ITT: Ways you won/lost the genetic lottery
>frame of a 7 year old malnourished child
>wide hips
>massive head
>7/10 face
>do well in school with minimal effort
>pretty good insertions
>full head of thick, dark wavy hair
>blue eyes
ITT: Ways you won/lost the genetic lottery
>frame of a 7 year old malnourished child
>wide hips
>massive head
>7/10 face
>do well in school with minimal effort
>pretty good insertions
>full head of thick, dark wavy hair
>blue eyes
>I think I was genuinely autistic k-12
>average looks at best
>insane metabolism
>insane metabolism
>excellent insertions
>white and male
I guess I don't need to refill quite yet
>blue eyes
>gonna inherit tons of money eventually
>pissed away most of my HS years playing vidya, social skills 6/10 at best
>pale as shit too
>doughy @ 17% bf atm
>white blonde w/ green eyes
>good hair
>decent face
>sperginess disappearing significantly with me trying to fix it, only took a couple months
>surprisingly cool in social situations with the opposite sex
>somehow can summon confidence out of nowhere in my darkest hour of need, disappears immediately after
At the end of the day I don't want to reroll so w/e
>God tier aryan jawline
>121 IQ
>minor acne scars on the left most and right most sides of my forehead
>minor ADHD
If it wasn't for the last 3 bits I could probably have any qt3.14 I wanted. I can't usually get past the flirting stage tho
>Forgot to mention insane digit getting
For what purpose? Also checked
> 5'10
> grew up fat on a fast food diet due to mother having cancer and dad not knowing how to cook
> single income family
> have a legit 9+/10 face
> can gain muscle by looking at a barbell
> not book smart but very resourceful (i run a very successful online business)
> dimples
> white
> can sing and play any instrument
> emerald green eyes
>white, male
>highly intelligent
>can read people like books, I've had Ph.D. psychologists tell me I should pursue psychology
>beautiful hair
>quite funny
>type 1 diabetic
>facial aesthetics make me look creepy to people who don't know me
>monotone, it can come off like I'm emotionless
>almost impossible for me to put on weight
>clinically depressed
>shy. when I break out of my shell I'm friendzoned almost instantly by every girl.
>I'm quite forgetful.
>have a legit 9+/10 face
post face then
I don't need your approval, I get plenty already
>Broad shoulders and thin hips
>Symmetrical face
>Strong jaw
>Low voice
>Blond hair, blue eyes
>Big feet
>Fast metabolism
>Increased risk for depression
>Increased risk for addiction
>Heat up really fast and sweat a ton
>Get really red when I drink, super lightweight
>Hair sticks straight out regardless of length, super straight poofy and thick makes it hard to look cool
Sorry about the diabetes thing.
Psychology isn't real, you know that right? It's literally confirmation bias: the field of study.
I hate to break it to you but 5'11 is not why you can't get past flirting
>absolutely no calf muscle
>large nose
>thin lips
>long face
>5.5/10 at best
>bipolar and depressed
>awful curly hair
>high voice
>look much younger than actual age
>6"x 4.5" pencil dick
>will never go bald
>pale/olive skin with dark hair
>learning comes easily
>look much younger than actual age
>wide shoulders
>small waist
>better ass than most girls
>very high earning potential
blue eyes
narrow hips wide shoulders
thick cock
good brow ridge and cheekbones, look similar to Chris Pine
119lb skeleton before lifting. I get to unlock max aesthetics but im still only 160 even though ive come so far
chinlet (got implant though)
Gummy smile, can be fixed but I dont have money right now
Acne prone skin
hair is thinning in the corners, hoping no fap stops this
zipper abs
>6" wrists
>5.5"x4.5" cock
>math phd
Nick Hemsworth is lowkey the most handsome
>Large head
>Droopy-ish eyes
>Irish pasty skin
>Easily put on fat, grew up chubby and obese during teen years
>Front two teeth are crossed-over, so I don't smile and don't show my teeth when I talk
>Depressed / Shy
>All of my friends are female
>Highly intelligent
>Absorb information just by hearing it or understanding the underlying concept, never had to study in my life
>Easy to put on muscles
>Emotionally intelligent, easy to converse with others
>All of my friends are female
Haha that's not even a win I feel sorry for you bud enjoy academia (not)
>10/10 face
>perfect shoulder to waist ratio
>full thick head of hair
>very good insertions
>high test
I'm 5'7 and a half asian man. Nothing can offset this, I'm seriously considering suicide every day. I have spent years trying to figure out everyone's sarcastic replies to my sadness about it but I still have not found an answer on how my life can't be complete shit due to these factors.
The youngest one is wall eyed, nice lashes though.
fuck off chad
Are you sad because you're short? Or do you just want a gf?
>5'10.25 at night, 5'11.25 by day
>certified weremanlet
>crippling insecurities destroyed social gains but recovering
>hips kind of wide
>pock face
>some Loose skin on stomach and nipples
>big head
>shitty teeth
>really hairy
>above average IQ (succeed in any domain i apply myself to)
>above average base strength (first time benched 205 at 200 lbs, first squat 3 pl8)
>Green eyes
>handsome (most say about 7/10)
>7.5 in
I'm sad because no one will look at me like a man. Once I realized how short I look in the mirror at the gym compared to everyone else I wanted to kill myself from that day on. Even if I get huge which I won't because I'm probably low test or something, I will just look like im compensating. I always wondered when I would get adult aesthetics but I realized all the guys I think are aesthetic and adult looking are tall, which is why I never felt grown up.
Forgot to add, I'm also an engineer with an 8in cock, making over 100K.
commit to putting on as much mass as humanly possible and see what happens
it's all you can do
>attractive face
>Good skin
>Extremely fast metabolism
>Good at sport
>Good in school
>Thick eyebrows and long thick eyelashes
>Nose is to protruding from side profile
>Brown birthmark on my face (can be covered by stubble so not a total L)
>clinical depression and severe OCD
>overly emotional and sentimental
Well if the only thing that would make you happy is being taller, then get the leg surgery. If I were you I'd just get off this site and get some professional help.
wtf are insertions?
The way your muscles are attached to your frame. Like having fucked up zipper abs instead of a symmetrical six pac.
>Broad shoulders
>Natural big arms, chest back and legs
>Great metabolism
>Good jaw cheek bones and eyes
>Great hairline full head of hair
>30 years old and people ask me what college I go to or what I plan on doing with my life when we first meet
>Progress insanely fast
>Large nose that looks like Hitlers
>Facial hair grows uneven on cheeks so if I dont shave them daily it looks like dirt unless I grow them out for over a month
>7.75 inch dick (why not 8?!)
I wanna see your first time squatting 3pl8, lol
100k is childs money.
Question to all: if you dont work for yourself, can you be a chad?
Seems a bit non-alpha to be making someone else rich off your hard work...
>fast metabolism
>easy gains
>handsome face
>20/15 vision
>great symmetry
>never been sick
>making over 100K
Read that again brainlet.
literally, 199k is still childs money. Might be impressive to 16 year olds on this board I guess.
You can also add "insecure" to the lose part
>wide frame (6.5" wrists)
>good explosive power (59" box jump, 11s sprint)
>nice insertions
>do well in uni (not gonna say smart, just a good learner maybe)
>solid jaw
>severe acne
>Blonde, blue eyes
>6 feet tall
>8 inch dick
>High IQ
>don't have painful poos after eating spicy food
>Terrible eyesight
>Deaf in left ear
>Prone to RSI
>do well in school with minimal effort
this is a con not a pro
daily reminder that anyone who posts in this thread is overating their facial attractiveness by at least 2 points. Beautiful people don't post on Veeky Forums
yep, unless you want to get a mediocre boring job and work until you're 70, it's far, far better to learn resilience, determination, resourcefulness etc.
But if you like having a boring job for most of your life and then dying, its good to do well in school
>narrow shoulders
>Fat and shitty malnourished lifestyle for first 18 years of my life which might've stunted growth a little bit
>Good calve genetics
>Naturally high test levels
Hopefully I'm a late grower
Any number above 100k, is above 100k, 200, 350, 400, all above 100. There, you learned something today.
>brainlet; struggled alot in high school
>can't properly speak when i'm nervous
>massive head
>8/10 face
>very good insertions
>thick, blonde wavy hair
>blue eyes
Think you put black in the wrong section because being black is the biggest lost you could have.
>great trap genetics (huge and sloped)
>very high test
>great insertions basically everywhere
>better than average face
>long thick benis
>crooked knees
>stubby chin
>eyes slightly too close together
>fairly smart
>strong and long legs
>blue eyes
>Hey, did you know you should hate yourself?
That's your opinion, I have my own.
Phew. Good thing black peoples opinions on things dont matter.
whats your study? psychology?
Then why reply if it doesn't matter?
>5'9 manlet
>lots of body hair (stomach/arms/legs/ass/feet), no back hair yet, but I'll probably get some with age
>slow metabolism, have to do tons of cardio and meticulously count calories to keep a good bf%
>severe autism
>family history of cancer, addiction and obesity
>ugly birthmark on the right side of my nose
>white (German/Anglo mix)
>Grecian nose
>good jawline
>blue eyes
>light brown hair
>7.5" benis
>aesthetic pale skin, but can tan easily if I want to
>look kind of like the Goose except not as perfect as him
>could make a good trap if I wanted to transition
>Broad Shoulders
>Mediocre chin, not bad but nothing to write home about
>Skinny skelly
>Big head
>Gross butt hair
>Small wrists
>5'10 prince of manlets
>140lbs skelly, skinny all my life
>some crooked teeth, braces on now though
>Decently wide frame
>All good insertions, chest is ok
>Cute face
>Thick, curly black hair
>Sweet voice
>Thick eyebrows
Everything turned out better than expected
Wait a minute, I didn't say this
Mostly everything
Am a 6 or lower in every aspect
Hispanic but confused for middle eastern a lot
Basic brown eyes, black curly hair
Average in school
Average 5' 10 - 5' 11 height
Body doesn't have V shape
I appreciate the few friends I have and the fact I was able to get pretty ok girlfriends. But probably won't happen again for quite a bit since I keep to myself mostly
>either autistic or a sociopath
>basically no body hair
>adhd and chronic depression (both treated tho and I feel great)
>8 inch dick
>excellent hair and jawline
>good frame
started losing hair at 19
wearing hair system since 19
symmetrical face
great mesomorph manlet frame
not completely autistic
>8 inch dick
Link to a pic, I'm curious.
Muscle insertions. It's just the shape of your muscles that are genetically determined by where the tendon begins vs where the actual muscle belly is. It just determines the aesthetics of your physique. It causes things like chest gaps, zipper abs, short biceps peaks. It's actually a misnomer, most of the time its the muscle origin thats the point of concern (lats, abs, chest, etc.). Only true insertion I can think of are the biceps insertions.
>5'10 prince of manlets
>diabetic so literally everything kills me
>blue/green eyes
>light/pink skin
>dirty blonde wavy hair
I really enjoy my job though
doing well in school opens up options
>horrible foot and ankle problems.
>been fatty til 19
>face is a 6 at best.
>can't develop chest for shit(only weakspot with 255 × 2 after 6 years of lifting)
>glass back when it comes to small injuries
>blue eyes and full head of hair and can grow a beard
>decent IQ, but lack any motivation
>Pretty satisfied with dick
>shoulders are broad and strong.
>no allergies that are significant.
>>diabetic so literally everything kills me
my insulin dependent negro. My only real genetic loss besides being under 6'0. Am 22 and was diagnosed at 2.
What sort of online business?
>vascular even while well hydrated
>Square specs
>Serratus growth is fastest, always visible
>g.o.a.t. tier wavy hair, isn't ringlets or weird ginger spiral shit. more Eleven from stranger things season 2 kinda
>Tan easily but never get burnt or leathery
>No balding whatsoever
>Easy upper pec and delt growth
>Can handle high volume routines with ease
>exceptional cardio even at super low bf%
>flattish misaligned abs like zyzz and burden
>Good face, no issues getting girls attention
>naturally gifted balance
>body runs hotter than average, no issue with freezing weather despite low bf%
>Wristlet but have incredible grip strength especially on deadlift
>Terrible vision
>shot enough heroin my DNA is probably permanently altered
>Taint is only 4 inches
How could a girl every love me with this microtaint?
post eyes
>thick hair
>baby face
>good skin
>thick body hair
>eternal anglo
Grill btw
>Asthma, Scarred Lungs
>Reflux Disease (will get cancer)
>Mild scoliosis
>5'7 height
>Partial unibrow (now plucked)
>Rough cheeks, acne prone
>Large Nose
>Rosacea, Flush Easily/Randomly
>Resting bitch-face
>Shitty Vision
>Average Dick Size
>Poor Impulse Control
>Look 3-4 years older than I actually am
>~145 IQ
>High stress and pain tolerance
>High aggression (likely high test)
>God-tier memory
>Naturally tan
>Green Eyes
>What is bodyfat?
How come everyone on Veeky Forums has a huge dick is it because of wanking a lot or lying due to insecurities
Must suck being the less handsome manlet hemsworth
kai greene is 5’8
we all make it, just persist
>Predisposed to depression and anxiety
>Thin hair, bad hairline
>Horrible gyno
>shitty joints
>6'1 , which is uncommon for my ethnicity
>Good complexion
>No family history of any disease other then the ones above.
>420 Wilks within 3 years of training.
Bit dumb
Big forehead
Thin hair
Vigorous chin
Blue eyes
Fairly handsome
Broad shoulders
Gain muscle easily
>3/10 face
>big nose, big head, close eyes, just weird looking
>not that smart
>incredible anger issues
>subpar insertions
>subpar strength
>hate myself
>kissless virgin, tfw never have a gf
we dont all make it
>king of manlets
>extremely hairy
>really broad shoulders
>narrow-ish waist
>full, thick head of hair
>green eyes
>intelligent(I think)
oh yeah forgot that i have weird hard white bumps all over my nuts and theyre slowly creeping up my average sized dick
>pointy gyno titties from being fat during puberty
>slight knock knee from being fat during puberty
>cant grow beard
>smallish teeth and gummy smile
>small 5.5x5 cock thats tiny flacid
>broad shoulders
>narrow hips
>perfect pec inserts
>symmetrical abs
>huge calves
>strong jaw
>high cheekbones
>masculine brow
>deep set hooded eyes
>wavy black hair
>well shaped masculine nose
>cute mouth and lips
Basically if i was never fat i could have been a model
>5'5/5'6 actual manlet
>small skeletal frame that a women would want + small head
>ectomorph bodytype, look small ripped even after lifting for a while
>small lower jaw+chin giving me a baby face
>good hair
>despite having a baby face it's attractive (more cute than sexy but beats having an unattractive face)
>deep voice
>hazel eyes
>white guy
>good social skills + funny
>book smart
>always look around 4 years younger than I actually am (this can be good and bad)
>thick eyebrows and long thick eyelashes
>6.3 inch, good girth dick (considering how small I am pretty much everywhere else, I consider this one a godsend)
>elf ears
>curly hair
>probably some kind of ahdh, nothing diagnosed tho
>minor social anxiety
>did well in school (pretty much straight A*s In GCSE and a level)
>full lips
>Nice blue eyes
>7 inch penis
>good jawline
>good sense of humour
>121 iq
no wonder you mentioned aryan
>resting bitch face, people think i'm angry all the time
>what feels like a permanent farmer's tan
>keratosis pilaris on both arms and legs
>no social skills
>been fat my entire teenhood
>balding in both dad and mom family, is already starting
>some of my teeth grew misplaced, dad didn't want to get me to a dentist early enough and now i have to get bracelets at 22
>loose skin and a pouch that won't go away any time soon
>shit bicep genetics
>balanced frame
>rarely get sick
>7" x 5.5"
>calves from being fat
that's about it
Wicked sense of humour
The game
How are you holding up user?
why is the goose so loose in this thread?
I have a sternalis but I have no idea how to exercise it
>sternum gap
>bad joints
>can only focus on one thing for months at a time, usually unproductive
>kissless virgin
>spent my teens in my room, bad social skills
>dark features
>good bone structure
>big dick
>winning battle with depression at the moment
>whatever i do focus on i get really good at
>somewhat witty
>most humble person on the face of the earth. no one is more modest than me
Big nose
Big forehead shows when I smile or laugh
Skinny and weak af
Eastern euro genetics
Smarter than all my friends and most people
Good at reading people
Great listener
Decent face
Thick manly eyebrows
Good fashion sense
same mine's not as shit tier as yours though
I don't mind it
>140 iq
>green eyes
>long lashes
>naturally high test
>big calves
>upper-middle class family
>big calves
>sad jawline
>so neutral I barely have opinions
>can't get angry
>non-existent work ethic
>anxiety at most situations
Honestly social life would be a pain if I was short
The hell is this? An extra muscle?
>5'11 (just)
>retain fat on face at low bf
>injury prone
>not very vascular
>not the best memory
>average dick
>gain muscle fairly quickly
>decent insertions
>fairly attractive
>mentally adept
>determined + motivated
>naturally thick strong legs
>thick wavy hair
>can grow a good beard
>nice skin (never get pimples/marks)
>good jawline
>great social skills due to years in shitty retail
>saggy tits
>huge nose
>so much anxiety
>man hands
>really fine breakable limp hair
>huge hazel eyes
>good metabolism
>nice butt
>soft skin
>almost 5'7"