Perfect female body
Pics included


You have never seen a naked woman irl have you?

I could buy 30 women with better bodies than that within 15 minutes and it’s 4am

My apartment building is on fire. Already watched them pull out a dead old woman. I blame Veeky Forums for my lack of concern over this situation.

if she had a bit more ass though

post pics faggot



Yes they are perfect

I’m on the wrong side of the building. Can’t see fuck all.

If the boobs were smaller

your low test if you like ass user
mid section is where its at

Muscular Asians with big calves and perky tits

no way man, tit cows are best

only in america

>status: ruined

Big ass small boobs

I like her mid section plenty. She just needs to do a few more squats to balance things out is all


so a dude with klienfelter syndrome then?




Be realistic

Kelly Burgess


jesus that face is brutal



I think it's hot af

People aren’t born with tattoos you know
Also what’s with the recent hate on tattoos?


Sauce pls

They've been disliked by a fair amount of people here since I can remember.

is that a shoop? it kinda looks shooped

What does not being born with tattoo's have to do with anything?
Tattoo's ruin a woman in every sense of her being, they never make her more beautiful.

The point of the thread is body figure




That's not how you pluralize a word...

how can i get a girl like this as my findom


>Started nofap 2 days ago
>This thread



actual 10/10


Brehs how can she exist?

Who is this?

my friend from school... ;__;

and she’s nice too. Fuck me.

seems like a basic thot

trips of truth


I believe that is a tomato.

Sucks to be you

Tattoos are degenerate; even more so on women.

Absolute perfection.



