Be 17

>be 17
>bad streak at csgo
>contemplate life
>sick of the way of the autismo
>got to leave my flat for some change and meet people
>apply at a gym 15km away
>travel by public transport 45mins to get there and 45mins back
>5 years later
>im now 22
>still sitting at home alone every evening playing csgo and contemplating life afterwards

well at least im swole now

Do you have a job? Do you have roommates?

I'm a pretty lonely dude but I can't fathom when people say they have literally nobody to hang out with.

ever thought about getting a car faggot


time to improve your mindset bud.

I fucking deleted CSGO and all of my steam games this morning, sold my ps4 a few months ago. I'm going to become Ubermensch.

By deleting I mean permanently removing btw

give me your steam account

i used to work but not anymore since earlier this year i was put into psychiatry for 6 weeks because the depression got unbearable and now im kind of just withering away
i didnt have any trouble with people at work but i just did my job and didnt do much with colleagues
too expensive also i couldve taken a gym near me but i wanted to see some of the outside world so im k with taking public transport
deadlift 210kg squat 150kg bench 120kg ohp 80kg

Used to play games like 6 hours minimum, decided it's time for a change. Quit all games. Spend 12 hours a day on Reddit/Veeky Forums and another places on the internet. Only people I talk to is my mom and grandparents. Good life

Literally me user. Probably less social now I quit games since all my friends still play them and regularly voice chat each other

I really really like this image

Why would you quit games? I only play like 1-2hrs a day at max, though.

you're only 22
you sound like a bit of an old soul which leads one to feel actually old prematurely
so it won't sink in but yeah sounds liek you're doing good - sit there swole and enjoy your shit :)
but don't forget - you're young as fuck and you can do anything you want to do

How did you have a flat at 17?

>lifting for 5 years
>these stats

I’m about to do the same thing. Fucking hours I wasted on R6, Witcher, and other games. Man it just isn’t worth it. I used to get home and play for hours a night every night then get hammered on Friday nights playing R6 Siege and have shit hangover on Saturday.

Fuck vidya.

>inb4 just have will power faggot don’t play so much.

Easier said then done.

Wish me luck Veeky Forums.

Whats your rank

parents divorced my dad got lost at the drug hotspot in bonn and my mom became chronically psychotic so i arranged with the youth office to get welfare and my own flat
for reps i never really did 1RM

depending on his height and weight, those stats aren't bad. already in the top 10% of Veeky Forums

You play overwatch? I have 2 accounts, I gave one to my friend and the other I don't play this shit game anymore so i don't need it.

Generally games are fucking waste of time now. I'll only play casually like single player games but never again a multiplayer competitive.

Vidya is the ultimate gains goblin. Just say no and sell that shit. Use the money to buy new equipment.