Patrick Bateman is literally the definition of perfect

Patrick Bateman is literally the definition of perfect

>autistic skin care routine
>excellent diet
>slays women left and right

Not with that shit taste in business cards

>slays women left and right

>wanton murder


>killed a bunch of people randomly because no self control then cried like a bitch about it


can confirm, my dubs will attest it

You tried.


>slay women left and right

lol paying hookers you don't even have to make it to slay some



>t. hasnt finished the movie


>feels absolutely miserable every step of the way

t. doesn't understand the movie leaves it open to interpretation and that the director has stated that its entirely up to the audience and that either interpretation is right

In the book, yeah, okay, its a bit more clear he's really just a limp wristed pathetic lsoer imagining it all.

>shoots car
>it explodes
>he wonders himself what the fuck just happened
Nah, it's pretty clear.

These threads normally get derailed by some retard getting dubs


check em

Let me help you with that

>that subtle off white color

watch and learn faggots


>browse Veeky Forums
>first thread
>Patrick Bateman is literally the definition of perfect

Come on bro don't be a brainlet, its clear that some of it is psychosis and hallucination, that's the point; you don't know whats real or not. It's all questionable. Did he really imagine Paul Allen's murder, or did the agents just clean it up because they just want the sale? Shit like that.

Also, note that Bateman himself incorrectly identifies a man as Paul Allen in the very first scene.

He also fucked that model and in the books he was cheating on his chick with multiple different women
until he kills them. Also nice trips.

Nice dubs


Books plural?

Fuck I meant book.

Proof that Bateman threads are blessed.

honestly, paul allen’s card was overrated
which card do you guys think is best

Sweet jesus

Bryce's card is the better one, but then again he was a Chad who always outdid everyone in their friend circle both in the movie and the book.

Put me in the screencap.

Batemans font has hideous numbers



Paul Allen, if you don't see why then you a feggit

bryce's, followed by allen's, bateman's and patten's

dubs confirm

patten and bryce cards look like toilet paper

It's definitely Paul Allen's. Bryce's is also good.

If singles Patrick Bateman is dead.

I feel like you're actually more serious about posting this then you would admit

Paul's is MILES ahead of the others. embarrassing really.

>slays women left and right
Pic unrelated

Allen > Bryce >>> Van Patten > Bateman

Paul Allen is the best one

Van Patten=Allen>Bryce>Bateman

His biceps look like shit desu. Big but not aesthetic.


Bryce=Allen>Van Patten>Bateman>every other exec>Carruthers

Look at his fucking lat tho

Why is the & so close to the second Pierce in Bateman's? It is actually embarrassing.

>>slays women left and right
Dude he was a total fucking autist that had to get people drunk or drugged up just to be around him and had such shitty taste in music that he had to kill people who found out about the songs he liked.

And all of it was just his imagination

The best part of this entire scene is that every single one of them has misspelled "acquisitions".

They've paid so much attention to the aesthetic that they've completely ignored the content.

An apt metaphor for their entire lives.

>4 vice presidents

>none have their own phone extension

>couldnt even get a reservation at dorsia

Well the movie was made back in the 70s so that makes sense for the time

I think I would say Bryce but only because the shot of it looks better than the rest

Fucking checked m8

You tried.


You watch the movie retard, he didn't.

Check em

sorry, gotta check these numbers.

also, check these


wew lad






Bryce > Bateman > Allen > Van Damme

last time, have to go now


Fuck me, the Bryce Defense Force is out en masse today. PATTEN obviously has the better card, the font is simply the best and the material would have a nice texture which you could rub your fingers against for hours.

Bateman's is autie-mode, Bryce's is cringe and Allen's is Reddit-tier.



Truly blessed thread

This movie came out in 2000. Even the novel came out in 1991.

Real shit?

I just realised they were high heels and not horses hoofs





I can't believe it.


check em

Check em faggots
