Hey Veeky Forums what is track?
true effort
The Greatest Fucking Sport Ever
>t. skelly
Anything past 800 m start to require so much mental toughness on top if physical strength/power/stamina , lifting heavy is nothing compared to things like 3 K.
It’s where the gaybois go while the real winners go to field
Only distance boys are skelly
Track and cross country is only time in my life I felt fit.
so are you lel
I totally agree with this. Endurance work is fucking miserable. I'd rather have 30 seconds of intense effort and then rest, instead of torturing myself for 10+ min.
Endurance bros say I'm pushing myself too hard but I've never been able to not push that hard.
Throwers are gods among you plebians
stop your rattling skelly
t. fatfucks who never even played a sport in their life
who /discus/ here
>Tfw never ran the 100 under 12 second
Hey guys, why is my 100 m sprint time so fucking random ?
Im old at sprinting but i still i cant get why sometimes i get a 10.68 and other times a 11.75
At 12.70 I'm getting there
>what is track
Where all the sport misfits go. Did spring track one year and the overwhelming amount of "weird" kids was astounding. The throwers were the only normal ones and I think that's because they were mainly football kids.
Track athletes are weird and virgin, NFL and Rugby is the only way to go chad
There is around 4-9 (depending on school size) talented boys and girls and the rest are perma virgins
10.68 is impressive but 11.75 was my freshman time
Even our coaches were weird. Two of the coaches are mother and son. The mother doesn't make kids try and read to us a children's book every time before a meet. The son was 5'7 and had a pedo mustache. He used like push-ups as a punishment, but called them fun ups. He told us a story of how during his basketball career in high school he would grow out his finger nails so he could scratch the other players. He also unironically lives in his moms basement and he's like 30.
He has an older brother that coaches track at college levels and has actually coached a few of the best guys.
>push ups
Does he have autism? he sounds like a complete autist and his brother manged to be successful, It's like a family style virgin vs. chad
Something mostly poor black people do to go to college.
It sucks
True shit user. An hour long strength workout is nothing compared to 10 minutes of moderate-to-high speed running. I started running on my non-workout days, and I concluded that marathon runners must be one of the mentally toughest people on the planet.
But p.o.w exist user
High school here, I quit soccer (winter) in exchange for XC (fall) + track (spring) is this a good trade-off? And winter I'm going to gym
>t. skinnyfat
Destined to be unatheletic.
>high school here
Holy shit get off this site and do something productive before it's too late please. Take up a sport or hobby you never tried before and focus hard as hell on it, master an instrument if you haven't already. You still have time. I'd do anything to get those 6 years back that I've wasted between the point you're at and where I am now.
And have as much sex with high school girls as you can before it becomes weird to do so.
Look at this fucking loser
>If only I learned to play the saxophone, my life would've been perfect.
Yeah its a good trade off, I did xc and track during high school and had a great time doing them
im faster than all you niggers on this board
Track is the greatest sport, period.
Distance running is the greatest as well. The kids are weird, but the practice is amazing.
Throwing (esp discus) is fun and sprinters are huge.
Track meets (esp invitationals) have amazing energy to them and are a must go.
Track >>>> anything else
The only olympic sport worth watching.
Track is only good when you look at the top tier geetic freaks niggas, otherwise its just a lame sport with a lame coaching in general that dont know shit
high school track coaches are memes
That, i would instead train by myself and tell coaches to tell get me mets
Btw best trainer ever, >miki goldmill
>tfw people are at 1/2/3/4 but cant even run a sub 5:30 mile
When will high schools let us do the steeplechase?
>Hey Veeky Forums what is track?
The place where countries see who has selectively bred the fastest niggers
Are you hand timing?
A fun sport. PEDs are rumors ning it though.
t. 49 sec 400m, 22 sec 200m in high school.
Seen 47 and 21 by the same mexican
The 400 m is the most uncomfortable physical activity possible.
800m you mean
You wouldn’t have even gone to state
how small was your school? Our track team was like the aesthetic and athletic height of our local gene pool. Our entire girls 4x4 were a mix of moderate to high level gymnasts. I got buns of a quality I had no business getting due to the top tier coed sport and the fact that I was an athlete
Fat, its weird, some days i feel faster and quicker while others i feel heavy or lik my strides are too short
Shitty advice, he needs to focus on grades and growing a social network, not learning a useless hobby and fucking thots. That's what college is for.
>tfw 4:24 1500
>10:02 3000
I miss running seriously.
I’ve just been in maintenance mode with lifting and cardio the last few years
r u fucking kidding me im so short and ran that shit in 10 seconds my soph. year in hs
Does sprinting make you look like a beast? Always liked it but I don't want to lose my gains
800m is a real mans race.
No, it won't
There's a correlation/causation fallacy that always gets attached to sprinting. People looks at photos of top sprinters and figure they can look like that if they sprint.
The reality is that top sprinters are jacked because they're self selected due to their natural testosterone and athleticism. If you're going to do conditioning, sprinting/HIIT will preserve muscle better than long distance running, but people like Tyson Gay were going to be jacked no matter what they did
If you want to see what kind of body sprinting will get you in the absence of great genetics, look at Christopher Lemaitre
ran the 200 in 24
>Only ran my senior year
Damn. So I still can get jacked in the gym and not lose it with HIIT/sprinting? I'm not expecting to look like Asafa Powell just by going fast