Does Veeky Forums drink alcohol?
Students are exempt from this. I'm thinking of people who have left college/university.
Does Veeky Forums drink alcohol?
Students are exempt from this. I'm thinking of people who have left college/university.
Rarely. Might have a beer or some whiskey once in a blue moon.
Yeah, used to be able to drink when i was 16-18 without caring. Now I get fucking schizo the days after thinking about all the shit i did drunk.
Went to a halloween party last friday and fuck me, I still feel hungover and cringe on how i acted (i went blackout drunk without womiting).
Considering never going to parties because I can't control alcohol around others, as soon as im drunk i just keep on drinking til i wake up.
i'm 21 and i don't drink
No, it tastes disgusting
Not anymore. Had to quit. 5 months strong come next Monday.
Thing is I don't feel any better. I've noticed 0 differences in my life, aside from less hangovers.
Are you by any chance a girl or a 14 year old?
Love a blue moon or a Stowford press
How can you not
oh god I have totally the same experience.
probably too much, do other stuff like mandy/charlie occasionally.
I disagree
I drink alcohol to help sleep while taking tren.
This is healthy and an extremely good idea.
Just wish I could get some pot which I understand works better than anything, but I don't hang out with people who use drugs so I don't know how to get any.
Other than that I got super drunk Sat and my friends wife convinced her to go to the strip club with us. Friend was rubbing all over me and I angled for a 3 way but wife nixed it even though friend agreed.
Friend was married. Wife saved 2 marriages that day most likely. Also forgave me for rubbing friends ass at strip club. Would have been so fun but bad concequences.
Fucking this
I usually try to limit my drinking to maybe a couple shots or a few beers if I'm at a party but, it almost never works
Not anymore, was a full blown alcy for a long time. Still miss it constantly.
Mandy? Charlie?
MDMA and cocaine
not at the same time obviously
used to binge drink, but not anymore, alcohol is a drug that in high doses turns people into jerks
Not often. It's not something worth over indulging in, but there's no harm in enjoying a drink once in a while.
Usually if I have too much to drink I feel depressed as shit very quickly so I don't get drunk often at all. Any other anons get that? Cos it's weird lmao
Yeah just wanted to kill myself last time I drank
Feels be with you brothers.
This fucking curse is tearing me apart from obtaining my social goals.
Wew lad that's intense. Not had that ever, what were the circumstances?
How much, with friends??
I have a beer or two about once a month I've never been a huge fan of drinking
South Slavic genes have given me an exceptional tolerance to alcohol and exceptional natural testosterone levels (sometimes life deals you the good cards). Back in the day, I could easily outdrink anyone. I've never, ever blacked out.
However, too much alcohol kills the gains and fucks with sleep. And I love my sleep.
I may have a beer here or there nowadays, or maybe a glass of wine with the miss. But I'm over getting shit-faced.
Drinking is up to you, but I've found the following:
>Getting too drunk just sucks
>Typically people get shit-faced with people who aren't even their real friends
>Most people suck anyway
>Getting drunk often is a waste of time
I'm a binge drinker on weekends and it really does not help losing weight.
Vodka soda
No damage. I do a single in a double glass
I think off and on is a good way.
You have a lot of angles to consider, two of my most important ones are:
1. Fitness
2. Morality
Alcohol has some pretty undesirable effects on your body. Not only does it decrease testosterone it affects hormonal output.
...Look, we're not blazing any new trails about alcohol here. This stuff has been on Veeky Forums forever now.
The moral point of this is about handling your shit. You're not expected to be a paragon of society or a member of the church who is in good standing. If you're a high powered exec making a six figure salary but you're a blackout drunk, you aren't handling your shit. One of the most successful guys I know is also a blackout drunk who recently crashed his very expensive power boat into a dock.
Now, this isn't saying you can't partake in a drink every once in a while, of course, but don't make a habit of it. Even once a week is too much. Cut it back to once every couple months or longer.
Used to a fair bit but the further into my lifting journey ive got the less it interests me. Ill drink excessivly maybe twice a month sometimes not even. Much perfer to be in the gym
Fuck you. People like you are ruining this fucking country, turning it into a god damned cucktry. He didn't ask for your fucking announcement that you're not drinking, his post was specifically geared toward people that do drink. You could have just said "oh, my opinion isn't relevant here..." and move on to /mlp/ where you belong, but no. Mommy and Daddy gave you a trophy for sitting on the shitter so here you are with your delusional self worth with an announcement that does nothing for anyone and it doesn't even add to the conversation. Here's your participation trophy you vegan-ish douchnozzle.
Nowadays I only drink at home, after drinking at a party the next day anxiety and paranoia hits me so hard its literally not worth it
Yeah I enjoy getting drunk every now and then, I don't really waste calories having just one or two drinks. When I drink it's to party.
Nothing wrong with it if you're sensible.
>some fucking teenager actually typed all this out in the belief people would read it and imagine him as the Marlboro man or something
fuck I hate this place sometimes
>are ruinning this fucking country
i'm not american
Once a month. I have a cheat meal every week, and every 4 weeks it's beer
>He didn't ask for your fucking announcement
>"does Veeky Forums drink?"
fuckin spastic
I have a nice beer with my dinner everyday.
fucking degenerate alcoholic,kys.
i get drunk about 1-2 times a month with my gf just to spice things up. shit gives me heartburn tho
I only get drunk on special occasions now but I do enjoy a beer or two during the hockey/baseball game. hangovers are becoming unbearable and I miss the gym for multiple days.
t. 26 y/o who partied way too hard in Uni
Partied like a fukkin animal at school, but at 30 shit-facings are a twice-a-year occasion and I might have a couple beers when going out. I never imagined that I'd get to this point but the hangovers and responsibilities take over.
havent in a while to save money, but I used to have wine with dinner, or whiskey w/ ice to relax after a stressful day
Not religious
Not a drop
I do, more than i'd like. Getting really drunk is a once a month thing now (compared to once or twice a week a few years ago). But having a few beers/whiskies here and there with friends is still common.
I sometimes wonder how lean/muscular i'd be if i didn't put myself over my tdee so regularly by drinking.
Oh well i'll just cut for two weeks longer.
T. 28 and hangovers are getting a tad brutal
I don't drink, but kind of want to because going to parties really just kind of sucks when you're not drinking. I have no friends despite making efforts to put myself out there.
At the same time though, I know I probably won't start because I know I'd just be giving into the culture of drinking just to fit in and feel cool.
I guess I'll just stick to drinking water and being alone like usual.
Good taste
i have periods where i get wasted every second day, then i follow these periods with a few weeks of break where i just chill and lift and study
Of course I drink alcohol because I'm not a fucking faggot
jk my dudes, I just like it too much to stop entirely.
Once in a while. And only a pint of guinness most of the time.
That's literally the definition of alcoholism you idiot
Are you me, shit.
On top of that, I've had several people tell me they like me better when I'm drunk. That definitely exacerbated my problem.
Last saturday:
-Half a bottle white wine
-Smoked an entire hookah by myself with two Coronas
-1 jack & coke
-2 more beer
Got home, smoked weed. Then passed out on the bathroom floor for 20 mins, getting up every now an then to vomit.
Fuck :/ I don't like this
I drink quite a bit, especially in the summer. My GF and I like to party quite a bit. We also drink casually a few times a week.
I'd like to cut back a bit, and will eventually. I'm doing pretty well with my life though. Lots of friends, good job, just bought a house.
I drink liquor all the time usually in cocktail form around meals but I don't drink to get drunk so there it is folks, the easy way to stay classy.
Lightweight babaaaaay
Counting isn't cool, user