Get in here fit people who are autistic, introverted, lonely, weird, outcasts. How does it feel having the body of Chad but socially/mentally be a robot autistic virgin? Seems to be an interesting combo.
Fit robots
post your chad body so that I believe this isnt a sham and youre not a normie in disguise
normies cant be autistic tho
I came here just today because I'm tired of being a fat depressed fuck who browses /r9k/ all day.
it's torture. Imagine having hot women constantly fawn over you but do a 180 as soon as you open your mouth. i'm almost to the point of pretending i'm mute or deaf just so i can get by on mimicing chad.
> Implying I'm just not an autistic lanklet
Fit cyborg here. Mostly just a pussy that cant cold approach women. Have never done it in my life and need to learn soon. It becomes kind of bad when I see women obviously adjusting themselves and flipping their hair right when I walk by and stare at me and I do nothing.
there are very few genuinely Veeky Forums robots who remain KHHV most are just delusional lanklets who have achieved ottermode
Is ottermode not Veeky Forums?
>mfw ive been pretending to be hard of hearing so people dont talk to me
Aspergers here with ottermode body
>be me 24
>got laid via gfs all through high school
>started partying with my older sister
>had about 15 one or two night stands
>got tired of it and went cocoon mode for a couple years
>gfs here and there
>lots of mushrooms
>slowly lost all social skills and turned into the weird guy
>ff to tonight
>Sat at a table with the "cool" locals and a chick that wants to fuck me
>They spent a good couple minutes asking me why I'm awkward and this and that
>don't do well with all that attention so looked even more awkward trying to explain myself
>Just want to fit in :'(
>They spent a good couple minutes asking me why I'm awkward and this and that
What do you mean? Did they just ask outright why your awkward?
its not Veeky Forums standards Veeky Forums
> (OP)
>Fit cyborg here. Mostly just a pussy that cant cold approach women. Have never done it in my life and need to learn soon. It becomes kind of bad when I see women obviously adjusting themselves and flipping their hair right when I walk by and stare at me and I do nothing.
fucking this
im ottermode because being a robot doesnt allow me to go to a gym so im limited by my home gym(parents bathroom)
yea dude i feel that feel every damn day. girls mire, and i know they do, but i never cold approach
Yeah the chick invited me out but I'm still hungover from yesterday so I wasn't talking very loud and that's what started them mocking my voice and asking why I never say much and am awkward, can't remember the exact words
I'm getting fit for a shooting
Wanna have huge gains for when I kill myself
My friend is kind of like this, works as an interior architect.
He's pretty strong, been lifting for maybe 4 years, has a girlfriend but doesn't really want to have a girlfriend.. socially a bit stunted.
Meanwhile I'm half as fit but twice as socially able, harder to train social skills so I think I'll catch up on him strength wise soon enough.
>tfw so autistic that I won't go to the free gym right next door because there are people there
I'm not fit by any standards, but 6'2 in a country where the average height is 5'6. Get lots of attention but can't do anything about it
>tfw a girl told me she has a crush on me
>t-thanks, you look good too
Kill me now please
>Tfw semi decent talking game
>Fucking awful pick up game, cant even cold approach literal 1/10s
go.. Go right now.