Tfw don't go to the gym because I'm self conscious

Don't want to go to the gym because I don't wanna get laughed at because I can barely bench 70 pounds. I only go to the gym to do squats because I can do 225 pounds.

Why was I fucked over with terrible arm genetics

Go late when no one is around

Thats what I did until hitting 3x5 with one plate

You weren't fucked over you just haven't found the right way to grow them yet. My squat took years just to get acceptable progression. I admire guys like you in the gym, that work on their weaknesses instead of ignore them. And I'm sure there's plenty of people in your gym that share that same sentiment.

What are you waiting for, a bench press fairy to fly over and sprinkle gains dust on you?
>giving a shit what random people in the gym think of you
>making it
Pick one and only one

Half the dudes at my gym do fucking meme exercises with shit form. Even though they’re way bigger than me I still laugh at them.

what do you think is actually going to happen if you bench at the gym

What I used to do when people laughed at me was stealthily fart near my gym bullies, this was me sowing the seeds of my revenge.

So I would do this over the course of about 4 months every time I went to the gym which was 4 times a week, and every time I went; they were there.and they would laugh so I slyly fart.

At around 4 months in, no one would laugh at me any more; they were all laughing at my bullies who consistently stank every time they were there thanks to my efforts. So they ultimately wound up leaving due to the abuse they would receive and that was how I got my own back on them.

Now you don't need to follow my method, it was just an example but I strongly recommend it as a viable method to stop these people.

if you bench you might look pathetic for a while, but if you don't you will be pathetic forever. go to the fucking gym user

Suck it up and swallow your pride or naff off to r9k. You can make it.

When I started going to the gym, I actually benched the empty bar. Not as a warmup, as an excercise. Work on your weakest lifts, don't be legboy skellytorso

I haven't visited a big gym only the small local one. But people don't care what you do.

Tfw I found a local 24-hour gym that is completely empty after midnight and dark that members can let themselves in with a card. This DYEL can now get fit with a gym all too myself

Seriously only 70 pound, OP? Better fucking hope I'm not at the gym when you are there or else I'm putting your scrawny ass through a wall.

No one is gonna see you benching 70lbs and assume it's your max so you have nothing to worry about

This right here. If you can't bench at least 80 on your first day your fucking TOAST. Someone's going to rattle your bones, op.

Have a tip from a recovering fatso who started going to the gym about 4 months ago, starting at 220lbs:

Nobody cares about you. Unless you are actually embarrassing yourself with god awful form or doing ridiculous meme exercises, nobody will even know you exist. Your interactions will almost exclusively be limited to letting people work in and getting a spot if you need one. Get over yourself and go, you anxious piece of shit.

I killed my gym bully and used part of him to make a bone broth.

This. And god help you if you warm up with just the bar. We regularly encircle weakfags who do that, point and laugh at them till they leave the gym red-faced and never come back.

Why do I get the feeling you don’t lift?

Uh have you not heard of planet fitness?

It's the exact place you need. A gym that is a judge free zone.

do people really laugh at other people trying to improve? we're i go you'd be ignored or motivated

Not gonna lie
I laugh internally at people that lift baby weights
But in any case, I'm an insecure piece of shit, as it is everyone that laughs at that

I am the strongest guy at my local gym and would never in a million years think twice about a weak person. The weight on the bar doesn't even register in my head. I just see a person in the gym like anyone else. I can tell you that most of my friends all think the same way. If anyone thought differently, rest assured that they are losers and I would gladly fuck their queer ass for you to get them to shut the fuck up and never bother a new lifter again. Hit the gym bro. Ignore the haters

I just stopped giving a fuck, I go right after work, approx. 8PM when there's still a fuckton of people around

Well, if you go to a college gym, sure, there will be assholes, if you go to any other gym it's just full of people who have a limited time to work out as out as it is.