That guy that drinks water between sets

>that guy that drinks water between sets

>that guy that rests between sets

>that guy that does reps during sets

>that guy that uses his phone between sets

>that guy that keeps his shirt on during sets

>that guy that has his headphones in during sets

>that guy that thinks lifting will get him a gf


>that guy who counts in sets

>that guy who checks his pump during sets and wonders if it's enough to lose his virginity yet


>that guy that drinks piss in between sets

>that guy that wears basketball shorts between sets

>That guy who exists

>That guy who does reps in his sets

What's your problem pal?

>That guy who drinks water between MY sets

>that guy who counts the number of plates other people are lifting

>the guy that gets winded after squatting bitch weight for just 5 reps

this is some 4d chess shit

fuck this is unironically me

>tfw have gf


i dont know that guy

>that guy that focuses on other people's workouts and when they get water while he remains dyel

>that guy that brings his gallon of milk to the gym

I do this when I'm mirin.

>the ride


>that guy that's constantly changing songs between sets or until he gets a good one
>that guy that just paces around the equipment he's using between sets
>that guy that doesn't make small talk in the locker room
>that guy that gets caught looking at girls and either looks away really quick or pretends to be staring off into the distance

>that guy who looks around his home gym with fond subdued pride for his accomplishments between sets

>that guy that doesn't tip the vending machine

>that guy who doesn't go to the gym

>that guy who tells himself he's going to make it

Literally the pose I adopted when I got home from the gym today.

Fuck you

>that guy who says goodbye before the pain says hello


>that guy who reads about lifting online more than he actually lifts

>that guy that has this dennis picture saved 10 times


>sets in between reps
>takes him 8hrs to do a 8hr arm workout


>that guy that lifts weights between drinking water

thats a good pic. he looks good in that photo.

Th-this is bitch weight isn't it


drink more water buddeh

>that guy who doesn't know what to do with his free time when he has two rest days in a row so he ends up doing isolation exercises for hours instead of going out and enjoying life

>That guy take plays pokemon between sets

got em

>that guy that takes a new free sample of body wash /shampoo every time he's at the gym

do you think I will get weird looks if I read a book between sets?

depends, what book do you read

its always one or fewer

>tfw get fired up to lift but you mistime the heavy part of the song and feel like everyone's watching you waiting staying at the bar intensely till you can lift

currently the picture of Dorian gray

>that guy who does reps during rests and rests during sets


yeah it's normal they're giving you books
I would too if I saw some faggot reading about another faggot in the gym

memes aside good book

>that guy who rolls dubs between sets

Hotel gym master race

>that guy who brings his camping gear to train tent raises

>that guy who rests between reps

> that guy who does sets between sips

>that guy who does ab rolls after his workout

>that guy who is a manlet

>that guy who does sets

>that guy

> that guy who breathes between reps



>That guy who only posts about NoFap on Veeky Forums

I really didnt need to see this today

Never be that guy.

underrated kek

If I'm on Veeky Forums more hours per week than I lift, do I fit in this category?

>that guy that wears a polo-shirt in the gym