Do any of the guys here actually put that weight-lifting to use? Or are y'all just peacocks?
Martial Arts & Combat Sports
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Judo here.
Fuck kata's, am i right?
Boxing/Muay thai 3 times a week. Nothing feels better than some sparring after a long day
I still practice kicks and other strikes plus I work the slip bag and punching bag but I dont go out and spare like I used to.
Used to spare with a buddy of mine who was an amateur mma fighter. Was cool until I moved away because work now I got no one to practice with and I don't feel like spending all that money on an mma gym membership.
The most retarded meme ever. Just learn to throw a punch properly and be done with this shit. It's bullshit, research it.
>It's bullshit, research it.
lmao please enlighten us
All fighting methods are bullshit or something specific?
Boxing and wrestling are nothing in a streetfight. Same with Krav Maga and BJJ.
Proof? Glad you asked:
German Big White Hope in heavyweight boxing, got destroyed in a street fight, nobody knows who or how or why. He's handicapped now, but at least not in a coma anymore.
Yuri Vlasko, 20 year old, 2-time European champion in freestyle wrestling (aka, better than you or your coach will ever be), gets killed by some bums at a lake. He tried to fight back, but grappling is of course useless in a street fight.
Krav Maga:
Teacher Dominik L.
gets beaten up by two Arabs in Ludwigshafen
He needed 30 stitches.
BJJ Professor who raped his own stepson got beaten to shit by inmates, then raped by 20 prisoners in jail.
Muay Thai:
Slovakian Vice world champion and trainer of the Slovak national team gets beaten to death in streetfight.
Here you go. Use google translate, sicne most of these a German sources (Germany has by far the hardest street fights anywhere in the world, always with martial arts, weapons and anything you can think of). There are lots of other stories.
In short: Modern martial arts are useless if even world champions can't defend themselves against run-of-the-mill street thugs. I looked for examples without any guns (though they are used in Germany, too) to show you how shit "martial" sports are in a real crisis.
Then, there is also the fight footage form G20 in Hamburg. Police vs Antifa/Mafia guys, which showed that MMA and all other modern arts are fucking fake.
bjj/judo here you are right
All of your examples involve the individual being grossly outnumbered. By that logic, all weapons and training are useless because anybody can be zerg rushed by a few dozen individuals ...
>Using a different example. 'The phalanx is nothing in a real battle because 1,000 Greeks were annihilated by 100,000 Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae. Because of this utter defeat, we can conclude the phalanx is bullshit.'
That's a nonsense argument. ofc quantity can beat quality, but that doesn't mean quality itself is proven wrong.
... and that's even assuming your direct comparison between martial arts/combat sports and street brawls is a valid one to begin with.
It's like comparing apples to limes. Yes - they're both fruit, but that's immaterial.
boxing. I dont even lift anymore.
Any strength training i do on a heavy bag or through calisthetics.
same here.
Haven't sparred in over a year.
only thing I've improved on is power. It's difficult to tell if you're still as fast/accurate without sparring partners.
so should i just CC a pipebomb with me as my martial arts training?
thinking of doing bjj but the only place in my town is gracie barra and they make you buy their gi as part of the franchise, seems a bit gimmicky
also no job so I need to be frugal with my funds (ie. lentils, rice, potatoes)
isnt it funny how retards refer to everything as a meme these days
>got destroyed in a street fight
> nobody knows who or how or why
Neither do you, I assume, unless you were there. He was found drunk in a subway tunnel, and if it was an attack, it was more likely an ambush with iron pipes and then being put there to make it look like an accident. This is not your usual street fight at all.
In the end, it's very easy: without martial arts, you'd be dead just the same (unless in a situation were the training led someone to overestimate his abilities and rather seek confrontation instead of fleeing). There are countless fights happening each weekend where people with martial arts knowledge best their untrained "street fighter" opponents. It gives you an advantage, this can not be disputed, so I'm not sure what your agenda is here. Just trolling? Making yourself feel better for not training?
Hell yea. Train everyday to be the best fighter.
What's his power level, vegeta?
I've been doing Karate for 12 years and MMA for a few months.
Can't stand practicing Katas for hours when you can learn more technique from 10 mins of Muay Thai.
Traditional martial arts only work in self defense against the physically weak and inexperienced.
Between hockey, rock climbing, swimming and jiu-jitsu, the activity I do the least is lifting weights. I still do it whenever I have the time.
All of this just to keep my mind off of my life. The time I hate the most is the hour I'll have before I go to bed at night where I am stuck alone with my thoughts.
Ah, it's you again
>power level of 16
>Chichi has a power level of 130
the perfect dominatrix
Lol enjoy your broken hand
iktf, learn some boxig too and u will get ur brain blown with how fast u will become stronger than u ever were when u were practicing karate.
I still remenber mi karate teacher and know i think he was fucking faggot.
I've been interested in getting into combat sports for a while now, but I have no idea what to do.
I would be a complete beginner. What should I do? im 21, weigh 160, started lifting not that long ago, but have been doing cardio for months to lose weight.
100% peacock. I have a CCW to handle violence. Until kung fu can literally make you bulletproof, I'll be alright.
A veteran martial artist still bleeds to death as quick as anyone else when they've got holes blown through them.
The virgin response
Keep making excuses :^)
5 years of BJJ, 7 years of Judo, a decade of Aikido, used to dabble in others. Need to get my striking to more a acceptable level again, but I train 7/7 as it is.
Blunder into gym for trial classes, see if it's a decent place and if you like it. Join if yes to both.
I like your honesty. xD
Kendo hhere
Suburis are a nice shoulder and chest workout desu
Close to my first month of boxing. Best decision in my life. If only I had started earlier.
How do you block a bullet with martial arts?
What's the matter, kiddo? Afraid of getting shot?
With your body of course.
as if you have enough time to draw your gun, cock it and turn off the safety before you get your ass kicked in a street fight
People go from holster to empty clip in less than two seconds. Just like martial arts, people can train in shooting too.
What should I learn if I want to be able to defend myself properly if someone ever attacks me in the street
Also are these often welcoming to adult newcomers with no experience in fighting whatsoever?
Katas and traditional movements are taught to put you in touch with what is a "correct" movement.
Certainly you cannot put katas into a street fight context, nor things like Horse Bend stance, Cat Stance, etc. They teach you to find your center.
I do boxing because I fucked up my hip and can't do kicks, thinking about getting into some grappling - what do you guys recommend?
>not walking covered head to toe in a 3 inch layer of kevlar
Just came back from bjj which I started recently. It's fun.
It's also more fun to lift in the gym when you're actually using your body for something outside of it as well.
why did he divide by 2 when calculating his max power level?
used to box but master moved out of town and there's no box gym that I know off, at least a legit one with people that fought.
thinking of trying kickboxing, how's it?
>posting this over and over will eventually prove your anecdotal examples to be objectively true
Are you really one of those guys who think that if you say something over and over again that it’ll be true? Seriously, if you want to prove that those martial arts don’t work, then you’re gonna have to give me more examples, cause I can give you many of people with martial arts kicking he shit out of someone who doesn’t know.
>not doing Sambo
>not doing the martial art invented by a nation with more soliders than guns
>not doing the martial art of Papa Fedor
I'm a mediaeval combat fighter once a week and I work training into my routine. You may laugh but wielding a 3lb weapon, 12lb shield and 30lb armor gives you a workout. It's like really fun cardio. Also having fought single dagger before I'm fairly confident if I got into a knife fight with some nigger I'd win with skill alone.
Look into it. Weapons are what separates us from animals. Learn to use them.
Good luck finding a good instructor for Sambo
Found the weeb
>not carrying a round in the chamber
>not carrying DA/SA
>not trusting your spastic body enough to not have a safety
>not being able to center of mass ventilate a human in under two seconds
>not being able to magdump accurately from the hip in under a second
In between gym membership I was working out at home with barbells, kettlebell and my Suburi booken.
Now it's mostly collecting dust as I prefer going to the gym, but the Suburi beats all when it comes to to cleaning out the neighborhood from trash.
BJJ is great for 1 on 1 fights
If you used to play Super Smash Brothers, then why the FUCK aren't you doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
It's IRL SSB. You get submitted and it's like being tossed off the edge of the stage - you respawn and you go at it again. First, they'll teach you the basics like how to establish a guard (use your shield) and a couple throws. Later on, you'll start doing things like wave dashes, SHFFLs, and 0-to-death combos.
If you are thinking about doing a martial art and it's not grappling, then you are fucking retarded.
>Implying one trains martial arts for street fights and not for fun/pleasure/discipline/health/etc
I used to train MMA; kickboxing, BJJ, Muay Thai, boxing, and years ago TKD
Recently I feel like training again