I work out at Bradley Martyn's gym

I work out at Bradley Martyn's gym


How small is Bradley in real life?
Is he only half as big as Dom like he claims, or is he really only a quarter as big?

How's it smell?
Is it worth it?

he's pretty tall and jacked but not like rich piana huge

It smells fine

It costs $54 a month or something, there's like 10 squat racks, 5 benches, 2 oly platforms, heaps of plates... yeah it's pretty good

>not going along with the memes.
You're not very fun.

god what is this weird obsession this board has with youtube fitness nobodies. saged.

I didnt know that was a meme. I dont really watch any of bradley's videos or anything. I only realised he owned the gym after i'd got a membership.

They're brosciencelife memes.
Though Mike is in character as Dom in some of Bradleys videos, and sometimes not.
Don't watch Brad's videos but DO watch Mike's.

Yeah i've seen some of the broscience vids

If you took off his hat, would he die?

oh I go to gold's gym noho where I would see Bradley and Rich Piana every week. but Bradley made his own gym and Rich stopped coming.

might get a month am pretty bored with gold's

>rich stopped coming


>Rich stopped coming

>rich stopped coming

Why does he wear the hat?

>rich stopped coming

fuck off dom

what are you doing on this website old timer?

Does he banter with people often, or literally just own it and show up occasionally to train himself and thats it?
Are you him trying to gain exposure after the vids became stale?
What are his lifts?
Am I even supposed to believe those delts are natty?
Any cool stories?

Ever seen his dong? What's he packin?

>rich stopped coming

>>rich stopped coming

who the fuck buys a hat that goes over their ears?

>rich stopped coming


>Rich stopped coming

>Rich stopped coming.

>Implying you actually cared about rich
fuck off

Why isn't bradley capable of getting a hat that's actually his head size?

We get it nigga. You're balding. At least put on a fucking hat that fits

It would be extremely unflattering.

You're a big guy

u u u u

>rich stopped coming

>Rich stopped coming

Dont worry guys rich said he just had to go get some more scoops. He promised he would come back.