how 2 get forearms like the qt azn in the middle
How 2 get forearms like the qt azn in the middle
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WTF is that neck on the right
lifting is a meme when all you need to be is an ottermode lanklet to attract grills
all u need to be is urself to attract girls
Just talk to her, tell her how you feel dude! It works for me all the time.
but I want to attract women
Guy on the left needs to start HRT immediately.
This user is right.
All you need to attract women is to be fully yourself unapologetically.
Most of you cucks think you’re being yourself when you’re really acting out what you think you should be or you’re too afraid to express yourself in the first place.
Straight women are attracted to men, not fake cowards.
thanks f am
this one right here is giving me forearm DOMs like crazy
@ 6:00
Fucking wrongo.
I was on the swim team in high school and lean and no girl gave me the time of day.
heavy deadlifts and pull ups will build your forearms
no need to waste energy on isolation movements for fucking FOREARMS are you serious
Continuation of above:
Then I got fatter and people started telling me I looked better.
Then I started working out.
You're most likely ugly then. Guarantee these 2 skellys have slammed more poon than you've swum laps.
i just got chills looking at this image
op do not ever post something like this again
>he does a designated forearm day
no but seriously, why waste time with this? Do heavy deads and farmers walks. sorted.
you still need to work your extensors, senpai
When I am myself people hate me. I am mean and offensive. I say things people don’t like to hear. I say fucked up shit. I’m a fucked up person.
Who are these two semen demons???
What type of workouts would these guys do?
I have a similar body type already at 6'4 and 155lbs, but I need stronger ab muscles
people who complains about thin wrist should really work their extensor.
Put your finger around wrist , no matter how hard you clench you won't feel your wrist getting bigger , but extend as much as possible and you should feel the muscle that make aesthetics wrist .
No dude, I'm actually good looking but when you wear babby clothes nobody can tell if you are scrawny nerd or lean.
Also those asians in OP look awful.
*Baggy clothes
*those skellies look awful
Pls respond
There is only one asian and he is in the middle
stand next to two skeletons. It would make anyone look like arnold.
Is there any place where all the Veeky Forums infographs are compiled?
Pls respond
Then be that until you find a grill just as apathetic and mean as you are senpai-o
His neck was so freakish you hardly even notice the shoop.
>implying i lift to attract women and not to prove to myself i'm not a disappointment to my father
forearms are p. much the everyday glamour muscle
dedicate life to jeetkundo
I get comments on my forearms more than any other muscle and I don't purposely work them I just have a labor job
Wtf is that exhibition for skeletals