>How you holding up so far?
How you holding up so far?
27 and never had a GF
I started lifting a little over four years ago and I thought it would change...but I’m the same person I was back then but muscular.
keep goin
Still unemployed, no luck with that. We're losing the house so I need to find something soon.Planning on heading back to rva because after the house is gone. That's it. I've switched to a vegan diet and I've been jogging everyday. I feel you man, I feel you. We can be wizards together.
>accidentally administered trenbolone instead of test
Damn, sometimes I think I'm going through shit and I notice a post like this
Why you losing the house? Married or family home?
Did you get the cough?
>literally so autistic that I'm sitting on the subway next to a cute girl right now and I pretend to be asleep instead of saying a. word
Say hi before it’s too late. You’ll never see her again
Just turned 24 and am working at a bar while trying to find some actual work that suits my degree. I'm trying to shift from a 3 day a week to a 5 day program but I have no clue what I should do for a lifting program. Idk man I'm by no means fat or even chubby but I wanna look good. I'm just so fuckin indecisive when it comes to picking a routine.
On the plus side I got a job offer in California, I had to turn it down cause they tried to shaft me on the salary but it's nice to know I have some professional appeal.
Saying hi couldn't hurt, unless she has headphones or is totally into a conversation with someone else. Then just appreciate and move on.
Oh god. That sucks.
>This kills the /fraud/
Im too much of a pussy to ask her out and I'm forever destined for the freindzone.
Other than that I'm doing okay. I've been way more social in the last few months and started going out with friends and whatnot which I never used too do before, but it's also burning a whole in my wallet.
Diet is meh
Progress is there but it's slow
Lost virginity recently
Doing shit in most if my classes
I rate my life at around a C-, but it was an F a year ago at this time.
started staying up all night again. started eating like shit again. stopped working out. been like 1 week. Idk what the fuck am I doing. I lost 12 kgs in 3 months now I feel like I'm gonna get em all back. At least the university goes well. Still no friends, no gf.
>24 only a month from 25
>tfw today is just cardio so no muscle gains
kill me I just want to get good at bench pressing.
I'm falling from God's grace
Then get a running start.
Just kicked a benzo addiction
Was out of the gym for about 3 months today was first day back and I felt pretty good
Hit 315 for 7 so I felt pretty weak
Started to realize that when you have a bad day it just means you are being told somehow of some issue in your life that you need to start working on and looking at your life to fix things. It isn't bad or good, but being scared and anxious is ridiclous. Those bad days is what we all need to get our life to change...
The past week I've had a few mires. At the gym, catch them miring from a far, in the following minutes sometimes they start working out next to me. At the bar this past weekend I walked past a girl and her friend, pretty sure she tried to say something to me but I Bert stared my way back to get a pint.
I want to fucking interact, but I am 26 and moved back home with my mother. Finishing my masters and working an OK job. I know better times are to come, but life right now is a social fucking abyss. At that age where women find it unacceptable living at home, even if its temporary.
Lift-wise, going well. Adding some rowing and spinning as cardio. Also starting to stretch more. Holy shit guys, why have I put off stretching for 5+ years. Srs relief from doms and relaxing.
Keep grinding bros, we all gonna make it.
I didn’t shit for 5 days which is very strange since I eat lots of fiber and stay very hydrated, but I took a laxative and finally got to use the bathroom, but it was huge and tore my asshole apart and now I have a giant hemorrhoid.
Trying to get a job
Was ill for 2 weeks so missed out on loads of interviews, delayed them for a couple of days but couldn't shake the illness and now haven't heard back from the companies
Went down to 10 1/2 stone whilst ill and been depressed since
wasted an entire day at the DMV, I knew moving to Commiefornia would be a mistake
My baby face is only getting fatter and I’m starting to get really ugly
Not that bad. Got a job at the local hospital as a janitor. The work is light enough that I can lift like usual. Get mires occasionally. Hopefully being forced to be social with people even in passing will help my mental health
I don't care how bad the feels are. Just keep going and see how much better things will get eventually.
Never forget,
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
That's the secret to happiness
never had a gf, no friends, school is alright I guess. My health is steadily improving, which is good.
but even when I feel down, lifting, lifting gives me hope bros. I started a few months ago and I am excited to go to the gym on mondays/fridays and work on finding a routine that works for me. just did trap bar deadlifts today and I really liked it. it wasn't nearly as bad on my back as I was worried it would be.
I think we're all going to make it in the end
>I'm 5'5
>had to move back with the parents
>Became overweight
At least i still have a gf
My parents can't afford it anymore. I have under a month left. I'm REALLY fucking stressed and trying to find some job. Just anything right now, and full time jobs aren't easy to find around here.
>Lose weight
>Get started looking for a job
>Eventually lead up to a real career
>You'll make it
>Having a gf isn't a real achievement as a man
Just asked my oneitis out. She said she wasn't sure she was ready to get back into dating right now, and I think she was being honest. Feels bad, but it's also a weight off my chest for now. Might go after this other qt who's been interested in me in the meantime.
I also need to get back into lifting, didn't get to lift at all over last week,
i looked in the mirror today and i was proud of myself and how far I've come :_)
haha holy fuck what was the dose?
You ready to leave humanity behind?
There is no /sig/ but I guess I'll just post here.
I have this constant problem of blurting out "I fucking hate myself" or something akin to it at random. How do I stop this?
>got close to winning an audition with a major symphony orchestra
>best friend just told me he has been diagnosed with stomach cancer
>birthday coming up Wednesday
>tfw no gf
>27 and never had a GF
Usually I don't post as no one is interested in reading other people's miserable lives, or some people find comfort in knowing their situation is better than others, but I failed my technical interview earlier this afternoon, still no job offers in hand and I'm graduating in under two months, horrible lift earlier, puked only liquid yesterday morning at 7, babyface, short height, skinnyfat, something something genetics. Life gets better, that's what I'll keep telling myself until I die.
28, hate my job but good hours and pay
Wonder if ill ever look good or is it all a waste :(
Hey dude, stay strong. Don't focus on what you can't change, shit like that will only make you depressed.
>18 y/o friendless kissless virgin
>alternate between periods of nihilism/depression and motivation
>browse Veeky Forums but don't exercise
>Watched the Jordan Peterson/Jocko Willink podcast the other day
>trying to get my shit together one step at a time
>still scared to death of going to a gym and making a fool of myself
At least I'm better than I was a few days ago
i want to hit a reset button
made too many mistakes and i keep making more
>be me
>notice qt that takes same path from chem to dorms as I do
>talk to her everyday after class for 3 weeks
>conversations are great
>think she is into me
>we have a big chem exam coming up
>day before exam I ask her out to lunch after the exam is over
>"I think I have plans with my friends, I'll text you to make sure though"
>Later that day "So sorry but I have plans"
So I'm holding up pretty well...
>be me, 2 years ago, addicted to league, 2400 hours in total
>totally addicted, eventually break down and uninstall, takes hugely more willpower than expected
>occasionally reinstall and binge for 2-3 days
>watch league youtubers for hours every week
>finally broke the mouse and keyboard to force myself to throw them away
>unsub all youtubers and force myself to find a new interest
I don't even know who won worlds. FeelsFuckingGood. Wasted a whole year playing that stupid fucking game. Been off the bandwagon for awhile now but it feels great to finally totally cut my connection to the game entirely.
I'm gonna make it bros.
Found out a friend of mine from high school died. I saw her the other day and she was fine. I can't help but feel like her death and maybe other unfortunate events around me, is the only way for me to express some sort of real emotion. I'm pitiful. Only I could make my friends death about me.
>buddy posted a picture of his wife's ultrasound in our group chat
>spent all day depressed thinking about the ex's and I's plans for babies
>she's now pregnant by somebody else
I still can't let go.
keep going, user
Had a bad run tonight. Got me very angry. Also broke nofap, starting over again tomorrow.
proud of you
>fucked over the last girl I was consistently fucking and now am in the worst dry spell of my life
>have had sex only twice in 2017 and not since February
>really good looking but also awkward and living with parents now since I moved back from college so getting laid is even trickier
I suck
i feel you bro, i've been severly addicted to osrs and rs3 this year to the point that i thought about ending it. it's better now though.
we're gonna make it :^)
Seems like you’re already at the bottom. What can looking like a fool at the gym to you do to your ego? What else do you have to lose? Everyone looks like a retard their first day there. You only keep looking like a retard if you stop going. Go to the gym faggot.
That game has sucked so much of my life away I didn't think any game could be worse on my life than WoW back in the day but I was wrong
I just want her to text first for a change
weve had 4 separate dates, each of them successful and fun but the next day I just feel like I could lose her at any moment
Stay strong
>I'm about to go to sleep but wanted to get this off my chest
I'm an engineer in a big company and have been worried about some thing going on with work and turns out everything went better than expected and I don't understand why I get so anxious and worried about things but everything is good... Going to bed, hope you guys get what you want out of life by working hard and never giving up
>I'm buying a house
>Focused on life
>Life is good
what type of engineer?
Never thought of that way, I guess. Thanks
Can't deal with working for people dumber than me
I use to have that problem when I first went to the gym when i started running on the treadmill in the back of my mind I would think someone was looming st me and telling themselves "damn look at all his fat jump up and down" so I walked the first couple of days. When j lifted weights I always had this idea in my mind that someone was looming at me I'm the corner of my eye and was telling themselves how I can barely lift any weights and shit. 2 weeks passed and you begin to not care then just do what you want
Whenever I'm in a bad situation I try and think of it as a funny story I'll tell later. It'll be even funnier and a little inspiring if it's a jacked dude telling stories about how he sucked at lifting weights. Hang in there bud.
Very well as of late. Had some visceral sex with a hot girl from my former uni course and my company just received a piece of production machinery worth around £300,000 FOR FREE which is likely to vastly increase turnover, meaning we can pay the bank off this year and take a fat ass director's dividend
same exact shit
going out with friends way more than i used to just months ago
also got a new job and earning way more but also spending way more lmao
could have lost my virginity a couple of times to random hoes but i dont think i'd enjoy it. i also am always either too drunk or fucked up on drugs to do anything those times so i dont regret it
Welcome to the club friend
I did my own purge a week or so back. Wiped all my games, deleted Steam, and said goodbye to my friends that I've had for 7 years there
Despite breaking the news to my friends being the toughest thing of my life, I literally couldn't feel better right now sitting here, thinking about tomorrow's workout, and how I'm on top of my game nutrition wise
Next step is getting those social gains in. My coworker is microsoft sam, and all my other friends are scattered across the city on their own co-op terms, so between supervisor bants, I don't get much in the way of it
>start at gym today, for first time in months
>never really held a consistent lifting schedule
>did happen to get some 30lbs dumbbells
>work out with them semi-consistently for a few months
>get gym membership again
>first day
>go in, immediately notice something odd
>fuckers doing a million crunches in a row
>fuckers avoiding the squat rack
>fuckers doing nothing but dicking around on the machine, they all look skinnyfat
>fuckers gawking at me as I attempt to Dead Lift 205 lbs (it's not that much, skinnyfags)
>guyfawkesers keep staring at me
>everyone around me looks old, unhealthy, weak
>maybe 2 people out of the 50 are huge as fuck
>they still do nothing but dick around with dumbbells/machines (a.k.a. curl one-handed dumbell 50 times in a row staring at themselves in the mirror)
>I notice their muscles look flabby and disproportionate, too
>biggest guy there has a huge stomach although he seems pretty smart, probably lifted real weighs
I think every1 was staring bcuz I didn't look like I was dicking around, knew what I wanted to do
only thing I wish is that I didn't have to spend 2 hours there. Maybe I'll shorten my rest times by a few minutes. I only let it go to 5 minutes. Just wanted to make sure I'm not so swamped that I can't go again on Wednesday
Trying to decide whether I want to slam the ham with a Tinder fatty who seems DTF or try to get out of the friendzone with a girl that makes me feel like I didn't miss out on teenage love.
Have the virgins of Veeky Forums ever hit a disco nonstop every weekend without luck or do they simply never leave the house?
> Finally had sex with chick I've been dating over weekend
> Like 2 hours straight boning and I couldn't come
>Haven't fapped since like October 25th, but years of death grip prior
> Storm hit in my area and that affects my job, worked 16hrs today and probably will do the same for the next couple days at least
> Lifting schedule thrown way off
It's a mixed bag of feels, but generally good ones I suppose.
Also, with my wagecuck schedule, would ULxFxUL be a good idea, or should I stick with my full body every other day like I have been? Trying to aquire mass right now.
Bro, your gonna find a great genetic match to put your seed in one day
>school getting overwhelming
>stalling on lifting
>breaking up with gf soon
i just want a decent job and my own place to relax ;-;
It could be worse. I graduated in August and still don’t have a job in my field. Such is life
I feel like a fucking weak coward for fapping over the weekend. I'm gonna try again and have make up days in early December, but I feel like it would be illegitimate. Honestly, it sucks too because when I was on nofap I felt like I had so much more energy and felt like an alpha that was ready to fuck every woman around.
How can you not be good at bench?
only fap on the weekend
then only every other
etc etc
That's what I was doing before, but this was nofap November and I was hyping up my bros to do it as well...but now I've failed nofap, I've failed them, and I've failed myself.
Fucking terrible. I feel borderline homicidal and suicidal at times... she cheated on me after I let her be the only thing in my life.
She disappeared and now i'm losing my mind.
I thought I was missing something by not being in a relationship or in love whatever that is, but no, fuck that, I wasn't missing anything.
I lost my way I changed myself to accommodate for her and now that she's gone there's this gaping hole that has been taking forever to heal.
It's been like this for 4 months now.
I've been doing 100 push-ups and like 100 squat/lunges, and crunches every other day. Consistently getting easier. Have a job where I walk long distances 5-7 hours . Hopefully that will shave down body fat. Need to start swimming again
SSG won but it was shit anyway. Good job though, wish I had that willpower, but I don't play that much anyway.
I go through cycles of nolifing rs3 and then not ever wanting to touch it again, but its something to do between sets since I'm homegym master race.
Stay strong bro
>thought I had finally found a girl that was interested in me and would lose my virginity at 21
>hang out twice
>turns out she's a lesbian
I give up, I'm destined to die a kv
Things are looking up
Charismatic coworker friend found out I had a thing for this introverted qt at my work. I thought I had fucked it up with her but evidently not since he managed to weasel info out of her and her friend about me and is now trying to set me up with her.
Also I quit vidya and I'm gonna learn to play guitar
Don't worry user, you'll make it. Just keep lifting. I'd also recommend getting your lesbo friend out of your life when you do get a girlfriend. She'll straight up seduce her and make her a lesbo too.
Good job user, don't fuck this up. I don't want to see you posting a greentext next week about how you said some autistic shit.
>master race
Pick one, unless you wanna ditch the three and add an os in front of that bucko.
>Break up from a few months ago and the following loss of much of my social circle still eating at me
>fat ex who I though I loved threw me out, lost my cool when I heard they said I was going to physically attack her and let a bunch of her apartments dirty laundry get out to everyone involved
>two suicide attempts later and I'm the bad guy
>bang tinder sluts all summer, with qt gym bunny atm
>its all empty and I keep getting pangs of regret and insecurity even though I'm way better off
Gym's going well though, and I've got a couple good job prospects so I'll be able to buy some more funs and move out soon.
>gf breaks up with me, only person i ever really talked to for 2 years straight, completely abandons me and i have literally nobody
>start exercising
>make healthier choices in what i eat and take other supplements
>work gets easier
>making skin and hair gains, moisturizing n shit so ill look 20 when im 40
>cut out r9k
>actually keeping up with my classes and not gonna fail due to intense paranoia like last semester
>starting to talk to coworkers outside of work, got a normie station 4 so i can play fun games with them and play the autistic anime games ive always wanted to play
>girls at work start talking to me more even though im a huge sperg and usually cant reciprocate 90% of the time
>getting out of my comfort zone and talking to them
>might actually hang out with people for the first time in 5 or 6 years
maybe i should just never get a gf again, i get way too complacent
Not bad, sick as fuck though. Great weekend as our co-fraternity in a different state invited us down this weekend and got my dick wet. Been neglecting my lifting, no excuses need to get back and party less.
I don't plan to
And even if I did fuck it up, I woudn't disgrace this .place with my petty bullshit
user I'm in the same position too. She was with me for 7 years then she left. I changed so much about myself for her to accommodate her and her ways, even my major in school (thank god I didn't go through with it). I hope I can help with what I have to say, because when she left and I was crying all I saw was someone who had lost who they are. You are now a blank slate, you are empty but you have the power to form it into what you want it to be.
>Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we actually control the directions of our lives. When we allow our thinking, our personality disorders and our mental schemas, combined with their accompanying behaviors, to determine the course of our decisions, we relinquish real Power. The man who succumbs, by force or by will, to the responsibilities, liabilities and accountabilities that are required of him by society, marriage, commitment, family, fatherhood, career choice, the military, etc. leaves him very little influence over the course of his own life.
I know you have power user. She left you but know you have the power. Learn from what happened and change your circumstances for the better. It feels so empty knowing you made someone your whole life and the gap it leaves. It's time to begin patching that hole with what you want to do and developing as a man. When my ex left me I felt like everything is over. But realizing these women are a compliment to my life and that I'm the prize, not them has helped the most. Remember that you control your own reality and you're bringing them into it, not the other way around. If they don't want that then fuck them they're not worth it anyways. I hope you get better user, I believe in you.
>homegym master race
I only play rs3 because I can't be fucked levelling up again, I'd play a 2011scape though, 07 was only fun because I was a dumb kid.
B-bro thank you so much for this, really made me feel better.
I'm sorry you had to go through this experience. A 7 year long relationship-- damn, that must have been really tough. You give that person a spot in your identity and then one day things just go to shit. Fuck.
I really want to come out of this a stronger, and more successful person.
I want to control my situation but my Id is so much stronger than my Ego.
Mediating my impulsive thoughts and emotions has been so fucking hard.
Thanks again for your wisdom bro, if you've been able to get out of this slump then you're one of the strongest on Veeky Forums.
this is why fit is the best board
fuckin gay
stop being fags and go lift
The point of this thread is to vent and have good mental health.
You guys are the best.
You can come out of this stronger and successful. Just breathe. The greentext in my post is from the book The Rational Male. That book has been one of the most influential things for me. There's stuff in there your father, grandfather should teach you but I never had that and had to figure it out on my own and seeking it out. Also check out Jordan Peterson too. His stuff and his self authoring has worked wonders for me when I finally got into a more positive mindset. I can say I am out of the slump, it takes time, reading, lifting and honestly evaluating yourself. Please keep trying for you and only you. Remember you're a blank slate that has been dusted off. Wake up tomorrow and write what YOU want on it. Also, silly shit like game works on tinder thots. Use that when you're feeling a bit better and fuck an uggo with a fat ass so hard you open a second portal to hell. Sleep well user, it's your turn now to make it.
i want to eat the rest of my vegan cookie really bad.
i mean, i already had the first half way past the time i usually stop eating. cookies are satan. there's no way i'm going to not eat it so bone apple teeth!
been lifting for a year, with a good diet (gained 25 lbs over 1 year), bench went from 45->135x3, squat 65->200x3, deadlift 65->245x3
I am the weakest fag in the world
>tfw I know that feel
>tfw we all know that feel
We're all gonna make it. Thank you both for sharing, I needed that. I went through a huge breakup 5 months ago, now I'm going to the gym, breaking out of Auschwitz mode, studying more, meditating, and generally wanting to improve myself and actually become a man. Thank you anons
I feel like I should keep going and keep lifting, but I also feel like I'll just end up injuring myself and go back to being a fatass.
How do I overcome this fear?
Shit, I do the same, but with "I'm going to fucking kill myself". I do it out loud, but only in private, where no one can hear.
I dunno brahs, I don't even think I'm suicidal. But still, I keep doing that shit.