Why do Asian Veeky Forums girls always look so much better compared to white girls?
Why do Asian Veeky Forums girls always look so much better compared to white girls?
because asians are foreign
and seeing muscles on girls is also foreign
it's as far from the norm you can get. you want that unique experience of fucking a sudo-alien
Tbf if whites aren't an option I would go after an asian. I wouldn't touch a nigress' pussy with a fifty foot pole. Sand nigger while significantly hotter than nigress'(thats not saying much). Literally worship a pedo. Jews hell no I actually like my money my freedom everything about my life. Asians just seem like the next best option next to whites
Making kids with arab girl isn't race mixing though
I see massive amounts of Asian tourist in my country and not a single one of them was worth a second glance
The fat around their eyes (that makes them look angry and serious) is eliminated.
neoteny, probably. Or maybe we just like what looks different.
>Just like in my annie mae's.jpg
T. Fat neckbeard gook lover
>muh toyota
>muh honarary asian
>killing dogs makes asians inferior
>meanwhile fat americans slaughter cows and pigs by the millions
asians are a drone race the men have less test the women have less estrogen. this is why if you shave the heads of asians + no makeup you'd have a hell of a time figuring out who's what.
it's easier for low E asian "female" drones to look good. that being said i haven't seen many muscular asian girls and i've seen more impressive whites than the one you've shown
I have yellow fever, though.
How can they look better if theyre always squinting senpai
>tfw no buff tomboy gf to motivate me to get fit and improve my drawing skills, then fuck and/or cuddle me
being a beta male is true suffering
Because asian women are already super feminine looking. So getting that muscularity puts them right in that zone where it's hot as fuck.
Yeah asians do look really fucking nice honestly its a fetish of mine
Wow. Thats pretty close to perfection
Because you are a fetishist.
>liking muscular girls
you're gay, lad
simply being is suffering
Because they are womanlets.
so by that logic, you are attracted to men with tits?
Because asian girl in general are just fucking ace
Dogs are bred to have emotional connections with humans. Cows and pigs have bewn bred for docility and tastyness. Its just fucking stupid really.
>mfw yellow fever
There is no going back from this.
By that logic, traps aren’t gay?
Holy mother of God
literally kill yourself you fucking idiot
Bump for cheekie
>/pol-the post
>white nationalist
>want white children
>never get attention from white women
>I've slept with 50+ Asian women/girls
When will my suffering end?
stop being such an insecure little bitch and accept that being born white doesn't make up for the fact that you're a shitty person
This. I have a Veeky Forums asian friend, and sometimes his face looks cute and girly. He pulls bitches though, are young babyfaces in?
maybe if you weren't a beta with low T.
Asian women notoriously go for beta males.
Dogs in China are either vicious strays or grown on farms. They have no emotional connection to humans. Cows and pigs can form a bond with humans and are sociable creatures if done from young. Stop with your first word naivete.
Just give up on white women.
White girls are not really that attractive. Their appeal relies mostly on media white wash.
Pigs and cows form emotional connection with humans far better than the types of dogs they eat in China. I grew up on a farm, it's very obvious with both pigs and cows. I still eat them, and wouldn't eat dog though. But that's because my culture affects my instincts, but at least I can be honest with myself about it instead of pretending it's another reason why I am superior like you.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>tfw am buff tomboy who encourages bf to get fit and pursue his interests instead of wasting away on the internet, but he takes it as being a nag
>would also love fucking/cuddling but he's always unavailable or jerks off instead
being a beta female is true suffering
I drive trains in sydney so I see a brazilian people a day, so thousands and thousands of asian chicks and while a lot have cute faces their bodies are rarely as good as some of the birds in this thread. They definitely have better legs than aussies, due to superior asian calve genetics
a short women actually have muscles showing much easier? who would have through!
reminder that if you like asian face, you are a pedo and you like to fuck children
How or where did you two meet? I want a tomboy gf waaaaah
Save it for your blog
For me it's thicc Korean girls
For me it is the McChicken
Online game years ago.
Took me too long to parse that first sentence. Use a made up word instead of a nationality next time!
Surely I'm not the only one who had trouble reading this
Their diet is rich in foods that makes it easier to stay lean. Also partially genetics, as asian women have smaller bone structure.
I would marry Song.
>muh anecdotal evidence
I don't disagree with what you said but bringing up your personal experience is hardly proof of those claims
because you have yellow fever probably? Or just shit taste.
>stop with your first world naivete
Just as soon as you stop pretending your barbaric, regressed culture is equal to Western society, I'll half a shit. Yea, Western society does some fucked up stuff, but we're also the only ones progressed enough to even recognize how to qualify whether or not what we're doing is barbaric and give half a damn to change it.
>pretending its another reason i am superior
I literally worked on a dairy farm. Cows are incredibly sweet. They are not literally bred to be emotional companions like most dogs are, though. It's not even remotely close.
Let's also just cut the false-narrative flat; Chinese people eat cows and pigs AND dogs, and far more kinds of animals - which they butcher in much crueler ways than you can find on even the worst meat-production plant in the West - than Westerners do. If you really want to measure who is worse for eating any given animal that might form an emotional connection to a person, you're still losing no matter what. Take your pseudo-intellectual bullshit and go somewhere else with it.
Because you grew up on the internet, which has yellow fever because of its obsession with Asia, especially Japan.
That's the entire reason. I'm also laffing at the fact that ever Asian woman in this thread fits the criteria of Western/European beauty standards, so I'm actually kind of confused as to what you mean by "Asian" since the evidence provided is actually "Asian women who appear share more qualities with Europeans than Asians."
hate the ugly not the race, desu
My nigga I follow her on Instagram, her boyfriend is jacked as fuck too
As I get older, I'm loving black women more and more. Asian and Black are tied for 1st place, then Latinas, and then white girls in a very distant last place.
>tfw yellow fever is fading away after years of dealing with insectoid Chinese students
I still hold that an 8+ azn girl is unbeatable appearance-wise
White girls have never done much for me since most of them try to look slutty instead of feminine/cute. Darker-haired ones are nice but the discrepancies in facial and body structure drive their averages down, since they have to simultaneously have a cute face, decent body, and non-fucked-up structure to get anywhere, whereas Asians arr rook same but start with a generally good face and body (non-Chinese at least)
Hispanics and blacks can be hot but their cultures can fuck off. Not worth it at all.
I look Asian slept with all kinds of girls. Their skin colour makes no dif lol. You just insecure.
You're very much correct
>implying yellow fever is a fetish
what sane straight male wouldn't prefer a traditional petite girl to some obese ogre that was brainwashed by feminists? generally speaking of course, there are still some pretty white traditional qt's but they are hard to come by.
and op statement is retarded fit white girls look just as fine.
So we can all agree that Americanized Asians are fucking shit, right?
You're fucking crazy try living in Japan for a year. American asians are way more asthetic not to mention better oral hygiene
>realizing you have a much sought after petite asian fit 3.14 gf
life is good, there's one out there for you too user just dont quit.
>tfw chink girls literally prefer manlets on Veeky Forums rather than be with me a 6'1 chink
yeah westernized chinks are dogshit
T. westernized chink
>muh dogs
is this why there are so many videos of non Chinese fucking dogs and other animals? Because you faggots keep anthropomorphicize all the animals you keep? Fucking disgusting.
>be such a loser you have to play your race card to get pussy
Lmao this is the state of white nationalism.
>there's one out there for you too user just dont quit.
I had her user, I fucking had her and she cheated on me...
You think I can do it again? Seems like it'll never happen again...
i believe. you should too.
>she will never force you to your knees and make you lick her pussy
You triggered, Chang?
This is why you go to japan if you want your asian waifu
Would they accept poor chinks there
Lmao of course you are nigger. Stop baiting thirsty faggots on Veeky Forums and go do something productive.
where is the tiddy
no milkies here
This. They are Caucasoid.
The moment korea and japan decide to squat to get that booty, all other races will be BTFO.
Goodbye white trashy women
Goodbye black cunty women
Too bad women are allergic to non-materialistic or social self improvement then.
How do we make that happen
>rather reproduce with a mongoloid than another caucasoid
stormweenies are fucking retarded
aren't all fit girls attractive though
White women don't even need to be Veeky Forums to look better than those sub-humans.
U go and fuck right off
That certainly explains why white women explode in weight after they manage to lockdown some betabucks.
Tbh I think it's a cultural thing more than looks or sheer laziness. Grew up in Asia but was white and can defo say if you are fat and ugly people will tell you to your face. In Korea it's seen as being caring to ask someone why they got so fat,in case it was due to stress or health issues. Looks mean a lot and women are aware of it so always work hard to look their best 24/7. Also dressing slutty will get you called a whore on the street so everyone dresses more feminine and cute which I prefer. Just gotta train people better I suppose