I had my penis mutilated when I was a child. How can I get my foreskin back
I had my penis mutilated when I was a child. How can I get my foreskin back
Heared there's a foreskin dealer in the manlet pit...
Just rubberband a strip of bacon over the head, an added bonus is if you ever get hungry- you have a strip of bacon sitting in your shorts that you can just reach down and give a little nibble.
nah man, you gotta talk to the local ham beast shepherd. They've got all the extra skin hook ups
You can actually regrow your foreskin.
It is done through exercising (google tugging) or using "restoration devices".
I'm using tugging method #3 and my foreskin went from C3 to C5 already.
You can't. The nerve endings are gone forever. Curse your parents for birthing you in a religious hospital that does it automatically.
>tfw uncut
>could cut whenever i want
Your not missing much when I get an erection I can get my foreskin back so I'm thinking about getting cut.
>Stop fapping.
>Driving around.
>Feel knob turtle back into skin.
>pull over and readjust.
Stop doing that mayn!
Also hardest thing to do ever while driving and wearing skinny jeans.
If you grow it back you can count on getting denied at least a few times.
wait till it grows back kike
The absolute state of (((American))) """"women""""
i never understood why all americans are circumcised
are you really christians?
Many American women are grossed out by foreskin so i'm glad i'm cut. I recall an uncut kid in grade school getting picked on constantly. No reason to put your son through that.
people do it for cleanliness
Oh i think you know ((((((((why))))))))
You don't need to be circumcised to be Christian.
uncircumcised american here with phimosis. even with my fucked up dick I still don't wish I was cut.
this, being cut is a blessing
A nonprofit research group trying to use regenerative medicine to literally regrow human foreskins, nerve endings and all.
There's hope user.
I've "restored" mine.
Granted, I am the recipient of a botched circumcision, and have some gnarly looking scars on my junk as a result.
Had to have repeat surgery later around my 20's to make it less painful to get erections due to penile "skin bridges" (don't google it if you are faint of heart).
My "fauxskin" now covers up the scarring, so at least I don't have to look at it every time I shower, piss, change, and be reminded of the fact that I have spent my whole life from early childhood on knowing that my dick is permanently fucked up.
But now, my jingle jangle looks like nothing ever happened. Not sharing pics, because I don't want to get banned.
I have understandably strong feelings on the topic, but this is hardly the place for that, and not the place for a stupid flamewar.
It's been too played out.
I did it because I had strong convictions, and visceral reasons to do so. It took dedication.
enjoy ur covenant!
I am cut but I like it. I got it for medical reasons so it means I get to use the disabled bathroom because I'm an amputee.
who gives a shit about foreskin it doesn't even make a difference
It started to stop kids from jerking it but now its just kinda common place
Took me but a moment
I'm bored.
Anyone have any questions about all that?
>Getting your dick mutilated for religious reasons
Christians don't and should not be circumcised, Galatians 2:12 my goy.
make a post on /b/ about it and post pics
he's right you know, and to add on to that iirc the early congregation was encouraged to stop causing divisions with each other for being either cut or uncut because the mosaic law wasn't relevant after Christ's sacrifice
/intactmanhood/ here, I've never ever understood the cleanliness argument, is it based in truth at all?
Personally I've never ever had "smegma" (what the fuck is that shit anyway), even if I go on a camping trip or something and don't wash for day on end, my dick is still perfectly clean. The worst stuff that I ever find underneath my foreskin is the occasional pube and sometimes clothes lint depending on what I'm wearing and how much I'm moving around. Fuck, my dick has dick has never even smelled before, it's always just well moisturized and odorless, and I don't even pull the fucker back to wash it everytime I'm in the shower.
Isn't it supposed to be a relatively self cleaning, self lubricating organ? Does anybody actual have problems keeping their dick clean? Seems like that would have less to do with foreskin and more to do with being a disgusting fuck.
See > on /b/, I guess.