You can only choose one. Which physique would you want?

You can only choose one. Which physique would you want?

Other urls found in this thread:—-what-girls-want-want-guys-want-to-be/

As a female, I would choose Zyzz of those options. But they are all out of my league.
Skelle mode here.

Frank Zane is the most aesthetic. He has the most balanced development while still getting great size

Zane I could not be a manlet; otherwise arnie


Zane of course

Zane but cut back on the tris a little bit

Zane forever

going by aesthetics zane, but i like being tall so ultimately it's arnie


Arnie hands down.

Strange how both Arnie and Frank are wristlets.
I guess there's hope for me yet.

The terminator no question

Frank Zane
He looks like a statue

Wristlet/jointlet is ideal IF you have good insertions

It makes the muscle bellies look comparatively large

zyzz, chicks digg that fuckboy look dudes will look at and think "damn i want to be him" instead of "damn dude is huge"

Maybe, but I like that thick, working man's forearm, which I have no chance of getting. Even my hands are fucking feminine after years of lifting, something I've also noticed in a lot of bodybuilders.

This one

Zane. Unless I shrink to Zane's height, then def Arnold.


>obligatory tits or gtfo post


There's no denying Zane looks phenomenal here, but in my heart of hearts I would go Arnold if I really had the choice in a magic wand scenario. Zane looks amazing. Arnold looks legendary.

Zane looks great, however he is only 5'9. Zyzz is 6'1 and looKS good and isn't too big

I honestly can't choose between Zyzz and Arnold, both had legendary aesthetics (Zane too ofc, but I prefer the others)

>roiding since 15 for this

Reeves is face goals. Best looking dude of all time.

I'll never understand why people worship Zyzz. He was such a fucking faggot, and symbolizes everything wrong with the modern fitness culture.


Zane if scaled up to 6 foot.
Arnie if not.

actually choosing to be a facelet

never gonna make it





>implying implications

Zyzz's Chest
Zane's Arms
Arnie's Legs

nonwhite detected

FRANK ZANE AND ZYZZ BTFO BY OTTORMODE BRAD PITT—-what-girls-want-want-guys-want-to-be/

>Bradd Pitt

Ehhhh, kinda flawed study

Zane destroys Zyzz anyday

Zane hands down

This one. This is the ideal body for getting pussy.

Conan for the win ! no questions

Zyzz's chest with Frank's arms? That would look fucking out of proportion bro

Unarguably the peak of male aesthetics.

>tfw no toothpick slavic qt gf to framemog

Arnold if it came with being 6'3" and a bulletproof hairline.

Otherwise Zane.


Arnold and Zane are more aesthetic but Zyzz is the body that women want.

zyzz, before i started lifting thought he was huge. he isn't even big though, just born with perfect insertions

all of them look like shit except brad pitt and the 1% guy. so it's no surprise chicks take pitt over some roided out dude

this one
but also this

>zyzz wasn't even big
What do you call 6'3 220lb 12% body fat then?


I think he means that's he doesn't look disgustingly buff compared to the others


Is that Uncle Lou on the right?

I don't see a Thicc mode like Klokov on there so I guess Arnie in this image. Because no one should want his current physique.

If you're not a girl, Zyzz is the wrong choice. It's ultimately a decision of Dex vs Str, just this once I choose Str. Arnold all day. Although aesthetically, Zane is where it's at.


>If you're not a girl, Zyzz is the wrong choice
what do you mean?

I wouldn't of guessed he was that big.


zyzz. not too huge not too small. just right

>Only 1 non manlet
>Implying there is an actual choice

Zyzz bruh

inb4 Arnie is actually 6 lmao

Its called being tall, aka why no pros are over 5'10"

ahnold no doubt

That doesn't prove or suggest that a Frank Zane body is a detriment to attracting women, just that that amount of muscle mass may be superfluous for that specific purpose.


Forever mirin’

Arnold, the superior tall physique. I love Zane's look, but I couldn't handle being 5'9"

yeah pretty much

that's because you don't lift