Life longevity is for the most part determined by genetics.
All I really care about is my health, and wallet. I worked at a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE), and it spooky.
Guys, all it takes is one heart attack, one stroke, one fall, one broken bone to send you into a hell where you're immobile and doped into a stupor, laying on your side as strangers come by to assualt your genitals with cold towellettes so clean the caked on residue of an hour or three's age. Just ONE bump on the head, and you'll be draining your whole retirement, and your son's, and your grandson's....They have to sell their cars, take the bus instead. They have to move into an apartament and pick up extra shifts.
And I saw these things happen every day, they would come and go, just another immobile corpse to accumulate debt. But, I can definetly say a vast majority of their expenses, and the burdens they place on others were avoidable. Those who ate and lived well only showed up around their time to die, with family at their side the whole time. Those obese and of poor health showed up at 75-85yrs old and layed in their coffin for 5-10yrs, some cane earlier and stayed longer.
Bome density, good/bad fat ratios, blood pressure, are MORE important than your life savings, you're life's work can easily be offset by medical bills and increased cost of living at an RCFE.
Also, the cost of an associates degree in California is about 1,200$. That's equal to saving or making 20$, 60 times. If you saved 20$ on your food bill every month, for five years, you could have a degree, among other things college gives access to (business connections, resources). Buying legimes and grains instead of meat can do that.
I hope I never you see you.