>junk food is okay if you get good macros, r-right?
Junk food is okay if you get good macros, r-right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't bulk on doughnuts and milk+protein powder
Literally laughing
>not bulking on caffine, cigarettes and uranium
Never gonna make it
>not bulking on hair to maximize DHT reduction
>Two McDoubles
>You don't have to cook
>46 grams of protein
>Like $3 depending on location
Fuck yeah, fast food is great when you're bulking
Why would I bulk on caf-
>cigarettes and uranium
Oh, you're trolling.
Yes, you can bulk on doughnuts, it's mostly dough with absorved fat, so fat+carbs.
Grilled artisan at McDonald is healthier has more protein and less calories
>Transfat and added sugar
Enjoy your low T faggots
didn't know bumholes and eyelids contained so much protein tbqh
what is the mcdouble called in europe or what would be a similar burger?
i am obviously new - isn't mcd like the worst thing to eat?
Nope. It's trash food, low quality shit, ultimately it's always bad for you.
You should only get it max once a week.
>this tired meme
Look, I worked at a meat processing plant, and the buttholes and face don't go into your mcdonalds burgers
They go into hotdogs
Mcdonalds is pink slime, made from mashing up bones and squishing out the meaty bits left over
No. Get traditionally prepared foods. Meats, eggs, all that good stuff. It's the processed crap that will kill you.
mcdouble is like a cheeseburger with an extra beef patty on it
t. former mcdonalds employee
dont forget dem micros
Nice momscience
Memes aside I've legit been eating a whole pizza every night for the past 2 months. Macros work for me as my post workout meal.
Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in college turning it down for 70k finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.
What do you weigh… 181 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.
Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.
Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.
epic :)
That's what I did my first bulk. Got a bit fat, but that's easy to fix with a cut.
No, actual science.
>believing in the fallacy known as "clean" eating.
calories are calories, your body does not give a shit where they come from.
This processed foods affect health but not diet
I have a gun
Is this how pasta is made?
Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in college turning it down for 70k finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.
What do you weigh… 181 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.
Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.
Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.
This guy blocks your path,
wat do?
I has 2 gahns xD
I bulked on toasts with peanut butter and protein shakes once
it worked perfectly. in my experience, clean eating being noticeably better for anything is a meme
that being said, my palate has "matured" since then and I only eat real, "clean" foods now and can't eat anything sweet as a meal even if I forced myself to, so I'm safe if clean eating is not a meme after all
pizza bulking master race only a bear mode loser would come in here and say its bad youre living proof and to an admittedly lesser extent so am i
ask if he would mind to have his picture taken. KK seems like a cool dude.
in theory yes, but you can't get good macros eating only junkfood since in say 100g it has more fat than you need, and not enough protein and carbs. that being said i don't think it's damaging your health, and you could eat some junk food to fill your macros if you've also eaten some good shit to get enough protein and carbs for the day
>calories are calories, your body does not give a shit where they come from.
Then why even watch your diet in the first place, also your body metabolizes food differently and reacts differently to different diets