Should this be illegal?
Should this be illegal?
fat people ? yes
It should, but it won't be.
Those are the perfect citizens of a nation built on consumption.
Completely dependent on the system
Consumes heedlessly
Mentally deficient
Will die early thus not take much money out of the social security system but not before putting a lot of money into the pockets of the government and medical businesses.
Who breeds with these women? Were they perhaps moderately normal and balooned afterwards?
Until socialised medicine goes mainstream, then they will be stealing from our pockets and giving our money to the pharmaceutical companies
Usually men in the armed services and/or nigs
You need to be raised the way I say you need to be raised. Your children belong to me so if you try to raise them in your own jmage I'll have my CPS send a swat team to remove your kids from your home.
There should be a fat people tax.
If you have enough money to get fat, you can pay a little for your fatass to pay for some free shit for us working men who work their asses off in the gym
Similarly fat and out of shape white males.
Cause that fat ass kid is as white as snow and hasn't ever seen a single second of asshole military father discipline.
There are a lot of ugly men who aren't rich
no everyone should have the freedom to be retarded and unhealthy if that's what they choose
The majority of obese people are poor as fuck. Somebody’s about to post that pic comparing a salad to a McDonald’s burger.
not when I'm paying for their fucking healthcare they shouldn't
Jesus the kid's gonna snap the back axel of that thing. At least mom's getting a bit of a workout pushing him around. She could at least get him a leash at this age hahaha.
race mixing?
I just realised that he has his mother is on the phone as well. that means he has his own phone at that age. JESUS CHRIST I JUST HATE OBEASTS SO FUCKING MUCH
It means nothing to me at all, My kids will be chad mode and what does it matter to me if someone wants to stay fat and have that lifestyle rub off on their kids
>no tax payer healthcare either
>let them starve or die
>it is the way of nature, you make it or you die and struggle for ever
There obese beacause they are lazy or stupid or most often a combo of both. Rice beans lentils and carrots and some spices are fucking cheap i could feed myself for a week on that stuff for what it costs for 2 maccydees large meals here.
Parenting is frustrating and boring as fuck, it's easier to shove a cellphone with games and YouTube to a child so they can shut the fuck up
It does nothing for the kid's education and It will become a complete mentally retarded adult because it was never challenged in his youth, no cognitive development whatsoever but hey, at least parents managed to shut him the fuck up
Why is it when I look at this image the first thing I wonder is that guys height?
Ya pretty much nailed it. Someone who is incapable of looking after their own body shouldnt be allowed to lool after anothers imo. Frankly shes probably to stupid to realise shes ruining her sons life. What hes gonna go through because of her neglect is worse than most forms of physicall abuse.
As bad as it sounds the world would be better if both of them were either shot or put into some kind of military school.
Wondering if you lot will need to build a ramp into the manlet pit?
only in america.