Since more and more bodybuilders start a more healthy vegan diet i'm thinking of jumping in the same boat myself

Since more and more bodybuilders start a more healthy vegan diet i'm thinking of jumping in the same boat myself.

Any more Veeky Forumsizens that have experience with this? How did it impact your performance?

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Went vegan about a year ago, absolutely no difference. Dont listen to meat eaters saying youll lose all your gains, and dont listen to vegans that say youll double your gains. As long as you hit your calories and macros, doesnt really matter what you eat. I do have to say that since making the switch I feel way more energetic/less sluggish, so theres that

But it’s not. I’m genuinely mad that I didn’t get to make the manlet Dumbbell joke because I am a manlet.

guess you'll never learn

My experience wasn't so pleasant because I used soy as my main protein source. Started getting early gyno symptoms.

Why did you go vegan? For how long?

Thanks mods for cleaning my thread :)

Now we can finally have a serious discussion without all those r-tards making stupid manlet memes

Vegan threads should be a bannable offense, fuck off noone cares


Since its about health and not "Derp pour anermals" How about instead of any meme diet of being a total carnivore or 100% vegan you just have a healthy balanced diet with 80-90% of meat coming from white meat like chicken and turkey or eat fish. Then IF you feel the need, have a day of good sourced red meat? If not then just don't eat the red meat or processed meat since you have healthy alternatives. 99% of the meat health issues revolve around overeating, processed meat, and red meat. Just get some free range no hormone healthy fish&poultry and don't overeat them and make other healthy wholesome diet decisions with the other food groups and you'll be healthier then either of the alternatives.

yeah animal abuse should also be a bannable offense

>Cant drink milk
>Cant eat an egg
>Cant eat honey
>But kill as many plants as you want
Soy boys are retards

Ethical reason. Ive watched earthlings and went vegan overnight. Been at it for a year now, feeling awesome and gains havent stopped

I eat a lot of soy aswell. Absolutely no side effects

“If it be “just the same,” ultimately, to cut an animal’s throat and to pluck a cauliflower, then surely it must be all the more so to cut a baby’s throat, or a lamb’s. (We speak of babies because we remember that “in nature” carnivorous animals, especially felines, do sometimes eat the young ones of their species, but not the old ones. And we know how seriously our meat-eating friends insist on being “natural.”)” – Savitri Devi
Vegan fags btfo.
Why don'y you fly over to the middle east and complain about halal slaughter, oh right I forgot Muslims are good boys.

I dont think you cut bees throats to get honey

Disgusting Islamaphobe.

archive ?

Honey is made by bees for bees, and their health is sacrificed when it is harvested by humans.

Take the Vegan pill, senpai. Save your violent energy for the (((enemies))) of the white race.

“One may regret living in a period when it is impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there is one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegan.” – Adolf Hitler

Became leaner and stronger and stuff like skin and other imperfections cleared up. You need to make sure you get a lot more calories though, things like post workout smoothies are a must and nuts otherwise you'll be going nowhere.

just saw the imdb page for earthlings. oh boy