if your a veganfag or a meatcuck, it seems everyone enjoys a nice bowl of oats for breakfast. are oats the official food of /fit?
also steel cut vs regular, which is better for gains
if your a veganfag or a meatcuck, it seems everyone enjoys a nice bowl of oats for breakfast. are oats the official food of /fit?
also steel cut vs regular, which is better for gains
oats are trash tier
a true patrician wakes up to a breakfast of buckwheat and bacon
Sounds like breakfast for American fatties
Low fat dairy and eggs is clearly the way forward. Limited carbs so you can have more round your workouts and good protein.
Buckwheat is not for breakfast you idiot
>oats and squats
Yeah you're the first one to come up with it.
then why do I have it for breakfast every morning?
I don't know what Americans eat
enjoy your high cholesterol while I maintain low cholesterol from eating oats.
6 posts in this thread and i'm already reminded how retarded Veeky Forums is with nutrition
>Limited carbs so you can have more round your workouts
What? Seriously stop with the low carb memes if you wanna build muscles you don't have to be scared from eating lots of carbs you won't get fat unless you train like a sissy.
t. 60g of carbs per meal, 5 meals per day 12% bodyfat not even trying
Fuck off Quaker Oats marketing team. Oats are for horses not humans.
Yeah nigga I am eating 360g of carbs a day right now. Better to have it before during and after workouts tho.
Had a maltodextrin shake in the gym today with 150g in it alone then 100g of oats when I returned
Be patrician, not patricia
Idk dude those oats were artificial evolved using slave labour of animals I don't think oats are vegan.
i can’t tell if your joking
Yes you can faggot
How the fuck do I cook oats? I used to enjoy them when I didn't make them but now I resent the bastards and avoid oats as much as possible. I dread having to wake up and eat this bland-ass gruel/concrete just because some dickheads on Veeky Forums tell me to. I've tried adding fruit but now I'm just eating wet cardboard with fruit sometimes. Help me please.
I don't enjoy oats. I enjoy hot savory rice.
Try mixing in some peanut butter or honey. Also, cook in an egg with your oats to make them more savory and get more protons
The only thing I can stomach in the morning is eggs beans and grilled tortillas. Old west mode unlocked.
Oats are truly god-tier.
>keeps you satisfied for hours
>mix literally anything into it
>nutrients out the wazoo
>doesnt matter which type you eat because only "processing" it goes through is being steamed and pressed
put in a sweetener. defrosted frozen fruit is better than fresh and also use at least some milk in the cooking process
Buckwheat yes, bacon... lol
is it cultural oppression if he eats buckwheat for breakfast? Maybe you should tell buzzfeed.
Oats + potable liquid = breakfast
>m-muh tastebuds
u can cook them in a pot with milk, butter, apples and almond whites (activated) that is called Berkshire.
And to answer your question OP yes, you are a faggot.
White bread and sweet condensed milk.
>try to make smoothies to get more protein and calories
>just oats, milk, peanut butter, fruit, yogurt, almonds
>no matter what i do it gives me terrible intestinal discomfort
>have gas within a few minutes of drinking it
>wake up in morning feeling like shit
>have horrible, disgusting shits that burn like hell when they come out and stick on my asshole that i cant even wipe, i have to press and pat clean and then finish off using soap and water like a fucking hobo and after all that i still have to rewipe later
>its the fucking oats
>no matter what i do, nothing works to eliminate this effect on me
What's a good, simple overnight oats recipe?
50-60g of oats with milk or water, 100-120ml of eggwhites (whip them), half a scoop of whey and cook it. Top it with 15-20g of peanut butter or coconut flakes + nonfat yogurt. The best breakfast ever.
Milk, cocoa powder, honey, and peanuts/peanut butter.
They are. ANybody who says otherwise is a newfag. I'm not even using that term in a derogatory manner for once; skwatz and oatz is the official duo of Veeky Forums.
So many Scots will hopefully be triggered by this post.
Why are instant oats never mentioned on Veeky Forums.
I'm cooking 100-120g of oats with water, adding a scoop of protein powder, a table spoon of cocoa, flax seeds if I have them and finish it off with 120g of yogurt. Is this too much? I'm doing calisthenics every other day BTW. Went from skelly to normal the last few months. Would you recommend over night oats?
Oats are literally nigger tier food. Fuck all protein and too many carbs. Brown rice + beef mince + broccoli is so much better.
>counting oats in your protein intake
Daily reminder if you need less than 4000 calories to maintain your muscles shouldn't be allowed to post here.
Sounds like lactose intolerance user.
>Fuck all protein
Toss in a scoop
>and too many carbs.
If you mean "too many calories", eat less
If you mean "too many carbs compared to protein", toss in a scoop
If you mean "high carb bad low carb good", kill yourself and don't breed, please
>Brown rice
meme, tastes like shit, no health benefits compared to white rice, contains antinutrients that inhibit nutrient absorption
Also you reduce variety, just have that for lunch (but with pasta not brown rice)
>minced beef
Are americans really unable to go one meal without burgers?
in the morning? nigga what the fuck
Stop eating breakfast.
Just fill a shaker with 12oz of milk or water and 1 cup of oats and a scoop of whatever whey you like. Don't use the shaker ball the oats will get stuck.
It is fine. I take it every breakfast in a porridge consistency, i.e., not kasha.
This. It's fucking redundant. Just wait four hours and eat a big lunch.