Braphog here

You may remember me from that Gyno thread, I’m the so called “BRAP Hog” that has nice perky tits and can lactate. Anyway I’m going to get bloods tomorrow. My challenge to you itt is to guess what my test # will be...

I’ll follow up on a few days with my results. Whoever is the closest wins!

It's unlikely to be very low in my opinion. I'm going with 300.

You're lactating? How the hell is that possible? That's not even caused by low test

Here’s proofs

not even gyno, just straight up tits at that point

Nice tits boy i'd suck them ngl

Could 300 get me trt?

I'm very confused



Thanks, OP. I just laughed my ass off. Full salute to you.

Nope, that's in the normie range

Honestly you are probably better off becoming a fetish “egirl”. You can make good money on homos.

You got a thicc butt

This is a blue board. It was the first time you posted, and it still is. Please go

I have gyno but not as bad as that. My moobs aren’t even the thing that bothers me it’s the pepperoni nipples. I need to wear these daily.

Thanks op just got fired for looking at porn at work. Tried to explain it was a guy but he wouldn’t buy it.

low testosterone (which you do have) isn't your main problem, you have some crazy high estrogen if your lactating. You could be aromatising all your free t into E.

>the absolute state of males in 2017


Christ almighty thats gyno of the most sevear portions what the fuck how do you even reach that point jesus heck



PLEASE be my mommy bf.


Were you the dude /b/ convinced to put on a bra and take pics?


What’s the trt max?

Sorry goyim, unless you test levels are at kindergarten range you already got too much
However if you want some estrogen pills or hormones blockers, we can hook you up as long you are older than 10

10/10 titties, would splurt my gurt on

reported for child pornograhy on the fbi tips section

I think gyno is a sign that you're gay and you should just become a trap.

can you put a bra on and take pics pls.

daily reminder that only being a trap is gay- fucking a trap is 100% straight

>mfw I have tits bigger than yours
How can I tell if they are gyno or just regular fat that will go away if I lose weight?

Lose weight and you'll find out you fat fuck

Oh okay, so I'm not gay. That's nice.

It's probably just chest fat. Gyno is usually puffy nips. But you do have round, feminine tits. I have man boobs too, its just a lot of fat on my chest. I hate it

I'd like to know beforehand so I don't waste my time losing weight to look like a trap on HRT.
You cockmongler.

Ok for .1 bitcoin

I'd rather be a healthy trap on HRT looking faggot than a fucking morbidly obese neckbeard. Enjoy dying of a heart attack at 36.

are you a real girl?

>admitting to rather sucking cock than to be obese

Sorry I'm too straight for you.

>not sucking cock
you're missing out on so many potential gainz, brah

>you don't want to be morbidly obese?
>y-y-you must be gay...
brilliant logic hamlet, enjoy crying mountain dew tears into your anime body pillow tonight

being homo is gay

No :(


well a portion of them for sure

nah bruv, just say no homo after you swallow

a scout sniper tattoo would be cool, but i regard my body as a temple of my ancestors.


Daily reminder that cum is loaded with estrogen and will kill your gains. If you swallow.

Got a link?

Lmao dude those are literally titties. What has your diet been like. Have you been drinking or eating anything soy or water from plastics

>perky feminine breasts

Jesus fuck you should definitely go to hospital m8. Thats a serious sign of excess prolactin hormone usually caused by brain tumor in your pituitary gland.

T. Biomedical student

You just look fat, not low test

>no hair on tits

His name was Robert Paulson

Can girls take whatever it is you took to grow their tits?

Isnt' Braphog a term for girls with fat asses. Wtf does a dude with man tits have to do with braphogging


Show dick

looks like my nofap streak is over.

That's not low t. You've probably got an extra chromosome or something.


true post face op
do you happen to have a feminine figure aswell

just imagine how big those titties would be if you were a tranny holy shit start HRT

youre a guy? fuck, you have better tits than me and im a girl
just fuck my shit up


This is so weird, are you fat? You don't look that fat, but you have legit breasts. Fully body pic pls

>what is gyno

He's a hermaphrodite

this, post your feminine benis op

Are you the one known as trainglehead or something?

Just lose the weight. It's better to have gyno and be skinny, than being a huge lard of butter. You can always get surgery if you find out you do have gyno. They also make compression shirts you can wear under your clothing.You're an idiot.

this is a blueboard

nice tits though

My guess is around 290-310



I'm gonna say 550

Why would you necessarily have low testosterone?That doesn't cause gyno.

Hard to gain muscle
No body hair

All of that could be caused by T:E or DHT:Prolactin etc., rather than necessarily androgen deficiency itself.


Not a biologist. Not a doctor. All he knows is what he's not

How do we know that this isn't a woman larping as a man pretending to be a woman?

Here’s proof

That ain't proof, it's not uncommon for fatshit girls with diabetes and PCOS to get hirsutism

I trying to to do nofap m8

What whoremoans did you take?

You could have just a tumor in pituitary gland that rises your prolactin but be on normal testosterone verge. BTW you're into obese side judging from the stomach so there can be a lot of fat that isn't gyno. My testosterone is 340 so I'll guess this is the number

Squeeze them. If there's a somewhat-harder spongy lump inside of them, it's gyno. If it's just fat it'll feel like the other fat parts of your fat bodies, without the spongy lump.

Obesity is usually what causes the hormonal imbalance which leads to bad gyno in males, though. If you were young, losing weight would legit fix it.

What am I looking at here

probably gyno removal

Not OP (I'm the guy you replied to) but I have real gyno but always was max 22 BMI and played soccer. Delayed puberty, first gyno signs at 14, here I'm 20 and still have it growing though all levels are in range. I'll try Clomid and anastrozole for 2 months to attempt to restart HPTA for higher testo and maybe even hit lower my E2 that is perfect right now but prolactin is in the higher end

After 6 years it's probably permanent, so surgery is the way to go.

I know this but I'm saying that by my bloods there is no imbalance and I wasn't fat. Only thing is low testosterone, tough doctors in my country say I'm healthy... Tell to my dead penis... Gyno is a tissue but in me it's still get tough and tender. Should mean it's still growing. Most likely won't go with a surgery. There are ropes being sold in supermarkets and many dense forests


You need to stop taking estrogen, dumbass.

oh look a camhw-

>it's a male