fuck too. And guess how many times he fucked her from behind. Do not follow any advice like: just be yourself. Fuck that. Be the guy she wants to be. Put on a show.
About the rejection part. It's part of the journey. Without rejection there is no acceptance. Thus, there would be no pleasure in acceptance because that's the only situation possible. Be fucking happy you get rejected sometimes. It would be fucking boring if every girl would simply fuck you out of nowhere.
If I was in your shoes, I would've started the convo with something (cocky) like: aren't you the girl who tries to keep hitting on me in the hallway? (cocky sarcasm)
From there on it's just a matter of not fucking up, but having abundance in this situation is key. Therefore you should be a cocky motherfucker.
I don't want to work tomorrow.... fuck being a wagecuck, I want do work in real estate where the hours are a but more flexible
I have a passion for multiple things. But when I am following these passions I put myself 100% to the task (muay-thai and e-commerce for example). I become obsessed. I consume the entire thing, which makes me neglect other aspects in life. Even basic tasks like taking a shower or brushing my teeth are some tasks I don't do because I am committing myself 100% to my passions. Which eventually gives me a burnout and feeling even more shitty in the end.
There's a reason to do the fast, you mong. Read about it, I'm not gonna spoon feed you
back to plebbit fag
>be me one year ago
>election cycle in full swing
>got out of military September, went straight to volunteering for Trump campaign
>went to events in CA, got into debates (shouting matches) and even some ""fights"" with ANTIFA type
>hype was in full effect, encouraged people to go out and vote Trump, got my entire family to support the guy
>Trump wins election, hip hip hooray
>be me now
>realize what a fucking waste of time and energy that was
>wasted all that time on something as fleeting as politics
>mfw realize how many gains I could've made if I weren't being a complete political retard
no wonder /pol/acks are so unhappy, if I only I could go back in time and tell myself to do something useful with my time
Well first you gotta tell us your problems. Get it off your chest brotha.
Download Line. Thank me later.
Pretty decent actually.
Lost 29kg, got into rock climbing, progressed further in my uni course, solidified friendships, and going sky diving in the next couple of weeks hopefully.
Lifted this morning, hit a job interview and aced it, start next week. School is also going great, hit a local cigar bar and had a beer and stogie to celebrate, then came home and grilled a steak and vegetables. This evening I'm just hanging at home with my gf and pets.
Oh and not to mentions am joining the Australian defence force army reserves, progressed through everything and just clearing up medical stuff before I enlist and leave on recruit training early next year.
I'm very insecure about everything. I'm like a fucking 3/10 and there not much I can do to change that. I'm just not liking school. I've been in school for years now and I'm still a fucking junior. I hate my major and I can't see myself doing it if I finish. In the 25 years I've been alive, I've never had sex or had a gf. I'm just constantly lonely. Whenever a random girl is nice to me, I get feels for her. I also get attached to anyone that wants to be my friend. which is not good because they all end up leaving after a few years. I'm getting older and seeing all the people I went to high school with finish college, find jobs, get married and have kids , buying homes and going on vaction is really fucking with me. I haven't done any of that shit. I feel like a fucking loser. I'm trying my best to improve my life, but damn is it hard.
All I want is to find a nice comfy office job where I work with nice people and get paid enough to where I can live a good life and also help my mom with the bills.
And finding a girl that likes me would be nice too.
user, I can read you like a book... you have to attack these feelings DIRECTLY. Okay? When you say you're insecure... you have to tell yourself you aren't. "Oh he's giving this kind of advice" no I'm not, because telling yourself isn't enough right now. Telling yourself that you aren't insecure will EVENTUALLY be very powerful, because you are actually DEMANDING that you not be insecure, and your demands of yourself will gain in strength through repetition... but it's not enough now. What you have to do is cringe-tier forced-meme yourself out of this situation, all while telling yourself you're not insecure. The way you do this is simple: stop giving a fuck. This is the key to your revival... you will get laughed at and made fun of, people will think you're dumb or childish (especially at first), but you have to start making situations happen of being not insecure, and doing your damndest to be courageous (and not give a fuck), for you to actually not be insecure anymore at some point. Okay?
Doing the above elicits the same brain actions as learning how to (sorta) adult, like not sitting on the floor playing with toys and making noises impulsively. Habits come about by repetition... you must repeat being not insecure to become not insecure by habit... this will fix all of your confidence issues and you'll be mentally strong enough to figure out the rest. I was a loser before I enlisted and pretended to be confident to try and not be a loser anymore... now I'm the center of attention any time I hang out with my friends, which is fun as hell... if I can do it, you can too
Next year is going to be FUCKING LIT
ADF has the tastiest mess hall chow I ever tasted during my conscription
I like this guy's positivity
FUCK YEAR, duder, next year gonna bust some PRs on lifts and some nuts on bitches
My weekend was pretty good. I did almost everything I wanted to. I hit all my weekly goals. I cleaned my living space, shaved, and prepped meals for lunch.
I got a full time job a few months ago. It's after I graduated college and I found something nearby in my field. Because it's my first time holding down full time work, I dedicated myself to a schedule that keeps me on top of gymming, working, and being creative. In addition, I'm keeping a frugal budget so that I can have money to invest in the hopes of having money work harder than I can.
To this end, it's easy to say I'm not the same person I was last year. For one, I've been sober the whole goddamn year. I'm holding the job down. On top of that, I'm actually writing. People in the gym are acknowledging my progress and dedication. Next year could easily be my year and I'll tell you why. I'm approaching 3pl8 squat, 4pl8 diddly. I can taste it, man. I don't even care about aesthetics as much as this progress. Beyond that, I can start investing sometime mid-next year assuming no bull shit happens (like my old AF car breaking down on me).
I was inspired by you guys. All it takes is one yes, one smashed wall, beating he expectations one time and a year can snowball in ways you can't even imagine!
This is my third or fourth week since starting to go to the gym, cooking my own meals, and the works.
I'm supposed to start my job with Amazon this week, but I'm more stressed than relieved about having a job.
And after browsing Veeky Forums for the past couple years, I've come to grow very conscious of my height (5'3''), and the gym is making me very more aware of how short I am.
I just need to stay positive and keep working towards my goals. And maybe I'll find an interesting girl at the gym, or something. Hope everybody's having a good night here.
I think itd help more if you stopped using a name and lurked moar so you understand Veeky Forums culture a bit more.
>Are you close to making it or are you the same person you were last year?
Don't know, feels like I'm transitioning into a different person.
>was 5'6" 68lbs
>slowly bulked my way to 172lbs
>lifts going great, everything feels great lifting wise and running
>standing up straight for once
>saying no more
>Do you think next year will be your year?
I hope so at this point.
>gf of 7 years broke up with me
>realize I was a beta and made her my whole life
>became emotionally dependent
>when she left I had become nothing because I had absorbed myself into her
>dads health failing, moms health is becoming worse with her obesity
>keep trying to help them get better with their health
>had to withdraw from one class in school
>been getting rejected from girls
I basically lost who I was this year and have nothing left so to speak. At this point I feel free to rebuild myself into who I want to be. I really don't want to mess with girls right now but I hope I can move out soon. I fucking hate living at home. I just want to be left alone and have my own life and identity for once. I feel like a loser still at home at 23. I have 3 semesters left then I can transfer into a state school. But even then it will probably be awkward with me living in the dorms at such a late age. I just want to leave, finish school and finally build my own life. I just have to work to make things better.
Only thing to do is accept your shitty actions, try and do better from this moment on, and forgive yourself. Just make sure you're on the right track now.
I'm 25 myself and still live at home because I fucked up financially got into a shitload of debt and bad credit but I'm about to use the gi bill to go back to school and i got a retail job i actually like and make decent money.
As long as you're moving foward, don't worry about a thing.
Just keep moving forward, you don't know what other people are going through and could be putting up a front just to seem ok.
No wonder she left
>met a girl that I've had a crush on a few months ago
>texted all throughout the summer while I was an hour away working with my grandfather
>first time I've ever really opened up to any girl, or anyone actually
>feel like we have so much in common and I can't get my mind off of her and holy fuck I think i'm in love with her
>flash forward to the start of the semester
>get to see her every day and sit with friends but she's much more quiet and awkward in real life
>reminds me of how I am when I don't want to talk to somebody
>its now november
>every fucking minute I think about her and how her and everyone else actually feel about me
>every time I manage to convince myself she doesn't feel for me, I picture some scenario where she says she loves me and i'm back to square-one
>every time I think that I don't like her any more, I see her again and my heart skips another beat
>every time I think I should lay my cards on the table and tell her or one of my other close friends about my situation, I think of all the ways it could go wrong and how much of a bitch I am for not resolving this by myself
I'm a fucking mess inside. I'll feel fine in the mornings and while I hang out with friends, but the moment I leave it just comes crashing down.
at least lifting will numb the thoughts
Tell a friend, it definitely helps. See if she wants to hang out.
I saw my potential this week when I used a friends lifting belt and my squat went from breaking form at 170lb to easy and clean at 225 with a belt. I don’t have any money for one right now so it makes me sad.
I wasted my weekend doing nothing and now I’m very behind on law school related work, but in good news I discovered Jordan Peterson last week and my existential depression and dread is now gone. So that’s good.
I have seen rock bottom, I'm never going back there again user. I don't want to.
jesus fucking christ
hello me from march 2017 up until to 2 weeks ago.
>started lifting recently after years of browsing Veeky Forums
>cleaning up my diet
>smoking drinking only on weekends
I only go to planet fitness because of the price but an user told me it’s better than nothing.
>only girl in my life is a 31 year old cute brazillian woman at work
>im 22
>hit on her all the time but know it’s never gonna go anywhere
The future is full of uncertainty brehs. I hope life becomes something I can enjoy one day rather than be a constant struggle.
What are you studying, user?
This sounds like you're the brother of my ex. What's her name?
Tell her, rejection is better than regret
Can I get your email or something? I'd like to pay you for some work.
Or some media where I can reach you.