Would you fuck a vegan girl, assuming she’s not a leftist harpy? Apparently they taste better (fruitarians/more fruit-based vegans specifically) any anons that can confirm?
Would you fuck a vegan girl, assuming she’s not a leftist harpy...
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Yes I would. Why does it matter if she's a vegan or not?
I personally would
>they taste better
This shouldn't matter unless you are eating her out. Which is low T.
>making your girl wet is low-T
This is why the white race is dying
>This shouldn't matter unless you are eating her
And that's what I'm going to do. Bone app the teeth to me.
OP here, you’re telling me you wouldn’t berry your face in pic related’s ass? Come on now
Yes asthere is nothing wrong with vegan women, they can go bathe in soy for dat dere estrogenic boost and they barely need protein
its the soyboys that get the short end of the stick
I sure hope elephants eat your ass bitch,because Imma tongue fuck that till my tongue falls off
When I was 17 my gf was a short-haired, insanely thicc Jewess with braces. Also a proto-SJW and vegan. Pussy did taste great, and was really sensitive. Eating ginger at a sushi place made it literally taste like ginger.
looks like death
>where all the vegan boys at111!!!11!!
>buy my shirt btw
fucking whores
Women can be thrown out of hormonal balance too. You don't want that.
How the fuck did his orbitals collapse? Isn't that shit supposed to contain all essential minerals (along with the chinese bathtub chemicals)
Good day sir vegan nigger
Look at the pits around her eyes for fucksake. Even the makeup cannot conceal that horrid well.
Yea, healthy as fuck.
Can confirm vegan girls taste better. One had a tight pussy that tasted like the syrup at the bottom of a fruit cocktail can. And the other had supple, juicy labias that was legit like chewing on dried apricots/nectarines. Every meat-eating chick I've gone down on just tastes like salty fish or pennies.
> What is cherry picking
> What is losing your gains over vegan whore
> What is the opposite of making it
> What is Veeky Forums
>not a leftest harpy
Pick only one.
Dated two German Vegans
Didnt taste any different
Didnt try stop me eating meat 10/10 fugs
If you suck pussy you'll suck anything
>Date vegan girl
>Go down on her
>It's fine, tastes like vagina
>Date non-vegan girl
>Go down on her
>It's fine, tastes like vagina, but also doesn't give me shit for not being vegan
Make of that what you will.
>Eating ginger at a sushi place made it literally taste like ginger.
OP here, is ginger-tasting pussy patrician? And how to get a fruit-based vegan gf? I mean I don’t eat red meat, just tilapia: that’s vegan enough, right?
Again, wrong.
> where are all the vegan men
> bitch knows damn well men eat meat and she only fucks carnivores
What a shit test. I remember when my gf said she wouldn't swallow if I ate meat. 3 days later, cooking me chicken and I face fucked her while she was on the toliet
> date girl who pretends to be a vegan on instagram for money
> million followers or some shit, advertising deals, etc
> she's a total carnivore, is passionate about her lust for meat
> fucks like a pornstar and pussy tastes great
It didn't last but it was fun. Especially making fun of vegan shitheads with a girl that a million of them follow.
Fuck your division games. Of course i would.
>what is 69
A homosexual sex act.
b-but dem susages is tasty
>veganfags b-btfo once again
It's easy, OP. Just go back in time to the late-2000s when veganism was a thing some people gave a shit about. Every vegan I knew in high school has gone back to eating meat, making all the time they spent pestering me a waste of time.
Also, don't try being vegan as a man. I did it for a few months while at RISD and it made me perilously thin.
Why is that low T oh great one,who specializes in broscience?
Get the fuck off you virgin neet.
Not kicking your teeth in when i see your lanky ass is Low T.
I don't mind eating pussy or ass at all but I reserve it only for when I fuck up bad. Girls love it like crazy. But you gotta keep that shit in short supply or you have no bargaining power.
With that said, my homebrew Tren is having me fuck up bad everyday, so we have a lot of kinky shit planned
>Eating pussy
I hope you guys don't really do this
Yes all the time soyboy. We don't suck cock like you do faggot.
only betas eat pussy.
>submitting myself to be a slave to female pleasure
vegan paleocon checking in
Beta faggots
>OP here, you’re telling me you wouldn’t berry your face in pic related’s ass? Come on now
>Actually believing this shit
>doing beta behaviors is NOT low T
you think minorities eat their women out?
All the dudes I know that slay dont eat their woman out
>b-b-buh her pleasure
if you slay and you are good in bed why the fuck would you care about some random hoe?
>I swear eating a girl out is alpha!
while you eat your girls out while on your knees like a servant I will fuck them and not eat them out. Girls don't even care if you refuse to eat them out.
Have you ever tried dating a white girl?
They're not worth it. Only niggers think they are. They've been completely corrupted by social media and 90% are incapable of having a family.
I jumped ship to another race and it's been wonderful. Of course white bitches are more attractive but most are not wife material.
I jumped ship to another race and it's been wonderful. Of course white bitches are more attractive but most are not wife material.
Who is that guy and why I'm seeing it this much on fit lately
>not wanting to put your face between two thicc thighs/cheeks
lol mods are getting creative. Please stop banning me mmkay
> wanting to put your face between pee and poop shoots
how about instead you put your dick there?
what's up with all the numales on Veeky Forums that insist eating girls out is alpha?
Suck a pussy you'll suck a cock
Ey paesan
I had my doubts but you brought the magic word.
Do we have a janitor with a big dick for Asian chicks? I got banned for talking shit about them the other day, they don't seem to care if it's about any other race.
virgin neet detected. Stop discussing things you know nothing about. I can tell you never have been with a woman you pimple faced loser.
btw, go back to /pol where you came from you paranoid racist.
do you honestly believe that a woman will leave you if you don't eat her out? you realize how many women refuse to give bjs?
>trashy minority whore
wow, so hot and amazing, Im totally going to jump on the memgan train now
based vegan qts
>do you honestly believe that a woman will leave you if you don't eat her out? y
No i don't believe that at all. I have a comfortable relationship with my girlfriend. Stop projecting your paranoia onto others you fucking loon. Don't fucking make shit up and thinks that's what others believe.
This is why you are alone /poltard.
Stay on your own board
Veeky Forums- vegan
Idiots are ruining this already shit board
>Stop projecting your paranoia
>Assumes everyone is a /pol/ poster out to get him
Joke kinda writes itself famalam.
Some day you'll grow up and understand that long lasting relationships are built on trust, in which oral sex is such a minute thing it doesn't even come in the equation.
The world isn't black or white where every act must be "alpha", but you would know that if you went out a bit more.
I kinda see it as a public toilet where it gets clogged and instead of finding a custodian people just keep shitting on the pile till it gets so bad that the custodian quits and people move onto a different bathroom.
I actually seem to be a vegan magnet. Every date I've gotten from dating apps has been vegan, every girl who I went ou5 for drinks with at work has been vegan, etc. Swede girl best friend says its because I look opposite of a vegan male, muscled and hairy, and they'd rather convert a manly carnivore than buff up a twinky vegan.
>tfw want to date swede friend but she's married and not a vegan
Also its not that true what they say about vegans tasting good.
In this case it's true you /pol faggot. You under aged 'edgy" idiots have been wandering in here because your own board is filled with cancerous faggots,you being one of them. Get the fuck out now and wander back to where you came from shit stain.
Sure. Why should I care if someone just wants to eat plants?
Missed the dot, I only post on Veeky Forums because I'm a raging narcissist and the approval of strangers sustains me. Well, I guess I sometimes post on Veeky Forums.
Every board is cancerous, you're helping keep it that way by getting butthurt and crying about /pol/ posters.
>Missed the dot, I only post on Veeky Forums because I'm a raging narcissist and the approval of strangers sustains me.
That's why you are alone and posting in your mothers basement. YOU are a cancer that needs to be wiped out.
/Fit is cancerous because of immature losers like you. GET the fuck off and go hang yourself from previously mentioned basement you worthless beta faggot.
There are plenty of white vegans, user
Why would it matter?
You're not proving to be any better mate (I'm not the pseudo /pol/tard).
Come wipe me out then big boy, my mommy has a business trip in a few days so I don't even have to ask if you can come play.
I'm not even the guy that was talking about eating pussy, I just think it's funny that you're whipping yourself into a frenzy about /pol/ posters under the bed.
Veeky Forums is actually cancerous because 90% of the posters don't even lift (including you probably).
vegagains BTFO
Fuck? Yes. Date? No.
>white vegans
lmao if you seriously think shes vegan and hot
you must be out of your mind
dated a vegan swedish chick
she smelled like old green cale
looked good but god damn she was skinny and dying almost
putrid shit
when i think of it now, swedish women are fucking deranged wierd whores, thank god norway is still more pristine
he is milliondollarextreme
not her because she is a fat pig
>Veeky Forums is actually cancerous because 90% of the posters don't even lift (including you probably).
Lol, dude you are a shit stain and you don't even deserve the attention.
You are weak and belong back on /pol with the other weaklings who are trying to start a race war. You know who else tried that?
Charles Manson.
Don't forget to take your meds today weakling. You will never be strong or a man. Pussy
>these underage fags arguing in the thread
I don't care about the taste. Not a leftist harpy = would fugg.
>a vegan girl, assuming she’s not a leftist harpy?
I'm reasonably certain this isn't a thing.
I'm quite enjoying this exchange. Keep it up lads.
>Deflecting and getting defensive when I brought up posters who don't lift.
Hit a nerve or something? I'm sure you're a big jacked dude though, just having a bad day, I'm certain of it.
Here's me, now post you so I know who to pick up at the airport when you show up to wipe me out.
:^) *kisses u on the lips*
Thanks El Chado.
>literal synthol addicted wop
Damn, vegans BTFO indeed
>no such thing as non-lefty vegans
Dude, where were you during he elections?
Already fucking one twice a week.
>A literal who black woman who got paid to shill trump
People who actually fuck girls wouldn't give a shit, people that will argue about this on Veeky Forums definitely don't fuck girls
only a faggot would fuck this
vegan girl pussy tastes like boiled cabbage
i had vegan girl, turned her vegetarian, soon shell eat meat.
>she already does
>my dick
>tfw want to date swede friend but she's married and not a vegan
Just do it lad, cuck her husband into the grave
Can confirm. Vegan girls taste much better
there are a lot of attractive looking trash women but you don't go after every and each one of them
Nothing? I'm disappointed, I thought I made a new friend.