Do you find jailbeat snickering around you more once you've gotten Veeky Forums.
Do you find jailbeat snickering around you more once you've gotten Veeky Forums
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Why don’t you take a seat user
The electric chair
You degenerate
Yes. I find it awkward af
I work with teenagers 15-19 (we are open to any age 14-99 but that is the demographic we get 95% of volunteers from for some reason), and yes, they are visibly mirin, I of course dont try any funny business but I wallow in the compliments like a pig in its shit.
But as you are probably talking about actual honest to god jailbait, i.e. preteen lolis, go choke on a fat cock and kys.
A 16yr old gave me her number
And then I talked to her parents
Worked at a summer camp when I was 19 had this super sexy 15 yr old akinny ouerto rican camper eye fucking me the whole summer eventually she found me on Facebook and wanted the D had to turn it down to avoid being on a sex offender list for life but damn if the laws had been different (age of consent was 17 in that state) I would have torn that pussy up
Anyone have that screencap where user gave this kid a ride because her mom couldn't and she mired his bicep or something. Memory is kinda fuzzy, but did he kiss her?
There's some projection going on in your second para.
not really. look at OP pic. 5 bucks says he didnt choose it at random.
God that was awful
Oh my bad, I didn't even look at it.
OP, don't diddle preteens.
Anyone know what happened to the dude?
Me putting on the stockings.
me shitposting on the bed
Me with the cat ears.
I wish I could be that guy, little girls are top tier
No, but older women keep touching my arms now.
Guys my age sometimes mention homoerotic comments or try to show off their own strength. As a validation or something. A twinky boy I worked with once started curling his office chair when I was around him (managed one rep!)
When's the wedding?
I'm not Veeky Forums by Veeky Forumss standards, but I'm more fit than the average guy. I get a lot of older women/granny mires. It's flattering if nothing else.
>tfw I've legally smashed a 15 year old asian cutie
Such is life in Europe
i know the thread got moved to /adv/, anybody have link?
nvm i found it
Hi there new friend!
>tfw some high school qts joined the gym and are asking for some guidance (I work at the gym)
God damnit brehs why are they so fertile, it's not even fair
No snickering, but a lot of gawking, and attempted groping if I get too close.
>Am elementary school teacher
>Am huge
>Little girls mirin all the time
>Only like milfs so I don't give a fuck
>mfw fatass neckbeard pedos are jealous that I could have what they want and don't even take it
>mfw it's parent-teacher day
>tfw you can’t tell the difference between a 17 yo and a 25 yo anymore unless they talk.
I've seen what you guys call "asian"
Has anybody heard from that user who kissed the "mature" 12yo? I'm wondering how that story continues.
I need everyone of these lolis to turn into loli-traps thank you
same, but I shit you not kindergarten (essentially tard tamer but also play with the normal kiddies often). single moms mirin me hard while their wee ones hang from my flexed arms like grapes. good stuff