What exactly killed this board?

What exactly killed this board?

Why is it so slow?

the fat acceptance train pulled in and left with most of Veeky Forums

Maybe the /sig/?Think about it,if you are going to self-improve,you might as well stop visiting this site altogether.

Supermong leaving

Soyboys releasing estrogen across multiples threads like spore critters
No wonder we got taken over by tranny threads


fitness is a finite subject + Veeky Forums traffic may be getting low due to school/work schedules = No noobs to recycle beaten to death subjects.

The "Thicc" acceptance movement. Tumblr won

slow is better

>slow is better
This to be honest fampai, all the shit posters went to other boards, also there's one vegan containment thread everyday that keeps them busy

school exams, don't worry we'll have an influx over the summer and after new years

Sudden disappearance of the mong

First big exodus started with Fitocracy (2011). Since then there has been the consolidation of fitness discussion on other social media (ongoing trend), lack of familiarity among young people with web 1.0 type discussion boards (reduced renewal rate), the rise of a so called nofap movement (the occasional fellow used to promote eliminating porn use when this was also explicitly a health board and ED threads appeared; now there are perpetually several threads about not masturbating on the board at any time)...

The chad meme killed it.

Prove me wrong

Because everyone is actually working out

We need a new anonymous imageboard system with better capacities to give a new life to all communities.
The site and all boards are shells of what they were once.

Yeah that's also made an outsized contribution, as did manlet hate back in the day

If Mewing is legit though there will be a couple of jaw of the gods transformation stories in 2020 Veeky Forums

We can't do that any more than we can resurrect AIM. People's habits have changed too much, they use smartphones for surfing and communicating instead of the Veeky Forums-friendly desktop

If we ever get to the point where a huge proportion of the population is unemployed due to technological advances and there is some form of basic income, then Veeky Forums will rise again

I've noticed that mods bump dead threads to the front page also. Veeky Forums is shit enjoy your mewing you delusional fags.

>mods didn't do anything to stop shit like vegan general, fat acceptance general and all this nu-male shit
>no new funny memes post 2014
This was a huge thing, people stayed here mostly for the laugh and it happened that some of those people were knowledgeable about lifting and you got serious threads with good advice but when that went to shit.. well..
Also, there was a point in time, I think last year or 2015 when racial debates, /pol/ vs /left/ was so fucking spread on this board that 8/10 were
and boy was it fucking obnoxious, mods again did jack shit about it and people moved to other fitness related forums, even I lurk much less than before.
>manlet memes
This shit was funny for a few years but then there were again the same threads with the same fucking old stale jokes, what was even the point?

Come to finalchan.net

Sounds illegal

TInder threads keep getting deleted. They are objectively the best threads. I don't care about you opinion on them because they would get tons of replies and OC compared to any other thread on fit.

Beta leftist have no place on a board for high test men. They're the ones who keep posting traps. Do you think a strong, confident man who enjoys his own freedom would have girls with dicks saved on his pc?

this used to be a board about fitness and self improvement. recently it has turned into a fat fetish board debating about YT personalities and insecurities (manlet, hairlet, dicklet...) along with the usual r9k content. so this board has no point to exist any longer, it doesnt provide any information that isnt already in the sticky because all the people that actually lift have left a while ago or atleast most of them did.

>first page


Killed in which sense? Also "slow"? WTF, If there's a board that closes and opens threads fast it is Veeky Forums.

No scoobi

It's the cycle of Veeky Forums. During the first few months of the year Veeky Forums is at its most active. Throughout the year the amount of people here slowly die down, until the last months of the year when summer is gone, new year resolutions are far over already and only the people who actually lift or sticked to lifting remain. Best time of the year for Veeky Forums, january / february will be filled with "how do I get a body like this for summer" threads again

Vegan threads, boogie threads, bait threads, feels threads.

I've noticed other boards are slow as well.

Slow isn't bad but there's almost no actual knowledge based fitness discussion left. There's just an incredible amount of off-topic threads and bro-science opinions. There's an incredible amount of people that spout blatantly wrong info as if it was gospel while scientific articles that say the complete opposite exist. In the event that someone actually posts a paper to back up their opinion it's quite likely that they misinterpreted it.

It's not. Just a slower, higher discussion level chan.

/r9k/ and /pol/ migrants outnumber the original posting population

Fuck off back to /b/ where you belong. You don’t even have a gym membership do you?

The problem with this board is that most of the legit Veeky Forumsizens have left for other forums. What we have now are a minority of legit Veeky Forumsizens and about 80% shitposters from other containment boards who don’t even fitness or lift.

Real and legit posts are often ignored and slid by fucktards making their 1000th nofap or 800th tinder shitpost of the hour.

It won’t be long before Veeky Forums is just a “worksafe” version of /b/.

It’s because /pol/ now has /sig/, advertising us and then they start shitposting about all of the figures of Veeky Forums like zyzz, Scooby, And Rich Piana

the speed is slower than a year ago, but imo completely fine

super fast moving boards are a just terrible

this is for people who use Veeky Forums and also care about fitness. i think we all know why it's slow.

that's some serious willpower tho


1. Influx of /polr9k/ incels who spam their shitty worldview
2. Mods removing most fun threads, and turning it from a mini-/misc/ to a mini-r/fitness

An age of slowness has always done Veeky Forums well. Moot used to periodically shut down the front page and sometimes the site for a few days at a time to seperate the weak from the chads ( )

Our Gundam pilot in chief should do the same thing. Hiro, you know what to do.

You are literally part of the problem, buddeh.

I like it being slower, one of the reasons I never go on /b/ or /pol/ is because the threads all move too fast to get any kind of discussion going.

>Why is it so slow?
Ever been to /n/?

to be fair, fitness is pretty much a dead end now across youtube. even bb com forums are less active.

there is definitely a problem with renewal rate and lack of effort posters to create new threads. i feel like older posters still hang around but are either too jaded or have lost interest in the site. Younger users tend to congregate on pol and don't really get chan culture..

I do hope i can keep shitposting and getting lulz when im in my 30s here.

>fuck off back to /b/
>don't even have a gym membership
Literally what? I come to fit to learn how to be more alpha physically and socially. Stop projecting so hard. I can't believe my observation of how popular tinder threads are could booty blast someone this badly into typing that much.

This is news to me
How long has /sig/ been a thing on /pol/?

This encompasses exactly why the board is garbage now.
Just fucking read this shit, it's a constant flux of "muh left muh right muh numales muh alphas".

>mods didn't do anything to stop shit like vegan general

Why would they? Just because veganism triggers you doesn't mean it should be banned on a fitness/nutrition board.

>this board is slow
how fast do you want your boards? Have you ever been to any of the actually slow boards? There are threads that are over a year old on some boards.

This board has a good speed. Whether or not that means it has good posts is another issue but the speed is fine.

Just dug through their board, it is unfortunately.
>Hey I'm from pol I just wa-
No. Shut up. You have an entire board to discuss that boring shit, and believe it or not this is a great place without any of that. If you want to improve and be a board immigrants, oh irony- fine. but crossposting never had and never will make this site any better. Pol Iz wut id Iz cuz, but the problem is the shitposting everywhere else, not the content. I don't go tell ottists to start deadlifting their Miata and I don't tell biz to buy the bulk chicken. At least try to be vaguely respectful of the fact 99% of us essentially grew up together closing pools and chasing gets.

At the risk of sounding meta, I'd say this board needs a "lifting for anime" general.
I know this shit wouldn't fly on /a/ but hear me out.
Veeky Forums is one of the most divisive boards on the topic, and some terrible, hot opinions arise when the two sides get bored and shitpost.
Kind of like how /pol/ has /ptg/ I wish Veeky Forums would have /lfa/.
It wouldn't fix the speed of the board but that's not the point.
What are your criticisms?
I know there will be a problem with:
>waifu wars
>trolls trolling trolls
At the core of it, I just want to get more /a/nons lifting.

>At the core of it, I just want to get more /a/nons lifting.
Y tho
2d girls don't weigh anything

To be honest if you want genuine self improvement, leaving Veeky Forums altogether would be a good start

this board needs more cute anime girls desu

good luck getting /a/ to lift though senpai

They do though.
Ritsu is 5' tall and weighs 105 lbs.

I'm working on it.
Never said it would be easy.
Thanks Yui.

>2 dimensional
>0 volume
>weighs 48kg
this some metaphysics shit yo

feels thread were always around, newfaggot. You are right about the rest tho.

dis nigga got dat scalp braid clean af

Then how come the pain of them not being real is so heavy?
Checkmate normies.

>the pain of them not being real
>not metaphysics

Honestly the fat shaming being now as bad as being a racist, or the fact that we cant even say hey you should really work on your weight your killing your self" is now a hate crime and can be fired from jobs.

>How long has /sig/ been a thing on /pol/?

Maybe a few months ish but not for ages , i don't click on them myself but one is almost always up ,Pol is a very fast Board now

Vegan general is a fucking bait thread, every time. The OP always posts a bait image (related to non-vegans) with a post that ALWAYS mentions "meatcucks" or "meat-eaters" in some way. It has never been and, because vegans are such self righteous faggots will never be just a regular general like all of the others.

Veeky Forums isn't slow, it's just not as fast as the boards where all the literal children hang out like /b/, /pol/, and /vp/.

I'm going to let you in on a secret user.
Anons who are strong (physically, not metaphysically) can better protect their waifus and/or their smiles.
I am known to bully flat-chested girls and I can bench 3pl8s.
Do you think a sedentary, skinnyfat user will do much to deter me from bullying his waifu Megumin?

This. Veganism being cancer is only a secondary reason why it should be deleted

Found the meatmong.

Veeky Forums is perfectly fine on mobile though

Ive been trying to leave this shit hole for years, you can take vacations but your here forever user.

>t. Beta leftists

Summer ended

Fuck fat hate.

this board is shit

whenever somebody gains a decent amount of knowledge regarding physiology, lifting, fitness, they leave. Make a thread saying you lifted x in y amount of time (which would be on par with an athlete or a little faster than a normie) and people will come out of the woodwork berating you because they're stuck at a 150 lb bench after 2 years

it's just shitty people, (lifting wise). They're not strong, they don't look good, they're not even mediocre. The only decent people stay in your generals. I made a thread a while back about benching 225 pounds for reps after 6 months of training and got a shitstorm for it by people calling e-stat (LOL), obese, shit form, etc etc. This is not a place for serious lifting discussion and learning, it's a place for memes and only memes

Shitty people, shitty mods, shitty sip this can brand threads & look at my brand gym clothes threads are up for ages.

Anonymous board is starting to get old.

>no bayonetta

/pol/ is pro- Veeky Forums

Probably what the big thing is how negative it is here. People working out want motivation not "hurrr you're a gymcel you'll never be fit" from random strangers constantly when you ask a relevant question while >tfw no gf threads get a million replies.

I don't have a problem with a slow board, but the offtopic shit is killing me.
This place used to be about gym/working out plus some rare threads about amateur athletes and 1 or 2 threads about Zyzz, gym music and memes shitting on crossfit. Now it's all about tinder, beard (and other stuff) and youtube celebs.
I feel I'm the only one who still goes to the gym here. It looks like this board went from a place full of people who actually went to the gym/played sports discussing these subjects to a board with the fitness thematic but without the content.

It was dying slowly and then
>massive infux of /polr9k/
>no mods
causing a lot of the original userbase to go away
Glad to see many user ITT agree