Remember, it's all about the face when it comes to truly making it. You could be as big as you want, but unless you have a charming face, the ladies will seek superior males to you
Remember, it's all about the face when it comes to truly making it. You could be as big as you want...
but you are uggo
thankfully I look just like ryan gosling, if not a little bit more attractive
main think to improve my face would be cutting fat, and getting a musclar neck
>Cutting bones and moving them forward
I doubt that, it's hard to be better than a 9
>more attractive than Goose
fuck off
>inb4 that guy saying the goose is not attractive
i dont get gosling. Are mismatched eyes considered attractive or something?
His director in his breakout role.
>Gosling shared that director Nick Cassavetes selected him for the honor of playing Noah because he looked vaguely insane. “[Cassavettes] called me to meet him at his house,” Gosling said. “When I got there, he was standing in his backyard, and he looked at me and said, ‘I want you to play this role because you’re not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You’re not handsome, you’re not cool, you’re just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts.’ ” In a later interview with VH1, Cassavetes elaborated: “When I told [New Line Cinema] I wanted to hire Ryan for the lead, they kind of looked at me like I was out of my mind.”
>not handsome
He's got that combination of (relatively) attainable, puppy dog eyes but also looks like he could be a bit of a hardcase if he wanted to be. I don't begrudge women finding him so attractive but the part he played in The Notebook made me want to sign up on return of kings and start calling women cunts, god that movie pissed me off.
> Are mismatched eyes considered attractive or something?
no, but fame, status, makeup, photo manipulation and good camera angles are.
no amount of makeup could distract me from his wonky face in blade runner.
Humans are attracted to a certain level of asymmetry. A perfectly symmetrical face looks weird af. It just so happens that both sides of Ryan goslings face are very attractive.
long live The Goose, got me laid a bunch of times
who cares about girls? you can get a hooker very cheap where i live
muscle and confidence > face
terrible glasses, hair, and jeans. also his underwear doesn't have a jewish name 7 times on the waistband. multiple shitty tattoos. dirty bathroom and bone-dry shower suggest that room is used only for the mirror. He has hooded eyes and Veeky Forums says those are the best type of eyes.
cool cuts tho bro do you compete? nice shoulders bro how much do you press? what protein do you use bro?
Thanks for proving OP's point
I dont respond to beta men
How about the female face?
Ultimate qt
thats how it works user, in descending order
Lmao what an Autist face. I legit think most of the Veeky Forums browsers could eclipse him with Hollywood tier looksmaxxing. Imagine how shitty Gosling would look standing next to this guy
sorry mistake
>implying this faggot looks better than Ryan Gosling
>he doesnt see the attractiveness in this
lmao only incels and maybe 12 year old girls care about this guy. go out, ask 100 girls how many of them heard of him or care about him or find him attractive. guy is almost 30 and looks like a complete twink
Run a tinder experiment if you think this. Go on, I dare you.
the vast majority of girls these days literally want to be slapped, choked and spit on in the bed. that guy looks like a gay twink. gosling looks like a man
Again, if you honestly think a face as well balanced as Chico's wouldn't pull any prime woman, I suggest you put it to the test. Gosling in no way looks masculine, he's got fem eyes and derpy expressions.
he would look like a kid next to a supermodel
Try again
Except no. Chico has a massive frame, huge skull, and is a giant (Probably 6'4ish, and not 6'2 like he's listed as). He'd make Gosling look tiny.
Gosling looks like an actual man. This is whats wrong with you autists, you can only think in ultramasculine gay-porn tier faggots or twink bottoms, no in between. You literally fail at grasping the most basic concepts of life and you get mad when you end up being a virgin without friends
youre gay as fuck why do you even care about women at this point
An average man* but it's fine if you want to keep drinking the Hollywood establishment kool-aid
Average hot guys will always be more popular than weird looking gay porn fantasies. Adriana Lima will always be more popular than Daphne Groeneveld and the vast majority of guys would rather take a hot and cute everyday girl instead of someone like Caroline Brasch.
Except there's absolutely nothing unconventional about Chico. He's well within the average ideals in every facet, it's Gosling who looks wonky if anything. I meant average as in obviously flawed.
>woman on the side with the traffic
He is feminine as fuck. he is the male equivalent of a androgynous but pretty girl with short hair.
objectively good looking but not for everyone
Run the fucking tinder experimente and stop lie to yourself.
here, I'm not this guy, but I agree lmao.
Exactly what I've been thinking. The type of people this board's obsessed with are *too* formulaically attractive to the point that they aren't. Call it a cope all you want, I'm a good looking guy that's happy I don't look like a lot of these hypersexualized retards.
Except Gosling is a cleaned up unattractive man.
I don't give a shit about Tinder, put him next to this guy and he will look like a kid. Chico is a gay and teenager girl fantasy like justin bieber was.
No shit everyone will look like shit next to God (Gandy), but we're speaking relative Gosling.
How do I get body like left Chad?
he wouldnt look any worse. it would just made it obvious hes a twink. its not about attractiveness
>3 inchs smaller
Only next to Gandy. Notice how he still outshines Marlon in this pic, who's ultra-masc himself
being a lanklet is the exact opposite of masculine and gandy is already 6'2 which is perfect height
>who's ultra-masc himself
That guy looks like a gay latino lover with an ukulele on the beach. are you fucking retarded? that guy is literally a gay male fantasy
based Gandy
>not masc
Lmao he's fucking caveman tier lad. And you have the gall to say Gosling is masculine.
This guy is the gayest looking model ive ever seen. at this point im sure youre just a closet fag and thats why you hate women and cant get laid
>still looks like shit
Ultra-cope. At this point there's nothing else to say. You're just going to disagree regardless, w.e. keep defending your everyman champion.. or you can run the experiment.
he's a good looking guy, but gosling is definitely more masculine. hard to compare on tinder since everyone knows who gosling is
At this point I'm sure you're actually autistic and that's why you aren't capable of any social interaction. You can't even read emotions from a face or have any sense of harmony.
This guy is not masculine at all, you can analyze your autistic greek words and angles but there is nothing that would make him manly.
Just look at this picture he tries so hard to squint and.. when you look at the picture, do you feel any sense of dominance, confidence, agression? Because I'm fucking not. It doesn't make me feel any emotion, not respect, no fear, absolutely nothing that would make him a bigger man. When you look at that picture, can you imagine that guy slapping an ass until its red and bloody? because i fucking cant.
Now look at this Imagine this guy with the exact same facial expression. He already looks more dominant and scary on the picture. He looks like someone you dont want to fuck with. He looks like a man. But here comes the point you can't graps again: he doesn't look overly agressive. He doesn't look like a criminal, he doesn't look like a low-life junkie, he doesn't look like a roided faggot. But he looks just as manly and confident that makes him super attractive.
This guy looks like someone who try to look tough but cant.
With every single thread you make it obvious that you have no sense of harmony, you cant read vibe or emotions. You probably look like a school shooter irl and when girls turn away you think its because of your canthal tilt
Youre autistic.
>am a fat ass in recovery
>went from 276 to 190lbs since Jan
>notice a lot of looks from girls
>lots of winks and smiles
>friends that are girls explained to me that I was very qt as a fatass but now i'm handsome
>they expect me to be hot by the time I'm done
feels good
Holy fuck you're autistic
Then why aren't they fucking you?
Lmao all this empty bs and he still won't run the experiment
I can look at the face and tell whether he is dominant looking or not without learning greek words. I can see the appeal of a face that isn't 100% symmetrical.
You can cope all you want but in the end youre autistic. You dont have friends or social life and you dont need to be hot to have those.
not him but samething happened to me
only have been attractive for a month or so, takes some time to get things back into gear
you feel like an autistic chad
One of them I see in a familial sense, this is reciprocated, but she keeps saying shes cool with incest. But shes got a boyfriend and I like him so I'll leave it at that.
I do hookup with one of the others a decent amount, but her coke habits worry me, I don't want some girl OD'ing in my place.
The rest all have bfs and I'm relatively close with all of them. I don't want to go around ruining my social circles.
And I'm kinda scared to initiate with people I know personally. The coke head and I hooked up while we were both wasted and thats how it started.
>He thinks his own intuition is the end all of how masculine or attractive someone is.
Lmao and somehow we're autistic, you can't even convey anything on a common reference point.
if you arent autistic why dont you have friends and why does everyone keep calling you autistic even on the internet?
Ditto, loser
No, answer this. Do you genuinely think that everyone who calls you autistic (by everyone I mean even /r9k/. Veeky Forums and lookism is literally the only two place on the entire internet that tolerates you) is somehow wrong and youre smarter than everyone else around you despite being a failure? How do you explain the lack of social life an unability to form friendships? Im curious how do you cope. "I dont have friends because of my canthal tilt?"
I don't see why youre getting so personal lad. Maybe you should take a break if this kinda stuff gets to you this much, it's not healthy to be this angry. You want to see how I look like? Very well, this Is me.
wow. you look emotionally sad user. Pls cheer up, life is only one :)
yeah, thats why this discussion is pointless. youre an outlier on the lower spectrum. you think looks is the most important thing because thats what you lack the most. but you shouldnt compare your life experience to average people, which is the vast majority
Thanks doc, but nothing can fix the ugly monstrosity that is me. I wish I was as brave as you, fighting the currents of society in spite of my subhumanity... but alas, I am weak willed, and ultra tier KHHV!
But at least my tilt is positive:)
if you see how subhuman you are why would you try to bring other normal people down? you already admitted being ugly as fuck, why you talk to normal people then?
4 paragraphs to show the world you have no idea what makes men attractive.
Lmao typical fit.
I aspire to bring everyone down to my level. Infect everyone with the same insecurity that plagues my own malevolent soul. The Gandy and Jsanza are raging inside me, and I feel compelled to unleash my inceldom onto the the world!
No matter how hard you try, a normal guy will never feel like as ugly as you we both know this
Ahhhh.. but one can DREAM! It is this that keeps me alive. Better to be a high-punching drunkard than he who clambers up the mountain of dejection!
psl posters should be banned
good ab genetics + low bodyfat
also maybe do sit ups now and again
>many girls find him attractive
>random guy on an anonymous fitness imageboard says that he is unattractive
Do you see how stupid you sound? Why are you people even arguing about this? Don’t you have better things to do in your life? No wonder so many of you are such losers...
the old version of him is just deckard
Yeah, and I'm Martin Luther King Jr.
If my nose was smaller and lips id be attractive for a black guy. Im hoping cutting to low body fat would make me a solid 7-8
To be honest I think this guy looks pretty gay too
Nice pee pee pic
Gosling is not ugly at all. He's like a 6.5. But like the one user was saying, Lachowski would do much better with prime women. And lol @ people calling him a twink when he is 6'3 with a huge skull and good frame
Fuck off twink
How do I get face gains?