Post Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Post Veeky Forums memes you fell for
imagine actually getting memed into putting a bar on your back and bending your knees 3x a week when you just wanted to look good
>squats make you look good
Calories in < Calories out
>deadlift, they said
>it won't make you tired, they said
heem sleepy
Let’s see
Take your pick.
Squats are my favorite lift. Stay low-test
same they're a great butt exercise
girl here btw
>not having a 1RM BB set up in front of your bed so you can fall asleep immediately
looks like 545 from a sizeable deficit, great deadlift
not sure why he didn't just crouch down when his vision started fading out, usually what i do when i almost go out
do hip thrusts they come without enlarging your quads
except if you want to attract gay men or sth, then keep doing squats
>legs.exe has stopped responding
>Shutting down..
Low test
Sniffing braps
Its not a meme though
why is this so fucking funny
I just brace myself on the rack. Maybe it was his first time?
i've been dumb enough to deadlift heavy on an empty stomach before so now i have my passing out technique down
I just started passing out a week or two ago, I think it's because I have an "incomplete right bundle-branch block" from when I was a distance runner that's coming back now that I'm getting more in shape.
whats the meme?
Bulking. Looked like shit, never again.
Barbell back squats
counting the bar
>dyel? GOMAD
>fat? GOMAD
>skinnyfat? GOMAD
Said the non lifter so he feels like he's part of the group
Took me a while to cut down then recomp.
Too much volume will overtrain you.
There's a such thing as "intermidiates"
It's not that funny
This desu senpai
i'm seriously starting to think that you can train the same muscle group multiple days in a row without any negative effects.
Fasting. mewing and no shampoo are not a meme, they're just not going to work for everyone.
100% this. Unless you're a turbo skeleton or a very advanced lifter be it srongman, powerlifts or Olympic you don't need to bulk.
That's probably because you are
A - juicing
B - a faggot
C - all of the above
maybe you just unironically have low test
idk about this. I go savage during my workouts so i'm usually still sore for 2-3 days after a good lift.
am i low t?
More test in a single one of my pubes than your whole body.
i'm not saying i don't get sore ever i sometimes do but i'm doing abs and delts monday tuesday thursday friday and i see gains.
delts recover quick and can handle tons of volume
try the same thing with hamstrings
then you should have no problem working out everyday you dyel fuck.
>abs and delts 24/7
you sound like a dyel faggot, try the same heavy compound every day and let us know how that works out for you
Work out everyday
U aren't lifting hard enough
>compounds will fix your lagging muscle groups
>compounds are all the ab training you need
>naturals should bulk
>beginners can focus on both putting more weight on the bar every workout & concentrate on form
Mewing isn't a meme if you are a longtime mouth breather. After six months of mewing my jawline significantly improved.
>no poo
I don’t believe anyone actually does this
Tooooop keeeek
He's almost certainly dead isn't he
Fell hard for the /sip/ meme
Used to drink only water and coffee, now it's water coffe AND sips
Bought my first 24 pack last week, feels good
never heard of this
"Lean bulking"
Utter waste of time.
Made me work abs from laughing, thanks user
why would anyone not want to enlarge their quads
>do u even fitness? XD
Why should beginners refrain from putting more weight on the bar? Why shouldn't naturals bulk?
Lurk more
only way to progress without getting fat
250 calorie surplus for life.
top zozzle
Beginners SHOULD focus on putting more weight on the bar tho. Wtf you wanna do? You can't lift jack shit. You think you will get muscular by lateral raising 15lbs dumbbells and curling 20? You will just waste your time and then you start worrying about compounds and progression, because you realize you are complete DYEL after a first 6months, just like I did.
Curreny on NoFap, NoShampoo, NoPillow, NoPoo, NoHouse, NoFemales, and NoWalk
Seeing mad gains, test levels through the roof
>3x a week
nigga I do that shit every day
>you have to be careful not to overtrain
Unless you are some olympic athlete that does nothing but train, then overtraining most likely isn't going to be much of an issue unless you have a completely stupid and absurd program.
On PPL, brosplits etc you are not going to have an issue with overtraining.
Even if you're not a beginner but you haven't lifted in a while you should be doing a starter progression program to get yourself where you need to be properly before you start chasing asthetics or whatever your goal is.
I've always heard it called "clean bulking" as in taking extra calories without just eating shitty processed food and drinking soda.
>Compounds will fix lagging muscle groups
You can build balanced musculature with 8 compound movements
>Compound for abs
Which compounds? There are several which allow for direct ab/oblique work
>Naturals should bulk
As a natural begginer, if you are managing stress, sleeping right, eating right, and training properly, you can gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Also you should be expected to gain 20lbs of muscle in the first year, which requires bulking.
>Focus on form and adding weight to the bar
This is what I agree with, you should focus on lightweight baby with whatever it takes form, it helps you get past failure, which is the only range which will stimulate mitochondiral growth, which causes muscle growth
>Dead Lift
This, is there anything wrong with adding some isolations at the end of your workout if you feel like it?
Is NoPoo no shampoo or literally don't take shits?
Also, fell for this hard
No shampoo. Don't confuse it for no pooping unless you want to die.
>implying it's not nice to have wheels of fire on the beach
So you want to gain muscle without eating a calorie surplus? Bulking doesn't mean you have to eat 1k calories too much everyday.
I'm utterly terrified of DLs precisely due to this... I still do them but only with babbyweights
works fine for a beginner, which is to say ~the first year
lad you look terrible other than your legs
don't worry he is in wheelchair
Can still do curls
that fuckin hair lOL
>falling for a meme that no one promotes
Time to register for (mental) disability, user.
is NoShampoo a meme? I haven't had shampoo touch my hair in probably 3 months at this point and it feels pretty great.
I'm also six days into nofap but I got action on two of those days so not sure if it counts
what the fuck? how does that happen? did he just shatter his spine from doing diddlies?
Maybe the fall broke his spine? He looked like he just passed out and fell bad.
I tried doing no shampoo but my scalp somehow manages to be excessively oily and dry at the same time when I do.
Yeah, pretty sure it was the fall
true, guess that makes sense. it looked like the spine shattering was what made him pass out.
how long did you do it for? there's probably going to be a period where your body adjusts especially if you were a daily shampooer before
no, he passed out and landed on the bar
you don't slowly get lightheaded and fall down after an injury like breaking your fucking back
A couple weeks. I gave in and just washed my hair after that.
Not directly.
The L1 vertebra has a banana shape hollow.That is not new/trauma. That has been erosion from the inside.
As here He got dizzy and when he fell notice the whiplash of the neck, head and upper torso. That's when the hollow got deeper/wider and enabled the fracture to be "almost" clean cut..even the spine of the vertebra and the vestige (the tooth-fragment-like) left behind.
paravertebral muscles most likely torn. Sensitive and motor functions are gone forever from the waist down. Can be severe if it touched the spinal cord.
He probably thought that he had a healthy lifestyle and so on. But he was wrong.
>that badly photoshopped x-ray
Jesus Christ I don’t think I’ve ever associated with stupider people than Veeky Forumsizens.
> an xray looks like that
> a broken spine looks like that
> you can break your spine in that drastic way and still stand up
dont believe everything on the internet
If I'm a beginner (3 months), and like you said I'm lifting pussy amounts, about 70-80% of my 1RM (which is still pitiful), is there even a point eating a caloric surplus. Can I get bigger if I'm not putting increasingly more weight on the bar.
how exactly did you function
What about energydrinks ? please elaborate
You do x-ray to Emergency like that
>is like you are not even in med school
The muscles that Ive trained are always very sore 2-3 days after the workout. Is this normal? Most of my bros are usually one day after just a little bit sore.
This triggers the faplets and jawlets
I started doing NoShampoo like 3 years ago when I saw it on Veeky Forums
It works just fine.
Is that Varg?
it's fine but it doesn't work for everyone, I couldn't do it