>Doesn´t eat meat
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get fat eating it!
No you don't, except if you are underage and incapable of eating in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a whole cow a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

Other urls found in this thread:


b-but those poor animals


Theres literally no reason not to eat meat

My diet is pretty much carnivorous but why do other eat meaters get so triggered by vegans. We’re the absolute majority. Like over 90%. Why are you bothered by such an irrelevantly small group.

because meatbabies have small brains. people with small brains tend to get bootyblasted over things that don't affect them in the slightest. meanwhile, meat-eating and production has negative implications for the environment and overall health of society. so, being concerned with people that eat meat is good.

meateaters are like manlets. they never learn

>tfw six foot two and three quarters
>tfw vegetarian as a teenager, p severely underweight bc of it
>tfw would have probably been six foot four if I hadn't been vegetarian
fells bad lads

Six foot four life pretty good desu, but you bumpbyour head a lot more off shit, weird threshold where builders dont give a shit

keep setting these goofs straight dana

Fuck off, humans are omnivores for a reason, we need meat to survive, it'd be like trying to raise a tiger on fucking vegetables it would die

>we need meat to survive
how do you explain millions of vegans and vegetarians surviving without meat?

Literally perfect height desu, like I'm happy enough with the height I'm at esp. since I'm pretty easily the tallest in my friendgroup, but at six foot four you basically never run into anyone who's taller than you, but you're also not tall enough to be like freakishly lankishly tall


meatcucks feed from the claws of the meat jew

Doesn't count if 90% of them are Indians and therefore aren't actually people


Hoe many years were you bullied at your special eduucation highschool

you know as well as I that eating meat contributes to brain development. quit shilling that "it makes you dumb" bs. it literally makes evolutionary sense that predators have to be smarter than herbivores. they have to be. as for societal health. I don't care. I'm already detached. the world could burn tomorrow and I think I'd be fine with that. my only hope is that those I love pass quickly and peacefully. you are right. we can survive on a plant based diet but not a wholly carnivorous one. but we can have meat. it's beneficial to, even. so why not. we're top of the food chain and we make the rules on this planet. fuck what's fair. it'd be just as unfair if we weren't on top, except we'd be holding the short end of the stick.

Life longevity is for the most part determined by genetics.

All I really care about is my health, and wallet. I worked at a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE), and it spooky.

Guys, all it takes is one heart attack, one stroke, one fall, one broken bone to send you into a hell where you're immobile and doped into a stupor, laying on your side as strangers come by to assualt your genitals with cold towellettes so clean the caked on residue of an hour or three's age. Just ONE bump on the head, and you'll be draining your whole retirement, and your son's, and your grandson's....They have to sell their cars, take the bus instead. They have to move into an apartament and pick up extra shifts.

And I saw these things happen every day, they would come and go, just another immobile corpse to accumulate debt. But, I can definetly say a vast majority of their expenses, and the burdens they place on others were avoidable. Those who ate and lived well only showed up around their time to die, with family at their side the whole time. Those obese and of poor health showed up at 75-85yrs old and layed in their coffin for 5-10yrs, some cane earlier and stayed longer.

Bome density, good/bad fat ratios, blood pressure, are MORE important than your life savings, you're life's work can easily be offset by medical bills and increased cost of living at an RCFE.

Also, the cost of an associates degree in California is about 1,200$. That's equal to saving or making 20$, 60 times. If you saved 20$ on your food bill every month, for five years, you could have a degree, among other things college gives access to (business connections, resources). Buying legimes and grains instead of meat can do that.

I hope I never you see you.

>I was so triggered by the wave of scientific studies that vegans used to easily BTFO detractors that I made this shitty, source-free thread,
Nice job OP.

can I get a tl;dr on this?
confused on whether you're advocating for or against meat

He's saying that it's not worth it to gamble with your health so you should limit meat intake because all the PEER REVIEWED STUDIES (as opposed to fucking conjecture that meat-cucks offer) points to it making your life shorter and far more fraught with medical bills.

Meat-cucks attempt at debate, people.
Just know what kind of brainlets you're dealing with.
Vegetarians have all the science on our side.
Meat-cucks have /pol/ epithets and not much else.

can you post said peer reviewed studies?

Here's an article on the meat-cancer link that cites 39 studies.


That was from 0.3 seconds on Google.
There are thousands more.
Meat-cucks have N O T H I N G.


pcrm's goal is promoting vegan and vegetarian stuff. they'll only post what makes them look good.

>>Doesn´t eat meat
Of course not, I'm not a psychopath
>Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>>I-It kills you!
I don't use that argument
>>Y-You get fat eating it!
I don't use that argument
>>I-Its expensive!!!
I don't use that argument
JUST lmao at pathetic meatcucks strawmanning our arguments to feel better about your morally bankrupt dietary choices

The studies cited are funded by unbiased sources.
Where are the studies debunking these studies if they're all bullshit?
Quit moving the goal post like a classic meat-cuck brainlet.

what if I just don't care? I like meat, and I like to hunt. you can bitch and whine all ya want about animal rights but at the end of the day I'm just gonna go out and shoot another one. and there ain't shit you can do to stop me. how does it feel to know you can't force me to stop killing bambi?
does it huwt yo feewings?

Nigger, this is a vegetarian hate thread you just got BTFO in, not a pro-vegi thread.
I just wanted to demonstrate how low IQ meat-cucks were and you assisted me flawlessly.
As soon as the science rolled out, you gave up, just like I knew you would.
Enjoy those medical bills.

>morally superior being
I bet you recycle, don't drive car, and typed your post on typewriter to not abuse third world miners.

I'll enjoy my delicious deer steak too

>I'll chose the worse option because the better option isn't perfect.
Meat-cuck IQ in action, everybody.
Get a good look.

>implying I want anything about my life to change cause a hippie told me so

I like meat and I like vegetables so I eat both and I dont care if someone doesnt. To each his own.

>What I have cleansed I have cleansed.
For me and my House we WILL serve the Lord.

Lol, why not just throw in some methamphetamine too? That stuff feels REALLY good.

Is there a single meat-cuck worth debating?
Starting to look like a "no".

>I bet you recycle
Of course I recycle
>don't drive car
Of course. Gym, university and grocery store are all within 20' by bike, why would I waste money on a car
>and typed your post on typewriter
Of course this argument is extremely stupid. I'm doing 3rd worlders a favour by buying a computer. Without me, they have no jobs. Bad job >>>>> literally dying from no-job caused starvation. You're welcome, miners.

>ad hom
I know meat-cuck IQ is never triple digit but you debate like you're in the 70s........
It's worse than I thought.

Nah, I just don't base my value on how moral my choices are. Meat tastes good, I want to have my iPad and computer and driving motorbike beats walking long distances. I also spend my free time in the gym instead fo helping in shelters for battered kids. But if you make your choices based on morals (eating meat = psychopath morally bankrupt choice) then I hope your other lifechoices follow the same creed, otherwise you're a hypocrite.

I'm considering cutting out red meat because of how close we might be to 'solving' ageing with all this research into bees, jellyfish and lobsters or whatever the immortal creatures are (The bees one is to do with their brains 'regenerating")

So I mean if I get an extra 5 years out of that and then go on to get treated for another 50 that would be nice. Weird to think that we might be the last generation to die or the first to live.

That is if I don't get killed in some stupid war/nuclear annihilation or even just everyday bullshit before then.

>Maybe if I go off on a tangent about ethics, people will forget the mountain of hard science demonstrating the negative health effects of eating meat regularly
user, I have some bad news.....

>doesn't understand ethics
brainlets can leave

Pretty sure you are greatly overestimating the capabilities of contemporary medicine, user. Personally, I think immortality is a pipe dream.

Lol why are meatlets always so angry and triggered?
Is it because they're trying to cope with the fact that their immoral expensive diet will cause them to buy expensive drugs, or is it because you don't want to admit you've fallen for (((their))) propaganda and lies?
>But if you make your choices based on morals then I hope your other lifechoices follow the same creed, otherwise you're a hypocrite.
See, that's where you're wrong
1) This is an appeal to futility: "can't be perfect, might as well not give any fucks about anything whatsoever"
2) Veganism (or recycling, like that other user mentioned), don't require you to spend money, time and energy: Simply buy lentils instead of chicken, simply toss the paper trash in the paper bin instead of the general bin. Activism, donations etc DO require money, time and effort I don't have. Veganism and recycling take about as much effort as not running over pedestrians in your car does. You can run them over, or you can brake and avoid the collision. Both will get you to your destination, and one of the two doesn't hurt others or you/your vehicle. Literally why NOT go vegan?

I'm in my 20's user, if I'm lucky I might hit 80-90.

Think about how far we've come from the 60's in tech already, and we're only going to get faster and faster with all the new shit we've built to research more shit.

Maybe I'm being unrealistic about the immortality but I really think we're going to have humans living to 150 years easy within our lifetime.

>Meat-cucks BTFO in their own thread with minimal effort

Living the dream.

That's a petty dream user, sort yourself out.
An actual dreamy situation would be to fully marginalize and abolish any form of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for clothing, food or any other purpose

It's not really my dream.
Ethos doesn't work on Veeky Forums. Fortunately, there is high ground in objectivity for vegis as well.

>muh poor animals!
>but don't give a fuck about 25% of the US's vegetable being harvested by children as young as 6

>people actually falling for OP's edited pasta

Lurk more, newfags.

Because they spread false information in a very condescending tone like this guy:

>page 11
I thought we had 10
