Use it or lose it

Nofap is the biggest fucking meme ever. Noporn has merit, but if you're doing nofap you're literally cucking yourself. Use it or lose it.

> nofap for ~40 days
> dick rarely gets hard, when it does its a shitty erection
> takes ages for me to cum with girl
> dick feels and looks noticably smaller with less veins and vascularity
> girl told me that it doesn't look as big as it normally does
> angry and on edge most of the day
> lifts stall in the gym, no drive
> trouble sleeping

> fap daily or every other day
> erections are rock hard, penis feels thicker and longer
> vascularity, lots of prominent veins all over
> bust in a reasonable amount of time
> calm cool demeanour throughout day
> more energy
> stronger in the gym

If you do nofap youre a retarded simpleton.

Other urls found in this thread:

tl;dr. fuck off and kys incel faggot. no bump.

I could never make it more than 30 days when I did I was angry all the time but not in a high test way just in a low mood way


If you're getting laid why are you even doing nofap?

I managed to do the full 90 days at one point and I felt the exact opposite. The downside was that I sometimes got barely any sleep.

agree, the faggots who think they are gaining super powers because they haven't jerked off in 3 days are always a laugh, also it's reddit as fuck.

>women are basically dropping at my feet now!! it can't be that i'm so desperate that I actually believe that not masturbating for a few days is helping me score women

it's purely a placebo.

nofap faggots actually say that sex is okay it's just masturbating that damages you(?) because reasons.

and regular sex doesn't mean you don't need to wank m8.

I like nofap. I can maintain strong erections no problem. Op is just a gay

Dani dumbells

LMAO keep projecting faggot.
Go on, try not to touch your dick for another 90 days. I'm sure girls will like you then due to your heightened test.

Nofap faggots are retards. The problem is when masturbation is done excessively, at which point I guarantee you, like 100%, that porn is causing it.
It is fucking impossible to go on masturbation sprees lasting several hours without watching porn.

>nofap faggots actually say that sex is okay it's just masturbating that damages you(?) because reasons.

Yes, it damages you in that it makes you sit in your room and jerk off instead of going out and satisfying your sexual urges with real women. They do nofap because it forces them to go out and try to get laid (in theory).
It can be a problem for people who have sex lives as well, but it's usually for people who no longer have the need/will to try and get real pussy.

That’s nonsense. They nofap because they’re retards who think the chemical reactions in the human body, during an orgasm, somehow interfere with testosterone levels resulting in slowed muscle development (gains).

True. Prolactin is released after orgasm. It reduces the effect of test.

At this point I think nofap gives you whatever magical powers you can imagine. I don't really pay attention to the threads because they're all insane.

>wahh im too much of a weak willed faggot to not touch my penis
>nofap is placebo it does nothing!
I swear to God you faggots have an agenda. Every single time someone posts against NoFap it's full of such anger and agitation that it made me suspect that NoFap actually has merit. And it does. You're just too weak to control your impulses, you degenerate ape.

God I love thick legs

does fapping affect gains?

srs i've fapped like once everyday the past few days

>NoFapper accusing others to have an agenda
Not OP. Did it for a month, first week was kinda cool (not sure if placebo) and went downhill from there; got tired and lazy, didn't feel like lifting.
I imagine it's pretty interesting for chronic masturbators but the rest of humanity is fine with some moderation.
>inb4 you have to reach 90 days or it doesn't count!

Every boner you don't use is one you never get back

All you said is true. Good you know that.

Now delete this fat cunt of a roastie. What a terrible form, shame on you user

Really? I did it and I have unlocked my maximum power level

I've never fapped once in my life, nor do I have a history of pornography, and my experience is
>Extreme control over my erections
>Can mentally will and end erections
>incredibly high libido, but it's easy to push feelings and thoughts of sex away
>unattracted to and disgusted by thots
>Ready to have sex at any given moment without feeling hung up over it
Make of that what you will OP

Yeah nofap is a meme but it has good use as a test of will and helps break porn/fap addiction.

I've found that the healthiest schedule for fapping or orgasms in general is to fap once, maybe twice a week. That's a good middle ground between nofap and fapping every day. Then you get the rest of your orgasms from sex.

>No porn has merit
This, watching porn is objectively bad for you, there an insane number of studies demonstrating that porn as a, hyperstimulant .has numerous negative psychological effects
>Nofap is a meme
This. Just as there are studies demonstrating the negative impacts of porn on your psychological well being there are also numerous studies demonstrating the masturbation is good for both your physical and psychological well being, in particular your prostate health.

this is very true desu. I Tried no fap and six months later I felt like a total beta. Now i jerk it three times a day and each load is bigger than the other. Also eating your cum is not a meme, it has lots of testosterone in it so drink it like piana drank shakes.


> takes ages for me to cum with girl

Isn't that the point tho?

27 days here

>no morning wood
>libido is dead
>mood is the same
>lifts and motivation are going up somehow
>slight touch of a girl gets me half chub (used to not get erections for such things)

All in all i feel okay i advise everyone at least to try it ouy and see how you feel from reading multiple threads about the topic it seems that the results may differ on each individual

>numerous studies demonstrating the masturbation is good for both your physical and psychological well being, in particular your prostate health.

There are litterally no studies from any corner of the globe that even hints at masturbation being healthy in any way.
Unless you have a horribly enlarged prostate(which has been demonstrated to come from excessive masturbation in your youth and steroid abuse) or prostatitis there is no reason to jack off.

NoFap is the greatest rebranding in history. Everyone laughed at the stupid puritanical shit like "it'll make hair grow on your palms!" In comes pseudoscience and a rebranding by fundamentalist Christians to NoFap. Now you have people high fiving each other about jizzing themselves in their sleep.

based satan

no fap and no porn = unholy control over your dick and mind, sounds good to me

Same here. When i dont beat my meat my dick gets smaller and my erections are weak.

How do I fap without porn tho? Srs question, do I just wank my morning wood in the morning?

The key is to not stop, but to take a break for a few days.

> too weak willed to control impulses

Give me a fucking break. Not jerking off doesn't turn you into some savant. You really think not jerking off makes you have stronger willpower than someone who does jerk off?

>You really think not jerking off makes you have stronger willpower than someone who does jerk off?


Careful man the sperm is reaching your brain.

2 hours for one nut is too fucking long man

what? this an attempt at trying to make me associate my semen with something bad or worthless or something?
i don't understand...

Well until you can get your times down you need a way to keep her interested, I'd recommend magic tricks like put a penny behind her ear, click your fingers and its gone then pull it out of her arse. Or bring a rabbit and a hat, put the rabbit in the hat and it disappears then pull it out of her arse

My god... It's too late.


Here's a question I've always wondered. Where's the line for too much masturbation? Is it X amount of times a day? Is it when it starts to interfere with daily tasks?

it's why i do a softnofap
1 bust a week

Yes. Play as many mental gymnastics as you want. You will always be weaker than someone who is in control of their sex drive.

That's weird, taking a a break from masturbation usually brings back morning wood for me.

>implying a placebo can't be effective

At least theyre getting women you chronic masturbator


nofap is for people that jerk it like 10 times a day for years, literal porn/masturbation addicts

if you jerk it every day and don't have weak erections just go on no porn for a month or two

source - actual porn addict that used to watch 4 hours of porn a day and go limp multiple times throughout

See, this makes way more sense to me than what the nofap retards claim. I imagine not using would make it weaker, and blood flow down there would be worse. But I don't know any of the actual science, so who knows.

Fap to your imagination. I've reached that level, when i don't even need imagination. My mind is completely blank, i just stroke my dick without thinking of anything or thinking about regular daily non-erotic stuff, and still cum.

Nofap is good for quitting porn and using your time wisely instead, also some discipline but it's mainly for incel betas . I tried it for 100 days. The "superpowers" are reddits autistic way of saying "now that I don't jerk it 20x a day I do things with my life!" Well no shit you fucking idiots. No shit your lifts are going to go up and you will take care of yourself because you spend your energy more wisely, but for us normal non betas we do this every day.
Pure meme. If you're a normal bro it will only help you quit porn, which you should.
Obviously don't masturbate too often you wear your dick out, but once or twice a week won't hurt and it's good for you. Enough of this reddit shit meme.

Nofap got founded by a guild of chads. They Just wanted a even bigger pool of women so they made the beta impotent with the nofap meme

>implying i will ever use it
no fap take the pain away desune

a good fap is often better than sex

Do cardio and lift heavy fgt

>try nofap
>turn into a mindless beast
>constantly horny
>cant think about anything but sex
>cant focus on anything productive
>trying to tune the worst sluts i know
>jerk off
>clear head
>able to focus on work
>dont need to talk to sluts
>be a better me

I've done 24 days and kind of felt like that, I guess they call it flatlining. Although I never had a problem before I started maybe jerked 1-2 a day. Currently just doing noporn and fap 1-2x a week if I feel like it and it seems to be GOAT for best of both worlds

if nofap works for you, it's only confirmation that you're low test.

If I basically walking around like a predator after 1 day of not cumming

ITT : Faggots who failed No Nut November. Try next year lads ;)

you mean won this actually true in any sort of way ?

No I meant cucks that can’t resist jacking off to 2 other individuals having a sexual intercourse, faggot

>lying on the interwebz

Who said anyone was jerking it to porn.

what are you going on about testlet?
i can literally get my dick hard on command.

>go on masturbation sprees lasting several hours
>go on masturbation sprees lasting several hours

hahaaha jesus do people actually do that

No fap.

Literally conditioned to fap under certain circumstances.

Dont do it.

..two days in a row after, feel like im fapping all day.

Must be brain chem or some sht.

Cant even deacribe it, i cant even get past the feeling to notice any other sht.

Wank if you want to, don't if you don't. What's the fucking problem? Do you honestly think people through history never masturbated to erotic things?

On day 14 and I feel rather good. It feels like my dick is dead at the moment but as soon as I want to get aroused I have no problem to get the blood flowing. You all probably know the calmig and relaxing feeling after a fap. I have a similar feeling all the time now. Not as strong but still really calming. Helps with social anxiety and I can talk with people easier. This is probably related to dopamine.

thats the whole point, willpowerlet

Nigga that's my regular fucking sunday.
I need help.

Yes of course fucking is better than jerking off. You get so many beneficial fluids from your partner if she’s not a dirty whore. Ideally she would be your wife who you would be cumming inside of.

In my experience, no, but I did have better workouts while taking down my fapping to once or twice a week

I know that shit is stupid.
I find it useful because I broke my left forearm in the past and in result have muscle imbalances. My left lateral tricep is smaller too. So I’ve been “going lefty” as they say and doing forearm curls. I’ve seen great results. Thanks fapping

tell me what fluids are you talking about

>fap daily, if not twice of thrice daily
>can't cum with a condom on
>will happily thrust away for an hour, not even her giving me a handjob will make me cum
>have to deathgrip my dick to cum after sex
>no problem without condoms

No fap is needed, not for a month but at least for 7 days

ok ok ok, but where is the fucking source

3 weeks in the only thing i want to do is fuck a girl - i should just fap

Yeah I have to agree. I've done noporn and nofap and I've found that a good balance is all that is necessary. For me, 1-3 times a week makes me feel great as long as I handle my stress and regularly exercise. I constantly feel like I have drive, better mood, and I get things done.

Lmao you are a pathetic weakling who had ZERO willpower

Buy better fitting condoms.

Shhh just let them have it. They have literally nothing else going for them, so they take solace in things like nofap and cold showers because it’s a method of imposing discipline in their life without actually exerting any effort or doing something outside their comfort zone to move their life forward.

The most fervent adherents are either people who overdid masturbation before and actually do benefit from it (basically would benefit just as much by practicing moderation) or neets who have accomplished nothing in life and cling to this self flagellation because it’s the only way they can feel superior to others.

Is EDT right here, do you guys consider jacking off a sport?

Anyone that thinks nofapnis a magic cure is retarded. It has benefits but I don't see the reason to do it past 30 days unless you have dick problems. This is repeated in every thread and honestly we should just have a general thread at this point with a few sources and shit. Especially the no porn aspect of it most people do with nofap

Yeah i noticed the same thing to be honest. But its still good to give your dick a rest and reset every once in a while, you can get back to before quick enough.

For those who can't fap without porn I highly reccommend getting a toy to masturbate with. I use a fleshlight and my porn watching has decrease to nearly never. I'm not a shill but you guys should consider alternatives other than your hand.

Think about the stimulation you get from watching porn. If you could get more stimulation on your dick you probably wouldn't need the visual part (imagine having sex in the dark). It's something to think about

Sounds like a condom problem.


I'm on day 3 of nofap and considering going further. I have a gf and have no problem fucking her and getting it up or cumming, is there some reason I should continue on not fapping?

Does noporn only include depictions of sex, or is it all pics of girls (nude or otherwise)?

I'm a nofapper (day 10 or so) w/ gf as well.

>more sensitive dick
>constantly horny
>regard her as more attractive (she's already pretty hot)
>builds self-discipline
>more time to do other things (like shitpost on Veeky Forums)
>social benefits are still there
>constantly horny as FUCK

Some of these may be placebo, but I definitely am more on the edge if I don't fap. I mean fapping makes you kinda placid and reserved.

what do you advise?

Congratulations. You don't jerk off.
Other people actually do meaningful things that are a much higher test of willpower. Normal people don't think about jerking off as some super deadly mind destroying act that you need immense willpower to resist. You're literally like religious people.

depictions of sex
basically stick to stuff that used to give you boners at like age 12, like still images and twerking videos

Its more about not seeking out erotic things, eg. making the conscious decision not to go on porn sites etc. If you have to question whether or not its okay it probably isn't

I reckon keep going, if only for the sake of trying something different

His comment was literally a piece of advice. Are you legitimately retarded?