New one since last hit limit
>Pic somewhat related I guess?
Will I have a severe negative impact on my muscle and gainz if I don't hit my protein macros?
New one since last hit limit
>Pic somewhat related I guess?
Will I have a severe negative impact on my muscle and gainz if I don't hit my protein macros?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not severe, but it will take longer to achieve the goals
My question: can someone recommend me a good belt to use? A velcro one, please.
Lets say my macros are 285.
I clock in at 240, thats not bad right?
Currently my intake is like this
Two whey shakes with milk, three scoops so its about 70g each total 140
4 chicken breasts spread throughout the day at 40g per pair so 80 total
4 slices of bacon at 14g total
6 cubes of chedder (cuz why the fuck not) at 14g of protein
1 boiled egg 6g protein
Roughly 256g of protein if Im lucky, give or take but im always over 200 for sure.
Thanks for the answer though.
Is it worth the extra time to do 2x5 warm-up with the empty bar if I'm on Madcow 5x5? I'm already warming up with 3-4 sets per exercise until I do my 1x5 main set, and I just feel silly now because the bar by itself hardly weighs anything, where before it felt like something notable to do.
not gonna rec you a velcro belt cause they're garbage, but pioneer belts are top tier
Don't underestimate a good warmup. For me, I do warmups to loosen up my muscles since I suck at stretching. It can also help you get down form incase you're a bit foggy from the day before. Now youre asking for bar only, I don't know if you do any warmup sets with weight on the bar or if you just consider that build up, but thats what I normally do. Since if you keep it moderate, you can do weighted warmup sets and still do your intended reps of 5x5.
On madcow the reps typically go 50%x5, 62.5%x5, 75%x5, 87.5%x5, and 100%x5 as my main set. Is that sufficient?
2x5 with the bar is kinda dumb, but you do wanna get a feel for the movement with just the bar. i usually do 12-15 reps with it to start a main lift
I don't have any experience with madcow desu, you'll get varying opinions like Honestly if its telling you to do bare bar warmup, do it. No need to stray from the program if it works.
No, the empty bar 2x5 was a leftover from SS, I didn't know if I still needed to start my warm-ups with it or not, the madcow program didn't specify.