Just roid bro

>just roid bro
Hmmm JUST indeed

Other urls found in this thread:


even when he looks on drugs and like shit he still looks better than you, more aesthetic than you and could literally drown in pussy

t. connor

Not only does his head region (hair, cheeks) now look like shit, his neck has deflated now and looks terribly awkward on top of his body. There are plenty of less muscular people who are more attractive.

how the hell is he a math grad (300k starting) with that low IQ pinhead neurocranium?

The roids giveth
The roids taketh

I remember the last time you guys did this, you screenshot him at an awkward moment where he looks the worse and then you slight him and make roid accusations like females. He does look worse though but not as bad as the pics make it seem.

I think part of it is that he looks like shit for someone who's roiding for aesthetics.

his face bloated to shit

The latest video is full of JUST moments. No need to even cherrypick, he's gone downhill thats for sure.



He looks like shit. I guess he is off the cycle.

Connor pls go

>JUST indeed
my sides

>cherrypicking shit looking moments from a 10 minute long video to make yourself feel better about your shitty life

with the amount of self awareness you should stick to to reddit and post to neckbeardthings and cringe

>t. Connor
I heard that drinking green tea and eating soy will keep the rest of your hair from falling out.

What's this stuff about cherrypicking? You can clearly see he's lost size and his hair has started to recede. Also the eye bags are pretty big.

I’m starting to think OPs photos are photoshop

Wait what's the deal with green tea??

green tea is good for you idiot

Kek, no. Finasteride is the only thing that is proven to work at stopping hair loss

As someone who has been a fan since forever it's sad to see him like that, but the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Also things like this help me stay off the juice so thanks I guess.

Just look at the video dude

>roiding for this

Mentions at the start how he fell off, was dealing with issues, road to success is not smooth etc.

Tried to get off juice -> HPTA compromised ->Suffers low T, depression sides etc -> Has to get back on -> Is still recovering


I don't think he's roiding. Too small for that.

I’m going bald anyway

I hope for your sake you don't have a tiny peanut head like Murphy.

Posting a screencap from a 2 second half assed flex you're just proving everyone elses point.

hey connor

Are there people who genuinely find this person interesting in any way possible? His videos are cringy af especially the ones where he takes of his shirt in front of a random strangers. Male variant of attention whoring bimbo.

I found them fun to watch in the beginning of being /fit

y-you too

>hair gains gone forever
>muscle gains gone after you stop roiding

what's the point? Is this a way for men with poor genetics to spread their seed? Just shoot up massive amounts of test and hope some vapid cunt lets you hit it raw before you hit the wall and go bald?

Pretty much, yeah.

There are often rumors on the internet correlating green tea to DHT levels but I honestly don't know what to think with all the misinformation.

Anyone else finds Connor ugly as fuck even when on roids?

He has a "dead inside" look in his eyes, as well ugly as fuck chin and pointy nose. He looks like a fox

Girls don't find him ugly as fuck, and they don't even see you at all.

>his gains gone


Not that I think his gains are gone (although it's obvious that some are), but when was this picture taken relative to the video?

approx 2 months


2 months beforehand?

Maybe a stupid question but IDK if the video is old or new.

expert level combover game



This /r9k/ projecting needs to fuck off from Veeky Forums. It's pathetic

>le t. connor


all the haters are mad dyel betas who are subconciously (or not) jealous

yeah but he still looks better than 99% of the people including you.

why does his hair keep going back more and more every time he is posted

Does this level of deflation really happens after you stop cycling? This is insane. I was thinking about starting my first cycle but its pointless if you get these fake ass gains

didnt you know everyone who isnt an insecure cunt with no self-awareness is connor :^)


what happened buddy

what happened to his cheecks?

>not understanding that it's a criticism of /fraud/s
Dude, I might be an autistic virgin who has never touched a girl and works at Wal-mart, but at least I'm not stupid.

so what if they fraud? why the fuck does it concern you? did the big guys at the gym make fun of you again?

honestly you're pathetic
if you can't take this as bantz and lols you're legit autistic

It's just desserts. He did it on gear, and now he looks worse than if he hadn't used them in the first place.

And if you didn't fucking notice, people get made fun of on image boards. Sorry it's not a safe space for poor old Connor and other frauds.

Veeky Forums was always a bunch of social outcasts. If you genuinely try to act like an ubermensch amongst a bunch of self-aware autists you're a sad fuck

How many people would you say are part of the Connor Murphy Internet Defence Force©? Just imagine him and his beta orbiter camera men angrily typing away on their MacBooks

You sound exactly like an incel that should kill himself

Speak of the devil. Oh no connor pls don’t challenge me to a pose off ur 2 cool 4 me

>this is the kind of person that wonders why he is a virgin still


I have a feeling the demographic that doesn't think Connor is a cunt is about as young as they get on the internet.

>when two idiots think they are baiting each other but they're just retarded
Connor looks like shit tho


just fuck off y'all and focus on your own body

>projecting this hard
>projecting this hard to defend an e-celeb
>projecting this hard to defend a MALE e-celeb

>All gone!

virgin lol

how do you lose that much hair in that amount of time? Seems insane


>lose face gain body
>net gain: -3 /10

gymcels everybody

Christ, those girls at the start of the video are ugly. Why do women do that shit to their face?

Lmao @ people who think he's natural when pics like this exist.

>The roids giveth
>The roids taketh

Creatine + roids

What the hell happened to him, man he used to be my inspiration. This all happened to him so fast, and he is so young. Five years time he will look even worse that this. I am genuinely struggling to find motivation anymore. Man is it even fucking worth it? Look at him.

Is he balding? The sides of his head are starting to give up

Idiot could just cut his hair bald,grow a stronger stubble, announce he is into powerlifting/crossfiting ,get a tatoo and his followers would still think he is natty , now he gets the bald jokes.

just blast and cruise

and to answer your question
not if you do proper pct
you'll lose anything over natty limit over a long period of time ofc

>math grad
>300k starting

I am a math grad and I currently drive taxis and get spit on by drunk niggers on saturday night.

>I have not posted in forever
>looks like shit
>I should get back to posting more often

so this is what youtubers do when they are off cycle they act like they needed to take a break from social media. He looks natty as fuck in these videos and lost a good 10lbs of muscle atleast.

watch any of his recent videos and you would know that the only thing that is photoshopped is Connors Instagram like 90% of other fitness instagrams.

we're only joking Connor, don't get upset

>t. connor

are you saying his story doesn't add up?


Now with 1000% more inyectable Test!

>300k starting
its a meme

the main thing that annoys me about him and jeff seid's videos is that EDM that plays over everything. like, talk about shit tier music tastes

connor we know it's you

yeah, because he roided. you didn't fall for the roid meme, did you user?

connor you still look like shit

What the hell cranium has nothing to do with iq

I may be a lazy 19 bmi lanklet who kinda wants to get big, but fuck me if I ever do roids. I think I dodged the family hair loss genes and it's just not worth it to roll the dice again.

You can always work harder for better results, but no amount of hard work will give your hair back.

>head angled down
>hair styled over forehead and to the side

he's covering it up m8

my hairline is far worse than his and it often looks much better in pictures than it is

This. Subhumans love their celebrities.