Post motivation Before and Afters, specifically involving the face
Before and After: Face Edition
I don't want to dox myself but i have pics from 15 30 and 50lbs ago
Being 50lbs heavier my face was pudgy and looked so unhealthy
Losing all that weight makes me look younger btw, keep going guys
The road to success if ahead. One day we will leave and move on. For now, continue working and grinding
he's still ugly as fuck lol
Jewfros aren't aesthetic, shocker. Neither are nigger afros. Also jews are not aesthetic.
>left: fun personality
>right: tryhard weak face
I lost 20 pounds got at least 40 to go.
What can I expect to see between now and the losing of the 40?
>French weather reporter mocks you in live TV
>Instantly lose 100s of pound just because of the sheer embarrasment
th-thanks dr Mew
preferably without a 10 year difference
keep going, dont focus on the numbers
take pictures every few weeks and dont pay attention to them
once you drop a lot of weight, look through the photos and it just makes you feel sad for being that fat in the first place....
jst keep going and dont stop...
It's a lot less than ten years, I was eighteen in the left photo
you look 10
jesus christ are you serious? gratz on growing up if thats true
that's why you should make your kids play sports instead of fucking video games
How'd I do?
Made a new collage with a better app. 40lb difference.
100 pounds, lost it all between September and March.
Forgot to turn my trip off. My bad. Here's a particularly dismaying before photo.
goodwork fireanon
I was at 230 in this photo, I was 330 at my heaviest.
Also interestingly enuf...
6/13 was when I lurked /b/, /adv/, and /r9k/
10/17 is current and I only lurk Veeky Forums now
Thanks. I'm on the road back, I'm sorry to report. I had a pretty severe back injury in the spring and between being laid up and the intense hungry that Prednisone brings on, I gained a bunch back. Embarrassing and discouraging as fuck. Gotta look forward though.
Yeah you can do it. If you find yourself plateauing just mix up the methods, intermittent fasting etc
>Post motivation Before and Afters, specifically involving the face
>specifically involving the face
face is literally the first thing that will drastically change after losing barely couple of lbs
if looking in the mirror is not motivating your lard ass you should forget about it because you will never make it
Nowhere near where i want to be but definite difference. Thanks Veeky Forums
265 then, 199 now
jose is that you? youre gonna make it
Only just realising what a gay little smile I've got.
Difference is close to 70lbs.
Still a jew soyboy either way.
weight and height?
About 220 on the left, 150ish on the right and I'm 5'5.
Looking gud senpai. I'm 5'9'5 about 220 now hoping to get down to 175.
Another victim of the neckpill
stop larping as a femanon
Thanks user. You'll get there.
I keep the rest of my inches in my trousers. Haha! Get it? I'm alluding to a large penis.
Kill me.
Nice man, haircut definitely helps too. Consider getting some contacts as well.
Mirin transformation m8
Did you actually see facial gains from mewing?
>bamboozling vs getting bamboozled
you literally look 8
you grow up on a soy farm?
DELETE if this guy is not fat and funny anymore i have to change myself
fuck you
why are you doing this to me
I'm also not where I want to be, but I used to be in the 360's and I'm now down to 198 lbs. This is only showing about an 80 lb difference.
Too bad my skin got worse. Thanks, rosacea.
Looks like you're gonna make it.
post ur baps luv
>his smile and optimism: gone
Seems wrong to post these on a blue board.
Damn user, good work
how's your cycle going - you're the user doing tren right?
how many inches? you do look like someone who'd be nice and thick
nah I probably will fraud at some point but not while my hairs this lush
Who is this white man?
Elyse is that you?
>haha I love saving people
>I hope I die in a crumbling building tonight
No, you're safe.
No fixing Jew genetics
Jews, much like Russians, are strange in that their men are fuck ugly and their women are attractive.
If it means anything you've got a cute face and will probably look pretty good once you're low bf. Just make sure to lift and do cardio while you cut to avoid loose skin, and try not to lose weight too rapidly.
How did being that big affect your job? I imagine you weren't able to break into burning houses and such?
Amazing! Well done
I've been a firefighter since I was in high school. Volunteer, of course. I've been full time since 2007. When I graduated high school in 06, I weighed 270. Packed on the rest over the years. I passed all the tests and training, I won't say it was easy. Losing the weight made be more confident than I ever was before.
Cut for le jawlines xD
Bloatmaxx to increase FWHR and overall cranial dimensions for extra DOMness
>from DOM mexishit drug kingpin slayer to narrow mediterranean cuck
It's over for you
>incel speaks
>Bloatcel FWHR
Talk about being bluepilled as FUCK. The only time face width is dom is when it's BONE!! You can't cheat your narrow skull!
It's the ZimZam you newfags
Even despite shooting a kid Zimmerman is still a bitch at his core
Nice job wey keep it up my dude
6'3" 305lbs -> 170lbs
One year.
cope, just look at this brutal girthmog.
bloatmaxxing = LIFE
Went from 106kg to 84kg, then cycled up to 96kg of lean muscle. Height is 178cm.
Just believe in yourself.
>from carbmaxxed jock chad to bugeyed deathnikk
Further proof that bloatmaxxing is the way to go in 2017
You're the only one coping here boyo, that samoan looking mess will never compete with naturally high fwhr slayers
I was way happier after losing the weight, don't let the ID picture fool you.
> kid
this kid looks like a low iq high school bully he isnt a slayer lmao. i can smell your virginity
Your reply is low IQ. You're beyond delusional if you think highschool bully phenotypes aren't dom pussywetters. This guy epitomizes dark triad bad boy slayer.
It was just a joke, I can imagine life got better. It's amazing how better fitness can affect your psyche in a positive way. Good on ya user!
Why exactly is it that nearly all 50+ year old men are robust Chads while like 98% of youngcels are subhuman?
This is about 80-90lbs difference.
take a less blurry pic but you look way fucking better
>from tfwngf
>to chad, starting qb and in a frat at a d1 college
Fucking kek
All these fuckers only problem was being fat, try having norwood 2 at 19 years old. How thr fuck do I fix that?
Literally not a problem unless you also have deficient horizontal growth and short lower third
Cute af
congratulations on your weightloss but I'm sorry to tell you that you don't survive the crash landing on Fiorina 161
cut the head off and post it
>implying you can still post w/ no head
Post jaw bb
Holy Jesus, you look like Ronaldo
Thank you, anons!
I'll keep working out. Having a copious amount of loose skin is unavoidable when you're around 200 lbs overweight, though.
Just to be clear, am I Turk with my pissy face or the craft itself?
>lose fat
>Chad face appears
Well done, lad.
The difference between growing up outdoors versus growing up playing video games every day.
>You're beyond delusional if you think highschool bully phenotypes aren't dom pussywetters
lmao. women want intelligent successful men who is also good looking. why you think 50 shades was popular and the most frequent male characters in erotic novels are surgeons, doctors and bankers?
if you genuinely believe that this pig nose yung lean is considered highly attractive to women youre delusuinal and should unironically think about ending your life
Women generally love older men, how fucking dumb you have to be to call a high school jock "slayer"? that kid barely looks 16