Red light or white light?
Red light or white light?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Leaning backwards whilst OHPing
It hurts my spine if I do this even slightly wtf is this guy doing?
>Not doing standing incline barbell presses
Never gunna make it
I dont think it's even incline anymore. He's practically a 90 degree angle at the deepest point there
pretty clean standing incline benchpress, I dont see why you would redlight it.
So i need this to achieve 3 pl8 OHP?
>I felt a great disturbance in the force. It was like a whole bunch of shit-posting know-it-all losers cried out in terror and immediately ran to the internet to complain about how this was cheating in the comfort of their hidden message board. We better get on with our exercises.
Fucking normies
Its not a ohp dummy
the lean is fine, it was a push press though. He used slight leg drive to break it off his shoulders, so a red light if we're judging it purely as a strict press. Still a great lift though.
unparalleled spine gains
the lean was not fine, it was clearly a 45° angle which is the very definition of an incline bench press. so this is either purely ego lifting or a standing incline press but no way is this a clean OHP.
That's a legit lift. It's called a double layback press. We can debate on if there are any merits to this style of pressing, but it isn't technically a bad attempt because he isnt doing a regular press or a strict press
>strict press
no, a layback press is definitely not a strict press as the weight difference is massive. Talking 2pl8 strict press vs. 3pl8 mastered layback press here
I just checked again and he didnt actually claim it was an OHP in his instagram post so I guess you are right user. Nevermind my comment then, if he doesnt claim it was a regular or strict press I dont fucking care what he does in the gym. for all I care he can hang weights off his dick and watch trap porn to lift it up as long as he doesnt call it a deadlift.
let's assume there was no leg drive because that's not what we're discussing, but did he lock the bar out over his head having lifted it in one motion?
if so, it's a good lift.
How much can you double layback compared to strict?
I don't know, olympic press is no longer a competition lift in any standardized barbell sport and was notoriously difficult to ref in the first place.
>tfw you can press 330 lbs overhead and your shoulders look like this
aww shit something's definitely not gonna be parallel in his spine after that fucking lean
that's not the same guy is it ?
Uhhh yessir I'd like uhhh one-way, nonstop, non-refundable ticket to SNAP CITY
yeah I'll sign a waiver
This is pretty much how it was done in the Olympics after cleaning it onto the shoulders
use proper form and leave your ego at home you pudgy norwegian shit
i honestly think it's badass. Imagine what he could do with the shoulders you're imagining
Actually you lean backwards slightly to get it level correctly with your head.
>Standing Bench Press.jpg
I'll buy a one way ticket to Snap City, please
Again, he is using proper form for that style of pressing which has intentional layback
form autists are the worst kind of autists
just shut up lift some fucking weight
dat arching and hip movement is the same shit in OHP like back arching in bench, absolute disgusting
>lift over 300lbs over your head
>have literally 0 shoulders
how delusional can strengthbabbies be to defend this degeneracy ?
it's a good lift as long as he doesn't calls it a strict press.
And if we imply that the term "OHP" only refers to a strict press on our beloved board, it's not an OHP as much as a push press wouldn't be an OHP.
But: in the old days a layback press was referred to as OHP while in strongman a push press is also referred to as OHP. nomsayin?
>lift over 300lbs over your head
that's great regardless of how he does it, even a 300lb rack jerk is respectable. Who cares if his delts aren't like cannonballs?
>in strongman a push press is also referred to as OHP
not really, in strongman you have an event billed as an 'overhead lift' which usually allows any technique you want short of double dipping/resting it on your head (and even those used to be allowed). It's very rare that you'll have an 'overhead press' with a normal bar in a strongman comp
okay, let's refer to our presses (TM) as OHL from now on to clear up all uncertainties
everybody that doesnt have autism cares more about how you look than the number of autismunits you can put over your head in a gym.
lol chase has been pressing like this for a while now and if it were as bad as some people in this thread are saying he'd be in a wheelchair by now. Not to mention the multitudes of guys that have done this for literally 100 years and not ended up in a wheelchair
He can perform this lift safely and not go to snap city because 1. The abs are controlling the lumber extension, 2. The thoracic spine is closer to the ass when the hips are forward under a load, and 3. He has a very strong lower back. In fact he has a very strong everything. Just because this "looks" dangerous doesn't make it any more "dangerous" than a say a deadlift.
If I work double lay back, should I also work on my strict press ?
>Don't lean back when pressing
>Hit self in head with barbell
Rip is definitely diddling this guy.
>he isn't a chinlet
You are not allowed to do olympic layback press unless it's with at least 2pl8s
Yes it is
>decline benching in the ohp rack