What's objectively the best sleeping position?
What's objectively the best sleeping position?
flat on your back no pillow
On your back.
How do I stop myself from autorolling to sleeping on my stomach?
i'm pretty sure back sleeping is the best.
I sleep like #3, but with a body pillow because I’m a fag.
>No-one is cuddling their pillow
In leu of a soft sweet smelling lady spooning a pillow is the best way to sleep
I sleep on my stomach
Foetal position on side with head on two pillows and an extra pillow between your knees
Picture is too large. Way to blow my data plan, asshole. Use a smaller scaled one next time.
Get fucked poorfag
Back or side both have their advantages. Just stay off your stomach. I tend to fall asleep on my left because my heartburn bothers me less in that position.
Maybe tuck a heavy down pillow or a rolled up blanket on the side of you that you tend to roll towards?
ive began sleeping like second one in on row 2 and its surprisingly comfy. My back feels great after and im in a great position for quick paced movements, if needed.
I've been sleeping like the guy in the corner.
Sleeping on your back with a girl asleep on your chest.
Literally nothing is comfier.
this is the only way I can sleep on my back
worst is big spoon with her hair in your face and her head on your arm
Second row far right
>If you're not gambling on whether you suffocate wyd
who else 7 here?
Fucking big spoon, arm falling asleep, having your face get hot from your breath on her hair. Absolute worst sleep position
thats the woman's favorite too I think
I appreciate your sarcasm, user.
Of course it is, she exists to make as many moments of your life suboptimal as she possibly can.
They make children. Work backward from there.
>sleeping on your back
enjoy your sleep apnea
Is it true that sleeping on your side prevents your shoulders from being broad?
can you help me out? I'm not sure what you're getting at, all I said was "being the big spoon sucks"
yes, and sleeping on your belly makes you shredded
it is literally the best position.
Every other position has some major side effect.
sleeping on your stomach leads to respiratory issues/wrinkles your face faster/low oxygen intake
sleeping on your side can cause a minor form of paralysis as well as age that side of the skin of your face that is touching the pillow.
Whereas sleeping on your back with the pillows has no major setbacks and you combat sleep apnea by resting your head properly so you don't obstruct your air way.
>Always sleep on stomach/side
>Sleeping on back feels unnatural and uncomfortable
wat do
>he doesn't sleep on his side and changes sides every night
I bet you are a thin neck dyel fag, it's impossible to sleep on your back if you have a thick neck
i also need a solution to this but i can't even sleep on my side
I stole an used shirt from my gym crush at uni
I dress the pillow with his shirt, then I warm it with a hairdryer and I pretend it's him sleeping next to me
i'm girl btw, please dont reply to this post
I sleep next to a soft sweet smelling woman every night and greatly prefer the pillow
Are you fucking serious?
Are you fucking telling me what to fucking do?
The fuck is up with number 10. Dude has an Onahole underneath for reals.
I bet you kiss girls too ya faggot.
I wish someone wanted me like this.
That's creepy dude.
Just fuckin do it. Lie on your fucking back and go to fucking sleep, Jesus fucking Christ how do you even start compound lifting if you fuck up your sleep form, deadlifting is goddamn rocket science compared to sleep, I feel like people need "starting sleep" instead of starting strength.
me, but with leg extended, not preparing my boipussy like that faggot
>What's objectively the best sleeping position?
lol ew this shit is only good for getting really warm, a dead arm, and a face full of hair
Me too. I make my girlfriend sleep on the other side of the bed
Sleep in #2 position wake up in #1 position.
Sleeping on my back causes sleep paralysis :/
I can only sleep in soldier position
Everything else makes my arms go numb
#muscle problems
>my favourite shirt was stolen/went missing from the gym once couple of years back
On my back I usually have very wild dreams, not very restful sleep.
Lying on back, hands behind head is comfy and puts me to sleep ASAP but I wake up with no sensation in my arms in the middle of the night and I get paranoid I'll dislocate the joint when they flop around.
On my stomach with a pillow gives me neck pain. Without a pillow, it gets hard to breathe. Plus my cock gets squished.
GOAT sleeping position is on my side, with bottom arm sticking straight out to the side and top arm angled so hand rests on pillow next to my face. I like having a second pillow (40x80 cm) under the top arm to support it. Plus that helps with keeping me warm in the winter.
Lately I've been sleeping on my sides while hugging the pillow to my chest, tell me how bad this is Veeky Forums
max comfy
14, can't sleep with my stomach being cold
That 10 is just asking for it, Fuck.
Ah, the no gf position.
>hugging pillow wasnt enough
>pillow wasnt long or cuddly enough
>bought a 2nd douvet
>sleep hugging a wrapped up douvet while underneath another
>literally cannot sleep without doing this
Every night i begin trying to sleep on my back and end up like this.
i cant will myself to sleep user. If my body says no then there isnt much i can do about it.
Do you mean best position to "fall asleep"?
Any healthy person will regularly toss around during the night and change position every so often to prevent bed sores or that a pinched arm gets blood flow cut off for an extended period of time which may result in gangrene.
side sleeper master race
You don't, or the sleep paralysis kicks in. Satan trips confirms.
If your a women only your back is a good idea.
Smusching you face in the pillow will give you wrinkels.
On side facing the door
This post actually retarded. Ban yourself for the rest of the week.
back on the hardfloor nomattress /sigfit/ reporting
I heard this one is good for your back. It was developed in Finland in the 1940s.
>grow, grow ...
this guy gets it.
1,13,14 best
used to be 24 but legit cant do that anymore due to arm size
Nice. No pillow? I've been sleeping on my stomach for 27 years, how to transition?
Fucking walrus