How much milk is too much milk?
How much milk is too much milk?
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No, but I am someone's Bull
>u are not baby cow
why are people so anti milk?
(((who))) could be behind this?
Vegans do like realize to grow crops you gotta clear out the land the animals live in first which pretty much kills them more effectively than a slaughterhouse would
Exactly, at least with a slaughterhouse, we are committing sustainable murder.
Any milk at all is too much milk.
nigger (((who))) do you think runs the milk industry?
the crops you need to feed the animals take up more space than crops to feed us
you're fucking retarded
anything over 2 gallons a day is excessive
still kills less animals
>destroying an entire ecosystem is better than a slaughterhouse
Ok pal
So the livestocks are animals and the wildlife critters that got droven out aren't?
Some crops can't grow in certain soils, or on certain elevations so well. Some such crops grow in that soil, or in those places, aren't fit for human consumption. Rather, it is more fit for animals to eat.
American farmers, actually
it's very white.
you need like 2x more land just to eat a cow than you need just to eat the crop yourself
I wish other meat eaters would get down to the point in the debate against vegans which is:
Fuck cows, fuck animals, we're humans and can eat them as much as we want because we have the power to.
We as a race have the power to control the fate of all other life forms on this planet, like literal gods amongst them. This does not mean I kill animals on a whim, I most often enjoy their presence. However as soon as their death is a favorable situation for me, I will strike them down with swift force. Until another being arrives and has the same power of authority over our kind, this will be the natural order on this planet, regardless of how many feelings are hurt and how many innocent piglet skulls are bash against concrete. It is our birthright.
kekd and czechd... and underrated
>he doesnt do GOJAD
Its like a better version of GOMAD that actually works
Milk is /ourdrink/
And the sensitive vegan will then cry out
>its immoral to inflict such unnecessary pain on innocent creatures!
This idea of morality is purely subjective. Ethics and the code of law are structured purely around how humans treat other humans, not pigs, or dogs, or birds.
not even vegan but this is dumb bait
welp, time to drink human tiddy milk
Fucking vegans man, we should just eat them and get this shit over with.
Literally this.
Herbivores>>>Omnicucks and carnicucks
>being this low test
i kno im not but waht r u
I get that people want to "spread their message" but no one is going to see this and say "you know what, this sign is completely right! I'm never going to buy milk again!" They're going to roll their eyes and buy milk anyway. It doesn't do anything but make vegans look like little whiny pricks.
I don't care what you eat. Don't police what I eat faggot.
>no one is going to see this and say "you know what, this sign is completely right! I'm never going to buy milk again!"
No, but it's the little things here and there that help people connect the dots. You can't level a mountain, but you can erode it slowly over time.
>I don't care what you eat. Don't police what I eat faggot.
There's a difference. Of course you don't care what I eat, I'm not harming anyone to eat or I'm harming substantially less than you. You on the other hand are harming someone to eat.
>milk makes cows huge
>milk makes SS victims huge
GOMAD was right
>You can erode it over time
You're doing the opposite by making people annoyed with vegans for their proselytizing. You're shoveling on more dirt by being sanctimonious.
>You are harming someone (you mean something, animals aren't people)
I'll continue to do so because I don't care that livestock is bred for my benefit. I don't support factory farms, I sleep just fine at night.
I'm fine with vegans, I get their ideas from a moral standpoint, I'm giving you a fair warning though, the reason there's such a backlash against vegans is because of stunts like the OP.
Two gallons a day is too much.
>You're doing the opposite by making people annoyed with vegans for their proselytizing
Getting offended over a completely harmless sticker means that either the offendee is way too sensitive or that the sticker has struck a nerve.
>You're shoveling on more dirt by being sanctimonious.
I'm not vegan to feel better than people. I'm me, I'm not what you think I am.
Also pic related
>I'll continue to do so because I don't care that livestock is bred for my benefit. I don't support factory farms, I sleep just fine at night.
Wow you're so cool
>I'm giving you a fair warning
fucking lol mate, you're way too arrogant, jesus
>the reason there's such a backlash against vegans is because of stunts like the OP.
>a sticker is a stunt
I do disagree with interrupting a family's sunday dinner to scream "MEAT IS MURDER", but a sticker? See beginning of my post
Loaded statement of the day
>Getting offended
I'm not offended, I rolled my eyes about it like I said most people would
>You're way too arrogant
So what?
>A sticker is a stunt
Yeah it is to an extent, you seem to be needlessly nitpicky about my word choice though so call it whatever you want, you get where I was going.
>Loaded statement of the day
"advocate or promote (a belief or course of action)." How loaded. You're reading a bit too much into my intentions here friend.