/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Keep On Keepin On Edition

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I need more money. How do I become rich?

Bitcoin. Open up a wallet on Coinbase, drop 50 bucks each into bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin and watch your money grow.

Ok, this seems like the right place to ask this:
Just HOW do you get the time for physical exercises?
As part of my self improvement journey, I'd like to draw more (career choice, non negotiable), read more and eat better/exercise.
It goes basically like this:
>7:00 - wake up
>8:15 - go to work
>12:20 - leave for lunch
>13:35 - drive back to work
>18:00 - leave work
>19:40 - around this time I already had dinner and did the dishes.
>20:40 ~ 21:00 - brush teeth, fap, fuck around on the cellphone, take a shower...
>21:00 ~ 21:30 - art practice
>24:00 - go to sleep
So yeah, should I just become a higly efficient being with all my day carefully scheduled? Should I just drop the physical stuff?
Please respond

Nig, you get an hour for lunch?

That's all you need. Start packing lunch, a sandwich, handful of carrots, whatever. Spend that hour in the nearest park. Jog. I assume you work some cushy job where you wear dress shirts and do a business, so you probably can't afford to work up a sweat, but a brisk walk is better than nothing.

Why do you work that much? Is it some kind of passion you're following?
Else I'd ditch that and get something either with more spare time or more fulfilling.

There is a place where I could exercise like this, but at this time, the sun is directly above me, I would sweat anyways. And I'm somewhat skinny, the best option would be a gym, right? Either that or those exercises one can do at home with their own body weight.

If you go to sleep earlier you can get up earlier and do it before work.
Also there are gaps between 19:40-20:40 and 21:30 to 00:00. What do you do there? If it's watching tv or shitposting, there is time for you to workout.

I wrote the time like a retard there. I meant this:
>19:40 to 21:00: brush teeth, fap, fuck around on the cellphone, take a shower...
>from 21:00 till bed time I draw.
It varies a bit everyday, but it is roughly like this.

And yeah, I'm starting to think that. I'll see if I can arrange some kind of expedient reduction with proportional salary.

>Studying going well, passed another exam
>Gym going well, making gains
>relationship going well, gf and I are happy

But I keep failing at nofap, any tips?

I'm in a similar situation. What I do is wake an hour earlier just to draw, going straight to the gym after work. By 20:30 I'm already at home, have dinner, fap etc... Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00.

easy user!!

find a fucking gym near your workplace that open 7:00am in the morning an go there before work

>6:00am woke up and eat someting
>6:30am drive to the gym
>8:00am go to shower and groom yourself
>8:30am drive to work
>normal life

this way you will elude traffic and be happier al the day

Don't do whatever you are doing just before you fap

Have just about the same work hours, due to being a wageslave. Its possible.

>6:30 - wake up
45 min:
30 min - roll in a bed trying to wake up
5 min - go to toilet, wash hands, face, brush teeth
5 min - eat something fast, 1 cup generic protein, simple vitamines, 2 slices of bread, 2 slices of sausage (what is a proper english world for кoлбaca/wurst?)
5 min - throw dried up gym cloth, water, lunch in a bag, dress up
>7:15 - go to work
45 min:
10 min - walk
30 min - public transportation (exercise on duolingo or meditate/sleep, depending on the mood)
5 min - walk
>8:00 - 12:00 work
>12:00 - lunch +-30 min, some duo
eat half of a prepped at home lunch, with some fruits and bread from nearest shop
>13:00 - back to work +-30 min
>17:00 - leave work, eat another half of lunch, fruits, bread half an hour before.

on monday, wednesday, friday gym is scheduled at 20:00-22:00
17:00-19:00 fuck around at work
17:00-18:00 get home, study on the way
18:00-19:00 sleep

19:00-20:00 get to gym
20:00-22:00 gym, +-30min sometimes for aftertraining stretches and drills, shower/wipe dry
22:00-23:00 get home, buy some food in store on the way
3 sets of 15 min for gym cloth in washing mashine, then hang it for air dry
at the same time
15 min shower, 45 min make some meal
00:00-01:00 eat, pack a lunch, do some home stuff (no internet or any screens, it fucks up sleep)
01:00-06:30 try to sleep

on tuesday, thursday gym is at 19:00-20:30 so I either hang at work or get to the mats early for some warm up drills, as a bonus get home a full hour earlier

Worst part schedule is pretty tight, so sometimes I drop off a day at gym for a sleep.
Best part is gym time and 00:00-01:00 time feels damn good.

how long have you gone?

Кoлбaca = sausage you gopnik. But we also have kielbasa which is polish sausage or some shit. It comes in a horse shoe shape in American grocery stores

Hahah, what? This looks pretty straight forward, how about.
>21:00 ~ 21:30 - art practice
>22:00 ~ 23:00 - exercise and shower
>24:00 - go to sleep
Or go to sleep earlier and.
>6:00 - 7:00 - wake up, exercise and shower.

I go to the gym on my lunch

How do you brehs keep yourself motivated after reaching the "made it" stage?
>decent physique built through years of consistent training and diet
>fit gf who worships me and has multiple orgasms with me every other night
>stable job with good income, place to live and a car
>noporn and nofap
>no energy and motivation to move forward and work harder because already have everything I've ever wanted
>feel satisfied but apathetic every day
What do? How does one find new genuine goal in life and a desire to live?

you sound very pretentious

>mfw I permanently deleted all my steam games a week ago and have only spent my new free time browsing Veeky Forums
I guess it's slightly better

Maybe. But the point I tried to make is that ">tfw no gf" and "to make it" memes lure clueless anons into the trap of vain and shallow existence, the same way it happened to me. There's really nothing much on the other side of making it spectrum, and I would suggest other aspiring fitizens to aim at higher goals.

Finishing off one last assignment this semester and then using the next few weeks to craft a self-improvement regimen. I'm considering adding meditation, pranic breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, intermittent fasting, And a whole bunch of other stuff.

Similar story here
> "decent" body after year and a half of lifting
> fit gf, good relationship
> good degree

I just maintain, lift 2/3 times a week, use the spare time of a lower gym frequency by finding other hobbies (fit related : beeing a rider, running..., not fit related : IT, reading...)

I made quite some friends this semester. It has been tough making friends after high school. Also trying to keep in touch with old friends. Already visited two of them and next weekend visiting another.

What degree, I don't know what the fuck to go in. I'm interested in business, politics, economics, computer science and statistics.


I need help friends. How do i stop being so resentful and bottling up my feelings?

Maybe you should try embracing some kind of spirituality

>fix forward head posture
>now my back hurts everyday

Pull ups, my friend.

I registered for school today

I think I'm gonna make it

Goals don’t make people happy. In fact I think people who naturally set and reach goals become more unhappy when they reach that plateau. You’re finding that material and worldly accomplishments are not fulfilling and do not bring about happiness, despite what everyone around you in society says. It sucks but it’s true. You need to find a way to derive true happiness and satisfaction out of life. Good luck man.

How do I stay focused in my studies and life? I've used site locking apps and my own self control, but I just end up breaking. I've tired to stay focus and I've tried to tell myself that I am improving myself for my family, but I will still break, get distracted and end up taking forever to do my work.

I always get it done, but it just takes me a while to get started.

I second this. Look into Buddhism. It worked for me.


>no links
>no pastebin
>nothing at all
you call this a general? Fuck improving yourself - get this absolute piece of shit thread up to standard.

>But I keep failing at nofap
>gf and I are happy
I think you know the solution to your problem

do you not have any actual ambition? Dont you want to either have a family, go live somewhere else or have a good career? Learn some new skill or something.
Stop being such a faggot as well.

>fix forward head posture
>neck no longer hurts

Got a job offer at diff company, increase in salary + responsabilities, but wouldn't let me much spare time for lifting and hanging out with gf.

Should I go for it /fit?

Post the links and pastebin and I'll post it next time. Last time someone berated me and gave me a link to post it was blank.

Only go for business if you are going to TOP uni with the objective to Network from day one. Still, choose something that interests you.

Bros i unironically believe in no sex before marriage, its hard as fuck to find/make a girl thats into this

>tfw I found a nice catholic girl last year who would wear the mantilla and i asked her to study and pussied out
>tfw being a college football player/bouncer and seeing idiot thots everywhere who try to hookup

what the fuck do i do, i have thought of a monastic calling in the woods to a path of monkhood but i would be doing it to get away from people not for god

Just got my deadlift up to 130! I know it's small time, but I'm hella happy about it. I am seeing improvement in all my lifts, and even in my running.

We're all gonna make it.

My gf left me becuase I let myself go so much and basically refused to lose weight and get into better career. She said I was wasting my potential and she is done enabling me. So I’m basically working on everything. Diet and exercise and looking for a better job. Is it too late to win her back bros?

I'm a girl that doesn't believe in sex before marriage. They're out there, don't worry. You can email me if you want, [email protected]

Have 2 major injuries so I thought it would be a good idea to invest more time in studying. Bombed 3 tests so far and feel like shit.
I can't stand it when work doesn't pay off. Now I'm not even motivated anymore to study the other subjects


10/10 post

your going to bed too late and waking not early enough change your wake up to 6am and your bed time to 10pm

6am wake up
630 gym
730 breakfast
8 shower/fap combo
8:15 leave for work
1220 lunch /art practise
1800 leave work
1940 dinner reveiw of day maintain? imprvove? fix
8free time
10 bed.

How do I attract good girls?

Ive been doing speed dating (its great to practice talking to girls and you get to meet a lot of girls who either a bit socially awkward, dont have friends or go out much)

I just dont seem attractive to them. The only girls that seem to like me are redneck or braindead or borderline alcoholics and are generally full of themselves. How do I attract the shy smart girls?

Is there a guide on which exchange to buy from and which wallet to use?

Ive looked into it in the past and its been confusing. Also I hear a lot of people get their wallets hacked fairly often

go to church

this is why i personally tend to set my goals so impossibly high i will never reach them, that way i stay hungry, progress is happiness to me, whether it is through gains, studies or growing my network, i always strive to improve

become smart yourself, go into higher education, build yourself up and the girls come on their own

church is place for praying, not hooking up with gains goblins
t. atheist, who had been going to church daily for better part of his life

im already a mechanical engineer

that hasnt worked for me yet

from my experience just go to a different place where you only study (eg : uni library). The motion of your body physically moving here will help your mind transition into study mode

t. someone who used plenty of locking apps and still had low self control

>What are you working on today to self improve?
Well, I was supposed to be getting some homework done ahead of schedule, but I got caught up on this season of The Flash and played a li'l TF2 instead.
So I kinda fucked it there.

>What are some obstacles you have along the way?
With respect to today, the nagging thought of "Don't worry about it, it's not due for another WEEK."
Overall, money's tight and I have to drop one of my courses this semester. On the plus side of the latter, I was taking it a year early, so I'm not set back, but it still hurts.

Yeah man, gotta go with this.

How are you failing nofap if you and your gf are happy? Is your sex life dying? What the shit man.

>[email protected]
Dude. Why on earth would you invite such horrible things on yourself?

It's not

>first year at uni
>grades are doing well so far, taking it serious and slightly enjoying it


>inconsistently going to the gym
>not eating healthy as I should be
>still having trouble talking to people
>still no gf...

it's so weird. when I talk to people it just seems like they don't enjoy talking to me. I don't know if its all in my head because they talk back, or they talk back because they feel bad

how do I love myself Veeky Forums, when I have so many flaws?

>how do I love myself Veeky Forums
>tfw I came here to ask that same question

It's tough user. Don't try to get into other people's heads. Just remember most of the paranoid and neurotic thoughts in your head about how other people perceive you are probably not true. Everyone is worried about their own problems. Would highly recommend meditation. It's helped me with that stuff a lot recently as well as just helping me think clearly and feel calm and stoic.

As far as conversation goes, I would take a page out of Dale Carnegie's book. I don't agree with everything in How to Win Friends & Influence People, there's tons of hyperbolic anecdotes and I'm not a fan of the workplace paradigm, but there is some merit to the basic principles in the book.

Ask a lot of questions about the other person.
Find out their interests and discuss them. If someone thinks you are interested in them, they may be willing to reciprocate and ask you questions about yourself. I try not to talk about myself or my experiences unless the other person asks. Also, use people's names a lot. Acknowledging someone's identity will make them feel special and respected, and maybe they'll start using your name some more, even if it's only out of embarrassment of not knowing your name.

Above all else, be patient and disciplined. I just hope I don't off myself before I see the fruits of my labor.

Okay, so I started nofap a week ago.
My sexdrive is back again, thought I had lost it after my last breakup. I have more energy, feel manlier and actually talk to girls again.

But I've heard that after two weeks testosterone levels start going down. Is that true? Should I just go 2weeks-fap-2weeks-fap and so on?

Also, is going to the gym 3 times a week (2 hours every session) enough to make any progress? I train mostly for personal satisfaction but I wouldn't mind looking good as well.

You need to meditate and do cardio. Trust me. It will help with this shit so much.

Meditate 20 minutes, every morning. For a week. You will catch the bug and realize how much better it makes your life.
Same with cardio, if you don't it already. It is known to cure depression. Cardio>weightlifting for emotional issues.

Just look into some basic progressive overload, nutrition and apply proper form. Read the sticky, obviously. But those are the 3 main ones.

If you're going to the gym for two hours and only lifting, you're not working hard enough. You should be fucking exhausted after 45 minutes of lifting.

Big compound lifts are what matter, but isolation does help. Especially with chest, upper chest is how you get a strong chest in the beginning. Just make sure you strengthen your lats accordingly, too much upper chest and you will get rounded shoulders.

Nofap is good because dopamine. You're addicted to sex. Try going a few months without fapping and sex, you should seem improvements. In my opinion it's good just because it is another discipline and really good for the prostate.Some yogi religions talk about the nofap and kundalini shit.

if everything is working well, maybe fapping isnt a problem

Not him, but how do you work cardio in with a 3day a week novice program? And i have been meditating for a few months but cant stay focused on my breathing for more than a minute. Any tips?

Any help here?
>surgery in 2 weeks
>progress with autodidact studies well, 2-3 hours a day after work
>will probably work and study in the hospital
>cannot lost my excess weight of 3-5 kilos, too hard to fast nowadays
>wanna go back to uni but I fear that a) I am paying for bullshit indoctrination b) I will fail

I want to study psychology, as i am interested in it. Also 26, have no skills except language. I learn anything but math related stuff easy as hell. Any tips how not to fucking kill myself at 30?

Don't force yourself, also visualization helps, try counting your breaths, 1-2-3-1-2-3 etc. Slow and steady. Which technique do you do?

I just use the one where you focus on sensations going through your nose when you breathe in or out. Ill try counting my breaths, thanks for the advice

another week another i'll go to the gym tomorrow day

i'll never make it :(

Don't count. You want to be mindful of your breath. Don't get upset when you lose track. The real point is to sit still and not do anything, to let thoughts arise, notice them and return to focusing on the present moment and your breathing.

Focus more on the belly when you breathe and just say "rising and falling" in correlation with your breath. I go to a zazen monestary every weekend.

You're suppossed to lose track of the breath, the thoughts arising and interupting is the point.
Do more reading and continue the practice.

3 day program is simple.
Monday weights, tuesday cardio, wednesday weights, thursday cardio, friday weights.
Cardio doesn't have to be terrible, I just chill on the treadmill and I'm down 15 pounds.

Okay, ill try this

Doesnt your body need those rest days to recover from lifting?

All this shit is a meme.

You guys need to find that one bro you respect, and don't want to lose to, who also feels the same way about you.

I have never been more consistent with the gym, and neither has he. We're both gonna make it.

But got damn it I WILL make it FIRST.

I have a three day routine with a friend of mine who's been going to the gym for three years. I can keep up with him with everything except jogging, but that might be because of cigarettes. I row (is that how it's written in English?) instead.

After 45 minutes I'm dead, I always push myself to the edge. My arms are still shaking when I hold something after yesterday.

Should I stop drinking beer completely? I drink a couple of pints every Friday.
What about different alcohol, such as vodka or gin? There's no running away from it, I'm a slav and all my friends drink.
Also do cigarettes fuck up the gains?

Take all those questions

Set aside a bit of time

and use google


im doing reddit bodyweight fitness beginner thing and im weak as fuck lmao can't do one proper pushup

currently can only do inclines on stairs goddamn, at least I can hold a normal plank for a minute now

guys, i need hobbies. i need a proper response to the question "so what do you do for fun?" so,

>what do you guys do for fun?

besides lifting and wasting your life on the internet; i've got those two covered

fuck your girlfriend

>dropped out of school
>started a hedge fund
>ketogenic diet
>working out every other day
>success at work
>clear and driven focus in my life
>body looking like as Greek statue

>tfw no gf

What good is aiming for perfection when you can't share it with a cute girl?

I haven't made a new friend in years. I'm constantly lonely. Good for you man

Saying something and counting is for the same puprose, I would say both work. You concentrate on the actipn or hought of speech or counting then as you have become familiar with your breathing you ease into it. Of course it takes time, but the principle is the same.


studying control systems for an exam soon. The lecturer and the course aren't helpful at all.

>lecture gives out a problem in powerpoint slides
>magically comes out with a value, which is the first and important step to solving the system
>ask how he calculated the value
>he replies that it's in the text book
>textbook uses MatLab to find the value
>Matlab isn't allowed in the exam

fuck this.

>be manlet
Should I hang, swim and sleep more?

>Any tips how not to fucking kill myself at 30?
Don't get a degree in psychology when you don't have the life experience to back it up. Nobody will take you seriously unless you have a plan where your life experience is irrelevant.

How old are you user?

What life experience are you referring to?
I have been working since I am 17, had 25 surgeries, been through clinical depression. Or what would be considered relevant life experience in your book?

Of course it is too late, but she did you a huge favor.

whats wrong with any of these things?

simple fax on height:
>the vast majority of men gain less than an inch in height after their 18th birthday. many are already done growing by this point
>the rare outliers may find they have 1-2" to go, and generally are very late bloomers and/or have a family history of later growth spurts
>virtually everyone is doing growing by 23 or 24
>as long as you're eating a balanced diet, getting a healthy amount of sleep, and exercising with some regularity, you're doing fine w.r.t. height potential
>past that, anything short of pinning HGH before your plates close or flying to china for leg-lengthening surgery is a meme

Nothing apart from the subreddits.


Computer science will get you the highest paid jobs out of all of those