What is rhabdo

What is rhabdo

Why do people get this?
Someone I know got this from working out.

It wasn't even that hard of a work out..

>google what the fuck that is
>check first link

Massive muscle breakdown
Doesn't matter, he didn't recover enough from previous workouts

So it's literally from working out while sore?

>why do people get this
Many reasons, drugs and diseases being the most common ones, the guy you know got it from overtraining; basically, he tore his muscles on a molecular level from straining them too much.

Nah it mostly happens to people who aren't used to extreme physical activity suddenly going full blast on lifting.

Their muscle tissue literally fucking breaks down and enters their bloodstream which fucks up their kidneys/liver.

Overuse. Crossfit is making it popular because they like doing a shitload of reps in a short amount of time, and they have some cultish mentality of "no pain no gain" so people are fucking themselves over left and right because they "gotta do as many reps as possible".
I think it's usually pullups. Kipping doesn't help either.

This pic is genuinely terrifying me.

so it's when an untrained beginner goes full on training instead of doing easy things?

I honestly read this and thought you did a google search on OP's lizard thing, and came up with crossfit. I was like whaaaaaaat

The science of rhabdomyolisis is not entirely known. It isn't just about the breakdown of muscle fibers, but rather it being compounded with a chemical change in the body's balance that allows for accelerated and uncontrolled breakdown. It's bad, really bad. The two things that Rhabdo is most associated with are excessive exercise and dehydration -- the definition of excessive of course has mostly to do with your current level of fitness and how hydrated you stay, so an unfit person that hasn't been drinking water would be way more prone to developing rhabdo than someone that hasn't been training but is well hydrated, or a dehydrated person who is well trained. All of the prior cases are still subject to rhabdo, though. If you want to reduce your chances of getting sick, stay hydrated and be progressive in the intensity of your workouts. Like it was brought up, huge leaps in intensity that don't allow you to recover also are a one way ticket to rhabdotown.

That's why people who do Xfit get it the most.

remember this happened to me,
its not deadly but can fuck up your kidneys,
basically your working out so much your muscle is tearing so much it enters the bloodstream and when your kidneys filter out the blood, your mucle fibers clog the shit out of them, and well you then basically piss the color of brown, but just drink fluids it will clear up.
it was a trip seeing dark brown piss

>I have been puking every other night for the past 5 nights
>Almost got to 1/2/3/4 on SS past 3 months
>My lower back hurts
>Forearms hurt
>No other symptoms that would point to virus/bacterial infection
How fucked am I?


It's caused by extreme damage to a muscle, so it can done in a number of ways. The most common are doing way too much way too quickly with lifting and actual muscular trauma due to an impact like a car crash or something.

You're not gonna get it if you do a regular lifting routine but let's say it's your first day lifting with your friend at a crossfit gym and they make you do like 50 deadlifts starting at some weight and they constantly lower the weight as you go so you can get that one extra rep out. When you're done your muscles might not just be torn to repair themselves stronger, the tissues might have actually died which is the start of the rhabdo.

Expect 6,4 ft chad viruses with 6-packs

Jesus Christ. Stay safe anons. Don't ego lift or do stupid shit.

Thank you. Also, I have been on fit since 2012. Any reason why this is the first time I'm reading about this at all?

Fuck dude, that's how the NBOME psychedelics killed people. You have to be seriously fucking up your shit to have that happen.

>flying squirrel

It mostly happens when you take a massive OD of chemicals that make you have seizures. Seizures make your muscles break down from all that seizin'.

Seriously how do you get this from exercising, what the fuck

>Any reason why this is the first time I'm reading about this at all?
Apparently crossshitters have reached a new level of self-harm, I guess

This. Your Muscles break down much faster than your nerves and CNS. After a long break your brain can still fire up muscles that aren’t there... existing ones get shredded. It’s why you should restart at 40-50% of last weight you lifted after a long break.

>first result danish crossfit forum