so what's my opinion on this guy?
So what's my opinion on this guy?
good tips but commie half dyel
maisie williams looks like THAT?
I like him.
Proving that size means nothing unless you have a face to match
Form your own opinions, 'loid.
gyno or just bad lighting?
I dunno, it isn't me that's just some ruski
>When your a man that looks like a woman trying to be a man.
Sjw scum
I don't know, user. What is your opinion of him? I mean certainly you wouldn't ask strangers on the internet to form your opinions for you, would you?
He seems like a good guy. Knows his stuff about bodybuilding and powerlifting, even a little bit of oly lifting. Plus, he's friends with based Clarence, and not too many people can say that.
Good personality but he is a gde
he's not that big for the time his lifting
C'mon guys it's Veeky Forums we all have one opinions on everything.
If that weren't truth SL would be removed from the sticky (and maybe even SS)
what's a gde?
Decent advice, I feel like I'm watching bad Borderlands jokes play out when he talks
genetic dead end
really? he's got a nice chest though
>goes for mass but is still stronger than alan thrall
At least he's not bottom of the barrel. That being said they're both still helpful and have dames
hes the GOAT
He's stronger than Alan Thrall while weighing 70 pounds less and being natty too, I think the guy actually knows what he is talking about.
Bretty strong guy for his size&being natural. Also he backs up his shit with facts and research, props for that. No more bro-theories. However I find his sense of humour a bit disturbing.
Is Alan Thrall the standard with which Veeky Forums judges youtubers?
hes not natty
This, seems alright but I feel like I'm hanging out the the church kids when I watch his vids.
Alan Thrall's level of strength is achievable natually by someone his size that has been training consistently for as long as Thrall has.
He's an everyman
Elaborate please
He makes really slow progress. He's been lifting for how many years and his bench is at 365 which i think he benched like a year ago
hes peaked physically
No shit it's "slow progress", he benches nearly 2x body weight now.
Which isnt that strong
yes he is
he's 2/3rds natty retard
did he shave JUST his nips? lul
2/3rds natty? kill your self faggot
Benching twice your bodyweight at IPF championships would give you a medal, maybe not in every weight class, but definitely in the higher ones. Kirill barely benches twice his bodyweight, but hey it is still a world record.
He’s the very definition of natty you retard: he puts up good numbers, has been lifting forever, and still looks like shit. That’s what “natty” literally means.
looks like a girl
natty limit
Good info, good body, good lifts and cancerous YT style "hey guys it's your boi fucboi and I'm here to tell you the 5 most common ways you fuck my wife incorrectly. If you liked fucking my wife don't forget to like, subscribe and contribute to my wife's son"
top kek
This. But he's alright sometimes, especially with Clarence.
that you? mirin hard breh