tfw all you have in life is the gym
Tfw all you have in life is the gym
tfw when all you have in life is a half assed gym session twice a week due to a back injury.
> all I have is Veeky Forums
I don’t know if you make me better or worse
calves, thighs and ass are my fetish nigga
>lost weight after visiting Veeky Forums
>made money and got control of my finances after visiting Veeky Forums
>began traveling to amazing places after visiting /trv/
In many ways Veeky Forums improved my life a lot.
What kind of injury? I bet I could fix it
The gym will never break you. The gym builds you up so that you're stronger when it is time to be broken.
>tfw all you have in life is the gym
same here
tore a tendon
biz is the shit if you can see through the BS
There's nothing left to Veeky Forums, it's all crypto shilling now (which admittedly has made me some money but still)
Fucking this breh...
A girl just ended it with me, im gonna lift for zyzz, jesus and for satan today. Fuck everything
That's beyond my realm but you'll figure it out, keep trying
Just Jesus my dude :)
I like this
you think the world is emply but you never really LOOKED into it to know
there is way too much stuff out there and i m not talking about anything you have aknowledged of your surroundings so far
When life give you lemons, progressively lift more lemons to increase strength
There are no tendons in the back.
dont visit /pol/
If you are dissatisfied with having only Gym in your life, then this is because of the luck of ball!
I believe one can not be happy just with lifts and the iron alone.
This is way your social skills and confident Training are alot more important than Lifting.
Go out and beyond your comfort Zone.
This is were life Begins.
Act allways like an Alpha. Always.
Selfrespect will get you value and value will get you everything.
Veeky Forums has improved my life in many ways but keep out of pol i had one year and got deppresed because of pol. in this cronology i used Veeky Forums the last years
b > v > tg > g > p > ck > pol > fit
Why is /pol/ depressing?
>shit hole of virgins full of hate
Depressing that such faggots even exist.
Are you describing r9k now?
seems like Veeky Forums to me
I had a dream I missed a day at the gym and it really bothered me. I don't like to miss a day if it means I can't get in a complete week. I'll even avoid hanging out with people if it means I'm gonna miss it. It's the only thing I do that I can say is actually worth something. I won't give it up for anyone or anything if I can help it.
Missing a day at gym won't make your gains go away, why not improve other aspects of your life while at it?
tfw you dont even have the gym but a gym instead
tfw you feel like you have to go to the gym every day to keep your gains