What mode is this?

What mode is this?

5 year old mode
bodybuilder who couldn't afford to buy a new wardrobe mode
5'2" fat girl who claims to work out mode

Nice shoes though

>expanded arms
Photoshop mode

Low-budget-Chad mode

cloud mode

I dont know why but when I look at his body I just have to laugh. I mean it took him a lot of effort and he cant really do anything against his child-face or thicc legs but I just cant hold back the laughter.

dressed as a fag - mode

fucking hate skinny jeans and hate women who date men who wear them.

faggot mode

You have to admire those proportions

>those abs

my torso is thiccer than my other parts, Im now looking at it as having potential 4 bear mode within myself

this thin waists look fragile. Impressive ratios tho.

At what, 5'3? Lmao.

i swear i'm not gay mode

he could dress less faggoty and at least make himself look above average in a subtle way


This isn't an answer to whatever you're asking, I'm actually just calling you a faggot.

his arms too big, right?
other than his babyface there's nothing wrong with him

natty or not

Use your fucking brain lmao

What does "just" mean?

he meant that those abs were JUST purrfect :3

Oh yeah, totes natty. Totes. You fucking idiot.

Fug u r good. End of thread.

How to spot an underaged poster (lesson 1):

>what mode is this?
>will I get a gf if I lift?
>is x natty?

Just say no to underaged posters.

>no upperchest



how old is this guy?

that looks awful and I'm usually the person in these threads who always tries to point out the positive things. jesus christ, I mean aside from the obvious shitty insertions which really aren't his fault, he really looks disproportional as fuck. what did he take?

the arms are way too big for that torso and his neck is nonexistent to the point where he looks like a bad cartoon figure. it's like those potato head figures where you can just attach anything to the torso and someone chose the wrong parts on purpose

"everything that is wrong with body building" mode

Is this photoshopped? Why are the arms like twice the size of his wrists?

Is this a true curlbro?

Gay boy mode.

"Sucking a dick once doesn't make you gay" starter pack.


Roids from day one mode

Skinny jeans are good for showing off quad and glute muscles.

Isn't this basically how buff trendy dudes in the UK dress

Slav mode

Women’s jeans mode

His body is to big for his head right? That's impressive shit cause its usually the other way round.

clothes 2 sizes too small mode

why lift when its all the face mode

thats what happenes to someone who uses machines and dumbbells only.
this is why you use the barbell when you can

he obviously never did a deadlift or a pullup in his entire life

Just fuck my shit up
