Beard vs No-Beard

What is the High Test look Veeky Forums? I can grow a beard moderately fast, but in recent years every sort of NuMale Cuck has been using it to hide their weak chins. I used to love the Van Dykes back when I was a youngin, but now I don't have the urge to let it grow.

What do you think? Should us guys with chiseled chins just be clean shaven? Is that the Prime Look? I mean, you look at all thsoe Hollywood bozzos, and they just use their beards to "man up" their baby faces full of artificial masks and their bodies full of fake abs. And it's ridiculous.

5 o'clock shadow, clean shave, short groomed beard or full on viking beard

stylish long beards have been taken over by hipsters, stay away from them

the guy is insecure in the pic
>no beard
>but still has a beard
he should kyssing himself

>High Test
>prime look
>artificial masks
>fake abs
lmao dude you are such a bitch

Post chin with a timestamp. If you dont ill just assume you are lying

Even considering this shows your high estrogen OP

If you have high test you don't need a beard because you chin is fucking majestic, only an attractive man can look good without one, if you have a beard you might be hiding something

tfw it's NoShaveNovember

I don’t normally post in retarded, underage threads, but I’ll say this once. There are 3 types of beard:

1. Brada zvanja (profession beard)
For priests of many religions, sailors etc.

2. Brada znanja (knowledge beard)
For late stage doctors, scientists, academics, artists etc.

3. Brada sranja (bullshit beard)
Everyone else. A face should be clean shaved, otherwise you look like a tryhard bitch.

It’s like getting a tattoo and not being a soldier/gangster/mafia member, you’re just a little bitch that wants to “look cool”.

damn, almost as retarded as OP

You should consider not posting at all

if you have no jawline aka fat or shit genes then yes

if not then literally no reason for a beard

Really starting to detest well groomed beards lately.

I look best with 1-2 day stubble, otherwise I have a babyface

Theres no this or that answer to it

beards suit some people and don't for others.

Sir, I'm gonna need you to not post ever again, okay?


Although I've noticed that I get the most looks with a 1-1,5 week old beard.

It did bait people into responding though,right? And in the end, that's what matters.

>tfw weak chin and cant grow a beard



How old are you

i just keep mine trimmed to like week long stubble with beard scissors. shave a few times a year for the nice feeling. not everyone has enough density or the face shape to suit a beard.

I didn't even realize all this some people are too far meme'd

>that "quirky" raised eye brow thing

fucking numales think they're pixar characters

I think (and have been told) I look best with a very short full beard. Kinda babyfaced without it, which I'm trying to fix by getting Veeky Forums, but for the moment I just keep a clean and trimmed beard, not a disgusting scraggly numale bush.

>le vsauce face

When did every guy start doing the DreamWorks face in every picture

If I had a god-tier jawline I wouldn't hide it with a beard

Nemoj jesti govna majke ti...

If I was good looking I would be clean shaven. But I'm ugly so I keep facial hair.

Nigga my profession is homeless

is that jon north lmamo


>t. 2010’s version of Emos.

God, that guy is legitimately ugly.

femanon here

see clean shaven chiseled chin guy = fantasize about kissing it for a while and probably blush when i next look at him

Beards are for boys with no jawlines who need to hide their chubby chins/ rounded chins

U still got time


My jawline is ok, but I've had a beard for 8 years now. I'll probably never shave. Similarly, my dad has had a beard since he was 18. It's just the look in our family.
Also, grills seem to like it, so there's that.

caught you mirin.png

im 29 and my beard looks like shit, my mustache and little under my china re completely disconnected from the rest of my beard, almost exactly like goslings, except mine isnt as full

>every sort of NuMale Cuck has been using it to hide their weak chins got problems with that, OP? Why so mad? Are you 14yo?

>I don’t normally post in retarded, underage threads
Jesus, look at what you's even retarded than this stupid thread.

Today beards are essentially masks for betas, there are obvious exceptions though.
If you don't look good without a beard then grow one, but admit to yourself it's a mask.
I had a beard for a while when my face was more puffy before cutting as I looked like a child. I'm happier with myself now though and clean shaven or stubble when I cbf shaving.

Do you think I would look more masculine with a beard? Too bad I'm a Chink I can't grow one.

for real? I would eat his arse for breakfast lunch and dinner


This guy looks like shit either way because of his bugman expression

Ranked from superior to inferior:
> clean shaven with strong jawline
> beard with strong jawline
> beard with weak jawline
> clean shaven with weak jawline

You look like a fag

I rock the shadow to short stubble beard. I will never drag a razor blade across my face and neck again. That’s Jewish as hell

I have some stubble because it distracts from my big nose

but it keeps my face warm

got the following stats:
>strong jawline on the sides
>but mouth is a bit forward
>makes my chin look weak
>beard doesn't grow much on sides unless I give it a month or two and even then it's patchy
>however the frontal area grows fast and is really full
>grow it to cover chin
>can pull of van dyke like in pic related

is there any other alternative? considering minoxidil to get the sides growing stronger and faster atm

other than that might get braces to pull my teeth back so my mouth isn't so forward

also I'm 23

beards are generally for jawlets

how can i make my beard thicker? I'm 23 and it kinda sucks

>how can i get different genes?!!!

fuck almost fell for it

Ok it's not pixar, but it's still Disney

wow he even has the signature numale eyebrow raise to go with his signature numale beard

Well, I do watch a lot of BBC porn, but more than anything I fantasize about other Asian men having women I'll never have. It makes my pathetic life feel meaningful.


Mustache best facial hair

This guy is correct. It doesn't hide your chin, and still adds to it. Mustaches are the ultimate Chad look.

I actually found the image by searching "pixar face" on google cause I completely forgot it was dreamworks and not pixar, it was only after I posted that I realized those were dreamworks characters

I wasn't trying to bait you

Why are beardfags so insecure?

Notice the male pattern baldness

This guy is beautiful


I shave because I dare to be different from everyone else. I live in a country where it's the norm to have a beard by any male who can grow one. Fuck social norms.

>You do your legs too?

I shave because of my 10/10 jawline. Also my beard looks like shit

Ask me how I know you've never seen a naked woman in real life.


That face is the fish lip of males

Ain't looking cool the point?

"High test" isn't a look, it's a state of knowing what you want and being decisive and relentless in pursuing it.

All of the following are people who mostly just use superficial traits associated with masculinity by society to fill the void in their life caused by having no goals and no drive and no meaningful achievements: lumbersexuals, Ron Swanson-ites, underutilized Cummins driving gayboys, "MURICA WORLD CHAMPIONZ" memesters, Beardston McUndercutty clones, the pit bull/bully breeding scenesters, the menswear scenesters, etc.

Beard oil helps strengthen the hairs

He looks regal and like his age, like ullyses s Grant

At least where I'm located (College in a major east coast US city) every guy that can grow even a minuscule amount of facial hair has a beard.

i wanna grow a bushy moustache i think,
but big ass beards look fucking retarded.
either you look like a nu-male or a hick.
really can't do it right unless you're bearmode.
having a more closely-shaven beard is really as far as you should go with it.

good post, ignore the beardcels

then go bearmode

is he serious about this?

This! Girls love it when i've clean shaved the face.

>It’s like getting a tattoo and not being a soldier/gangster/mafia member

One major difference here, tardo. YOU CAN'T GROW A FUCKING TATTOO.

I miss my beard.

I miss my hair more...

Bros, no matter how much I shave, I can't get rid of the pores where the hair grows. They'rejust black little dots. How do I get rid of them? They're driving me nuts!

you can rock the bald look bro, go half length of the beard on the left and you'll be good

Use a razer. I remember that if the foam contained alcohol or not also had an effect or that.

You have to use wax to get rid of hair that deep. I don't know why you'd want to though, that part looks cool.

It's uneven. It doesn't create a shadow, just patches.

I shave for work. Never know when I might need to put on a face mask or SCBA.

Might as well stop brushing your teeth and wiping your ass, if you wanna be that paleo. It will make you “manly”.

meant to reply to you

quit, your job is a facegains goblin

Oh I see. Well then yeah a beard wax is going to be the only way to completely revert yourself back to babyface mode.

Beard is for people who wake up one day and go ''lol I suck cock and having a beard is now gonna be my new identity very manly haha''

that and chinlets

None of those are Pixar characters, you dumb fuck. They're DreamWorks, because DreamWorks relies on the same smarmy face for every movie.

Fuck that. I like my work. Plus I'm married so it's not like I need to look my best.

Got me a good Eastern European farm girl wife.

I don't use foam... I just put the razor to work... Look, I don't have the time, okay?

Alright, thanks for the advice user!